Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 207 The Development of Tsunade

Chapter 207 The Development of Tsunade

"Princess Tsunade, long time no see. I brought you a little gift. Is there any progress in the recent research?"

Mirai Hinata walked in after opening the door of the laboratory, and found that all the instruments inside were basically turned on, and Tsunade also separated several shadow clones, and they still didn't stop after Mirai Hinata came in.

Seeing this, Hyuga put the shochu aside, then opened a door and walked in.

The materials were arranged in a mess, and Hinata Mirai picked up a copy and began to read it.

'The effect of electrons on human cells and body energy'

'The effect of electrons on natural energy'

Hyuga Miku looked at it for a while, and then slowly immersed herself in Tsunade's research direction. Her electronics research direction is still focusing on the human body, and based on her own creation of regeneration techniques, she has expanded more applications in bioelectricity. .

"Amazing, as expected of Princess Tsunade."

Hinata Mirai subconsciously praised that when it comes to the study of the human body, Tsunade is not inferior to others, and has gradually thought of condensing the bioelectric field in the body to achieve precise control of every cell.

If her research is successful, it is equivalent to adding a spell similar to 'hardening' to the body, which can be regarded as another kind of immortality, which is completely different from the inferior quality of the Yin seal.

"It is not possible to do such a long-term thing now. The control of electrons is always the most difficult thing to solve. This kind of tiny unit energy is already an extremely difficult threshold just to manufacture it...you bring me What about the gift?"

Tsunade suddenly moved to Mirai Hinata's side, and she would also feel some headaches after removing the shadow clone. Several days of research data and records flooded into her brain at once. Although there is no danger, the memory still needs to be sorted out.

"I think you can control it with auxiliary equipment. The gift is placed outside the door. If you still have a headache, don't drink. The equipment here is very rare."

Tsunade bared his teeth immediately and said: "Sure enough, I still don't like you kid, I've never been drunk before!"

"That's true." Hinata Miku recalled it again, and he had never seen Tsunade play like a drunk, and usually fell asleep obediently when he was drunk.

However, alcohol is still prohibited in the laboratory, and Hinata Mirai will definitely make this clear to Tsunade.

Hyuga Mirai suddenly asked: "I just saw that Jing Yin has gained a lot of weight and is still eating. Is this your suggestion?"

"Half and half, the food you provide here is really good, Shizune is almost out of control; but after my ninjutsu is perfected, I can really help her solve her body problem, and I will test it by the way."

Tsunade sat on the chair casually, looked at Hinata Mirai for a while, and after seeing him felt a little awkward, he continued to speak

"Thanks to the information you provided, I have only perfected the art of creation and regeneration at the moment, excluding the lack of this access control technique that causes a large number of cell divisions and thus loss of lifespan. The next step is to use electrons in the field, so that It can be used for precise control in combat and treatment."

After Tsunade finished speaking, Mukai waved his hand to Hinata, and Chakra appeared in the palm of his hand.

In the next second, Hinata Mirai felt that he suddenly lost control of the nerve response to the lower body, as if he was disabled, although he could still stand, he couldn't move.

Hyuga Miku waved his hand and said in surprise: "You can still move your hands, but you can't feel your lower body. Princess Tsunade, your progress is too fast. Have you already reached this level?"

Hearing Hinata Mirai's praise, Tsunade stepped forward to heal him, sorted out his still nerve reaction, and then smiled quite proudly

"Huh, it's just that the accumulation in the past is so deep that it can only reach this level now. If we continue to study, the next step should be to be able to use the field of bioelectronics at will to absorb and transfer the energy of other people's cells. By then .”

"You are a veritable medical master!"

Cell-level healing masters are already different from the current medical methods in the ninja world. After Tsunade is perfected in the field of bioelectricity, sugar and fat can be used to replace most of the medical drugs, which can be regarded as a revolutionary beginning in the medical field.

"This is the whole method of Chaos Body Charge and the follow-up Chakra biological current control. If you are interested, you can practice it. Mute has not yet started, and there should not be many ninjutsu in the ninja world who can learn this ninjutsu."

After Tsunade threw a scroll directly to Hinata Mirai, he continued: "You came to me today for other things, right? You came here suddenly with a gift. Did you do something sorry for me?"

"Oh, what nonsense are you talking about? No one knows how to drink those shochu. If you are suspicious, I will take it back."

Hyuga Mirai said with a calm sneer, but he was a little muttering in his heart, bioelectricity should not have the function of reading mind, and with his expression management ability, it is impossible for anyone in the ninja world to see what he is thinking.

Although Tsunade was still a little skeptical, she still focused on the shochu; she said that she should relax after being busy for so long.

Afterwards, Hyuga Mirai didn't stay long, and left with the scroll Tsunade gave him.

