Chapter 173 Changes in No. 18
"Just like that, you still say that you haven't been affected, No. 18."

Mirai Hyuga shook his head after inspection. Originally, the core program of No. 18 was just a data stream, and the carrier could be changed at any time, but now under the influence of Starstone Chakra, there has been a reaction of yin and yang escape on the carrier of No. 18.

After self-replacing the bio-nano components on the 18th, she is now [-]% similar to the existence of the 'tailed beast'.

In other words, Hinata Mirai can seal No. 18 in his own body through sealing techniques, and he can also use the energy of No. 18 to fight for himself, such as thermal cannons and electronic cannons. can be used.

"I don't think this is a bad thing, sir; in fact, I have kept multiple data samples. Even if the main body is exposed, the core program will not be easily destroyed."

No. 18 is now equivalent to Payne, and can be transferred to another body at will, but the main body has a starstone energy furnace, so it is best not to give up if you can.

Hyuga Mirai shook his head: "I still need to study your situation, but don't hide anything from me in the future."

"Understood, sir."

After finishing speaking on the 18th, without receiving the next order from Hinata Mirai, he left here with a guilty conscience.

Hinata Mirai also felt a little troublesome about this matter. The reason for the fundamental change from an artificial intelligence to an artificial life body was the star stone; program, and then the creation is filled by yin and yang escape.

It's just that the Sage of the Six Paths took the initiative to create life, and Hinata Mirai used the star stone chakra to create the new life body No. 18 without knowing it.

"However, to be able to use the accumulation of chakra to complete the creation of life that is close to yin and yang escape, it is certain that the star stone should have something to do with the ten tails, otherwise ordinary chakra would not have this function at all."

Only the chakra of the ten tails can complete the advanced transformation of Yin and Yang escape without being driven by anyone.

No wonder No. 18 has been openly and secretly opposing him to use the energy of chakra to create a new intelligent mechanical assistant. Now think about it, the complete intelligent program, plus the chakra mixed with mental energy and physical energy, may sooner or later have a chance to transform into the existence of intelligent life forms.

When using chakra to create an intelligent mechanical assistant, it is no different from creating intelligent life; if Hyuga Mirai has a six-level yin and yang escape, then when injecting yin and yang escape chakra, it should be equivalent to the last step in creating life.

Now No. 18 has only evolved into an artificial life form, just like Kyuubi, and has no intention of destroying human beings like the Terminator, and is still loyal to Hyuga Mirai.

To improve, Hinata Mirai doesn't have this ability for the time being, and he doesn't want to suppress No. 18; he has been helping himself with 90.00% of the affairs. Without No. 18, Hinata Mirai would not be able to practice steadily, and willfully order some very difficult tasks. Task.

However, laissez-faire is not enough. After thinking about it, Hinata Mirai decided to check the number 18 every once in a while.

After making the decision, Hinata Mirai was going to use the technique of spiritual avatar to absorb pupil power.

Strength is the foundation of his foothold in the ninja world. Without strong strength, the threat of the Otsutsuki clan cannot be resolved.

The technique of spiritualization has the ability to absorb chakra, and the separated spiritual avatar also contains this ability. With the Yin escape chakra as the carrier, it can plunder any energy such as pupil power and life force.

For the first attempt, Hinata Mirai didn't allocate too much mental energy, and only made one attempt.

"Spiritualization clone technique."

A spirit body separated from Hyuga Miku, and then rushed into the giant Tenseiyan in an instant.

As calculated by Hinata Miku, after Hinata Mirai turns on the Tenseigan mode, with the same chakra nature, the spirit body will not cause a huge Tenseiyan energy riot at all.

After 42 seconds, the spirit body left from the giant reincarnated eyes and returned to Hinata Miku's body.

As soon as Hyuga Mirai felt a strange power of pupil rushing into his eyes as soon as he lifted the spirit clone technique; that unspeakable feeling instantly reminded him of the strange white eyes on the battlefield a few years ago .

In the past, after Hinata Miku entered Tenseiyan Chakra mode, she could always feel that her own situation was a little unbalanced.

He started out practicing taijutsu and medical ninjutsu, and he has never lost his training on body and Yang Dun Chakra. Later, he practiced immortal mode and weight-bearing practice, and also fused the cells between the pillars and the blood of the bones. Together, there is a qualitative change in the improvement of the body.

Inspired by the energy of the body, Bai Yan and his own Yin escape chakra underwent a short-term evolution.

But now the fetal movement produced by the eyes made Hinata Mirai feel that his white eyes had essentially improved, and even his mental energy had improved a lot.

