Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 174 Multi-Party Transactions

Chapter 174 Multi-Party Transactions
Hire unregistered Uchiha ninjas as guards, and the remuneration will be paid according to regular mission standards; there are also assassination missions, the mission level is determined by the Uchiha family, and there are many other aspects of cooperation, such as Uchiha's detonating symbol business and so on.

Uchiha Fugaku read it, and felt that these cooperations can be agreed, and each of them has a lot of benefits for Uchiha. It is about hiring Uchiha ninjas to complete the task, which must be kept from the village.

Accepting missions privately is a great damage to Konoha's mission system.

If ninjas want to complete tasks to earn rewards, they must pass through the bridge of the village, even ninjas are no exception; therefore, the current ninjas only have their own family business, but they dare not accept tasks privately to earn rewards, even if they send unregistered Family ninjas go out to perform tasks and will not receive payment.

Otherwise, it would be to turn back the wheel of history and let the ninjas return to the Warring States Period, the era when the nobles hired various ninjas to fight each other.

"Patriarch, do we want to agree to the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce?" Uchiha Tiehuo saw that Fuyue patriarch had been thinking for a long time, so he asked.

After Uchiha Fugaku pondered for a while, he said: "Agreed, but the task reward is ignored, and it will be counted in the detonating charm business later."

The Jiekang Chamber of Commerce has a great reputation in the country of fire. The nobles who were originally just shackled in a county suddenly contacted Sand Ninja Village and took over the metal veins surveyed in the desert area of ​​the country of wind. Therefore, the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce rose rapidly. .

Now even the daimyo attaches great importance to the power of the Jiekang family, and is a bit jealous of the ore veins that the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce has surveyed in the Land of Winds.

On the surface, it is known that there are six mineral veins belonging to the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, two iron, two copper, one gold and one silver. A force that cannot be underestimated.

It was precisely because of the power and reputation of the Jieyasu family among the nobles that Uchiha Fugaku decided to deal with them; it was not a bet, but to make more foreign aid for the Uchiha family.

To a certain extent, if the nobles of the Fire Country unite, even Hokage can suppress it; Uchiha Fugaku also made up his mind to build a good relationship with the nobles of the Fire Country after seeing the power of the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce.

"Tiehuo, you should recruit three top ninjas, five middle ninjas and four low ninjas from the family to form three teams to help the Jiekang family."

Just after Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, Uchiha Tiehuo froze for a moment, and asked quickly: "Patriarch, do you need so many three Jōnin?"

Uchiha's jonin are almost all Sangodama, and there are really not many Sangodama Uchihas who are not registered, only about ten, and the rest are in the security team and cannot leave the village privately.

"Let the Jiekang family see our sincerity. The Jiekang family sincerely makes friends with the Uchiha family, and they will naturally be able to exchange for Uchiha's friendship."

Uchiha Fugaku explained that the situation of the Uchiha clan is very bad now. Except for some small families who have made good friends, they are almost isolated by Konoha Village.

If this situation is not broken, I am afraid that Uchiha will not end well.

In the clan meeting not long ago, some radicals had already proposed to use force to seize the position of Hokage; It will reach the ears of Konoha's senior management.

"Let's do it this way. After the relationship is established, there will definitely be a deeper level of cooperation in the future; the Jiekang family took the initiative to come to the door, and it must not be to send money to Uchiha."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed and said that only Uchiha's strength can make outsiders think about it; the other party's intention is so obvious, if they don't show a little sincerity, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make friends.

"Yes, patriarch."

Uchiha Tetsuhuo immediately responded after hearing the words, just at this time Uchiha Itachi also came back from school, so Uchiha Tetsuhuo got up and said goodbye.

"Itachi, what's going on at the ninja school today?"

Facing Uchiha Fugaku's inquiry, Uchiha Itachi sat across from him, and said with a serious face, "Father, I plan to apply for graduation in advance."

Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly after hearing the words, and then said: "Itachi, in peacetime, graduating early is not an easy task."

Uchiha Itachi calmly replied: "I understand, father, but as long as you are strong enough, you still have a chance to graduate early."

"If you have a plan, then do it." Uchiha Fugaku thought that if Itachi graduated early, it would also enhance the prestige of the Uchiha clan, and it might be an opportunity to break the Uchiha's current situation.

Except for the genius ninja Kakashi, no one seems to be able to graduate after one year of enrollment.

After talking about graduation, Uchiha Itachi asked why Uchiha Iron Fire came; but the transaction with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce was very important, so Uchiha Fugaku didn't tell Itachi, but fooled it with the matter of the guard team past.

sand ninja village

Luo Sha once again received Jiekang Miki in the Fengying Building. Although the medical talisman transaction a few months ago made Luo Sha feel a little unhappy, but the subsequent few transactions made Sand Ninja Village take advantage of it, so Luo Sha The dissatisfaction with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce disappeared immediately.