The ninjutsu on the scroll is an advanced ninjutsu related to electronics developed by Ranshen, and it is used by Tsunade to perfect the creation of regeneration and medical ninjutsu, erasing the disadvantages of large-scale cell division.

This kind of ninjutsu alone is worth learning, and Tsunade is also planning to develop follow-up ninjutsu based on electronics. From her vision, if Tsunade is successfully developed, unless some energy defense ninjutsu is used Otherwise, once it is touched by the electronic field displayed by Tsunade, it will basically lose control of the body.

Before leaving, Hinata Miku also reminded him that next time he can record ninjutsu without such a backward thing as a scroll, and send it to him directly through terminal scanning.

"I forgot to remove the evil of the Immortal Seal of Immortals"

Hinata Miku thought for a while, now that Tsunade has already drunk it, let's talk about it next time.

Miaomu Mountain

After Immortal Zhima came back, he burst into tears.

Not long after that, Toad Hiroshi and Toad Ken also lifted the psychic technique and returned to Mount Miaomu.

Seeing this, the other toads vaguely guessed something. The only contract signed by Mount Miaomu now is Jiraiya.

A few years ago, Toad Bunta died fighting behind the enemy for Zilai Yeying, but now when he saw Immortal Zhima coming back, he burst into tears immediately, because other toads could vaguely guess why.

After Hama Hiroshi and Hama Ken came back, they were also silent. They also had a good relationship with Jiraiya. When Jilai was practicing in Mt. Have fun together.

Now the last contractor of Mount Miaomu has been killed, and Immortal Fukasaku is also dead.

"I'm going to tell Immortal Toad about this."

Shima Immortal is full of hatred in his heart, but about the death of Kojiraiya and Fukasaku, he can only inform the Big Toad Immortal that the kid from the Hyuga clan is too powerful, and only the Big Toad Immortal can do it.

Hama Jian, Hama Guang, and Immortal Zhima came to the residence of Immortal Big Toad, Immortal Zhima immediately shouted

"Old guy! Be sober, something big has happened in Mount Miaomu!"

In the past at this time, Fukasaku would remind her not to be rude to the Big Toad Immortal, but now Zhima Immortal can call the Big Toad Immortal as an old fool.

"Well, it's Zhima, what's the matter?" After being awakened, the Great Toad Immortal asked slowly.

"Little Zirai is dead, and Fukasaku is also dead. I am so confused, what should I do in Mount Miaomu now?" Immortal Zhima said hastily, and then told the story.

The most important information she brought back was the pair of blue eyes of Hinata Mirai, who was predicted by Immortal Toad to destroy the future of ninjas.

Now he was found by Jiraiya, but he also died because of this, and Fukasaku Immortal also died.

"Have you found it... The future is becoming more and more uncertain."

After hearing this, the Great Toad Immortal said slowly: "Go and find Destiny Child, Fukasaku, the only power that Destiny Child can communicate and stop that person, as long as this power is channeled out, the history of the ninja world can be corrected."

"Old fool, Fukasaku is dead!"

When Immortal Zhima heard what Immortal Toad said, he cried again and said to him
"Xiao Zilai has been looking for the Destiny's Child for more than ten years, but he has not found it. Now that Miaomu Mountain has lost even the only contractor, how can I find the Destiny's Child?"

Immortal Big Toad paused for a while, and then he didn't speak for a long time. Just when Immortal Zhima thought that the old fool in front of him had fallen asleep again and was about to wake him up by scolding him, Immortal Toad slowly raised his head and said

"Go to Konoha, the Child of Destiny has always been by Kojiraiya's side, let him search for it. Oh, and about the contractor of Mt. do it"

After finishing speaking, the Great Toad Immortal seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body, and fell asleep directly.

"Old fool, Xiao Zilai is dead too, haven't you woken up yet!"

Immortal Zhima yelled in anger, but Immortal Toad had already fallen asleep, and it was difficult to wake him up, so Immortal Zhima and Immortal Toad left here.

Immortal Shima has always felt that Mount Miaomu should not be too involved in human affairs. In the past, he signed a psychic contract with one or two contractors, and it would be good to understand the changes in the ninja world. No effort will be made.

But since the appearance of Ziraiya, the big toad began to prophesy, and let Fukasaku do his best to teach Jiraiya's celestial art, teach him the power of Miaomu Mountain, and even allow Jiraiya to communicate the two immortals in times of crisis. Ling went to help him fight.

Now Miaomu Mountain has suffered such a heavy loss. The first time he met the person in the prophecy, Mrs. Wen lost his life, and the second time he met that person, Fukasaku died.

But Shima couldn't object to the order of the Great Toad Immortal
"Toad Jian, go and call the mount Toad and Dali Toad, we are going to Konoha."

Immortal Shima ordered loudly that now the only contractor outside Mt. Miaomu died. If you want to go to Konoha, you have to rush to the ninja world, and then go to Konoha.

(End of this chapter)

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