"On the 18th, check my body data."

"Received, sir." After the ringing of the 18th, the surrounding instruments were controlled and connected to Mirai Hinata's body, recording the changes in his body's energy values ​​in detail.

In the next words, Hinata Mirai should focus on cultivation. There is a lot of pupil power in the giant reincarnation eye. After absorbing all of it, I am afraid that the yin and yang in his body will be unbalanced again. However, this rapid increase in strength makes Hinata Mirai happy. .

"Master Fengying."

The medical ninjas of Sand Ninja Village asked to see Luo Sha, and after entering the house, they took out a medical talisman made by their Sand Ninja.

"The drawing of the medical talisman has been successful, and the efficacy and preservation results are the same as those in the intelligence. There is not much difference, only a little."

"Just what?"

When Luo Sha heard the word 'just', he immediately frowned. You must know that the method of making the medical talisman was acquired by him alone. If he was deceived, it would also deal a blow to his reputation.

"Medical talismans are highly dependent on medical ninjas. If non-medical ninjas use medical talismans, the effect will be greatly reduced, and they can only be used for general trauma healing."

The medical ninja of Sand Ninja Village explained to Luo Sha the efficacy of the medical talisman, which is equivalent to the power bank of the medical ninja. With the medical talisman, as long as the medical ninja persists, it can even treat the injured within 72 hours.

"Therefore, we must vigorously cultivate medical ninjas in order to exert the maximum effect of medical talismans."

The medical ninja of Sand Ninja Village reported to Luo Sha, then paused, and added: "Just like Konoha, it is best to deploy a medical ninja in the four-person team."

Luo Sha shook his head with a headache after hearing this, and said, "I will discuss this matter with the higher-ups. Since the medical talisman is fine, let the medical ninjas reserve more for the time being."

Impossible Kazekage-sama, there are currently only three people who have learned the healing talisman.
Seeing Luo Sha waving his hand to let him leave, the medical ninja of Sand Ninja Village didn't say this; he prepared to give Luo Sha a detailed report later, and now he said that Luo Sha might not have time to listen.

The production of medical talismans is not an easy task. You must know the sealing technique and medical ninjutsu. The reason why Konoha can store enough to support a ninja war is because their medical system is very mature.

There are only so many medical ninjas in Sand Ninja Village, and not all medical ninjas know how to seal them. It is simply unrealistic to have a large reserve.

However, it is not a realistic thing for Sand Ninja Village to vigorously develop medical ninjas. They are not enough to cultivate ninjas with conventional combat power. will agree.

"Did you get cheated?"

Luo Sha's first reaction after reading the report on the medical talisman, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't feel like being cheated, it could only be said that they were cheated, and they didn't need to buy this kind of medical talisman production method at all. The saved money can be used to buy the finished medicine from the Baicao Chamber of Commerce, which will have a greater effect.

However, the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce should not know the internal information of the Sand Ninja and the quality of the medical charms.

After thinking about it again, Luo Sha shook his head secretly, and decided to swallow this bitter fruit; it is impossible to cultivate medical ninjas, and just started to look at cultivating conventional combat ninjas, and Sand Ninja has already approved a lot of money.

If it weren't for the sale of many veins, sand ninjas are still continuing elite education.

It is impossible to return the goods. At present, Sand Ninja Village cannot lack the partner of Jiekang Chamber of Commerce. Luo Sha can only suffer from this loss.

"Patriarch, this is the result of talking with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce. Many things need to be reviewed by you, patriarch."

Uchiha Tiehuo handed over the scroll of the conversation with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce to the patriarch Fuyue, and slowly talked about what he had seen and heard this time.

The Jiekang Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to Uchiha Tiehuo, and after seeing him, they agreed to a deal with the Ninja Cat Clan and signed a trade contract.

Then he and Uchiha Tiehuo reported to Uchiha Fuyue
"Patriarch, the other party seems to understand our situation very well, and can almost detail the number of detainees in the detention room."

Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly after hearing the words, and said: "It seems that the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce also has a strong source of information in Konoha Village, but it was able to monitor the Uchiha clan... Tiehuo, you will go to guard immediately The team, with that as the center, searched all around."

"Yes, patriarch."

After Uchiha Tiehuo responded, he asked again: "Could it be someone from Sand Ninja Village?"

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said, "Even Sand Shinobi, it is impossible to monitor the security team to this extent."

In Konoha Village, probably only people from Anbu and Genbu could do it. Another possibility is that there is a problem within their security team.

Uchiha Teehuo also realized this possibility, so he nodded and decided to ask the members of the guard team as well.

(End of this chapter)

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