"Mr. Jiekang, what's the matter with you this time?"

Jiekang Miki said with a smile: "Master Fengying, I came this time because of the medical talisman sold to Guicun last time. The owner of the family wants to do the business of medical talismans, but after asking some people, they are not optimistic about it. The prospect of this business thinks that the value of the medical talisman is not high, and it is mainly on the medical ninja."

After hearing the words, Luo Sha secretly thought that we were cheated of a large amount of money by you because we didn't notice this; although we were relieved later, thinking about it now, Luo Sha was still angry.

Sand Ninja is poor, he lost so much money all at once, if his reforms hadn't been effective at the beginning, the top management of Sand Ninja would have come to him.

Jiekang Miki continued: "But the owner of the family was very unwilling, so he spent a lot of money to invite some doctors, craftsmen and people from the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce to jointly manufacture a medical machine. After preliminary trials, it can already replace about [-]% of medical ninjas. ability."

Luo Sha frowned slightly, and asked, "Medical machine? What is that?"

Jiekang replied: "Master Fengying, why don't you call a few patients and let me demonstrate the operation for you? I believe you will not regret it after reading it. By the way, Master Fengying, it is best to call the doctor from Guicun again." A few medical ninjas."

Luo Sha stared at Jiekang for a while, but only saw a calm smile on his face; Jiekang Miki's thinking logic was basically controlled by No. 18 through a chip, and Luo Sha wanted to read from Jiekang Miki's face. If you think about it, it's simply impossible.

Later, Luo Sha asked Anbu Zui to call people to the Kazekage Building, not only brought a few wounded, but also medical ninjas, and even the retired Chiyo was called over.

After Chiyo came, she complained to Luo Sha: "Master Kazekage, I have been retired for a long time, what is the reason why I, an old woman, must come here?"

"Elder Chiyo, among sand ninjas, no one knows medical ninjutsu better than you. This time, I ask you to check it out..." Luo Sha then whispered to Chiyo what happened. Sand ninja village doesn't have much money , can no longer be cheated.

After everyone arrived, Jiekang asked his escort ninja to take out the medical machine from the sealed scroll.

A 2.5 meter long, 2 meter wide and high instrument appeared in front of everyone.

"It's still the seal scroll with the largest space," Chiyo said in a low voice. Sand Ninja Village doesn't have many seal scrolls of this level, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard to transport supplies during wartime.

"The wounded, please lie here."

After Jiekang arranges the wounded, he asks Sand Ninja's medical ninja to come forward and listen to him explain the function of the medical machine
"This medical machine can be said to be the greatest invention of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, because it is destined to save the lives of many people. Here is the scanning function. After pressing it, it is equivalent to performing a full-body examination on the injured, just like now"

"Look here, after the scan, the medical machine will give the symptoms of the injured, and then give a specific treatment plan; the next thing is the key point, the medical machine can treat other injuries except for the operation of transplanting organs. treat."

After speaking, Jiekang pressed the button of treatment

Then everyone in Sand Ninja Village saw two nano-mechanical arms stretched out from the medical machine and stuck to the wound of the patient; It is healing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

"The treatment has already started. According to the plan given on the medical machine, the cure will be completed in 3 minutes."

Jiekang Miki introduced to everyone in Sand Ninja Village with a slightly excited face, as if the medical machine he took out was really the greatest invention in the ninja world.

However, Sand Shinobi on the side was really attracted by the situation in front of him. Chiyo stared at the wounded man's wound intently. As time passed, in the first second after just 3 minutes, the mechanical arm of the medical machine retracted. went back.

At the same time, the wound on the wounded man was healed well, except for the new skin and flesh tissue, there were almost no traces of injury.

"Try a few more, can I let the old man try to operate it?" Chiyo asked with slightly widened eyes, tilting his head

"Of course, it's just that the energy of the medical machine comes from the medical talisman. Besides, it needs to be driven by electricity. This elder, just repeat the operation I just did, and it will be fine."

After Jiekang Miki finished speaking, he gave up the position of controlling the medical machine.

Then Chiyo stepped forward, and according to the procedure just now, he checked the remaining two wounded before they lay down, and then started the treatment.

The result was the same as before, and the treatment was quickly completed in less than a few minutes.

Not only that, Chiyo also cut a wound on his arm, and lay down to experience it himself.

"Great device, looks like it could really replace medical ninjas"

After the experience, Chiyo had to tell the truth that there is no problem with internal and external injuries, and other small problems in the body can also be checked out. Although some sophisticated operations cannot be completed, in front of this medical machine, ordinary medical ninjas can already be eliminated. replaced.

Facing Luo Sha's inquiry, Chiyo answered her opinion truthfully.

This machine is very important to Sand Ninja Village. If Sand Ninja Village has this medical machine in the third ninja world war, Konoha may lose.

After getting Chiyo's affirmation, Luo Sha also had the answer in his heart.

  4 It will take a while, probably at one or two o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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