Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 208 Uchiha's Invitation

Chapter 208 Uchiha's Invitation

"Captain, those people who were locked in the detention room today were taken away by the people sent by Hokage."

A small captain of the Uchiha Guard reported to Uchiha Fuyuehui angrily. Within two hours after entering, he was taken away by the Hokage faction.

This is simply humiliating their Uchiha clan. As the village's security department, they were insulted and couldn't even be punished.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly and asked, "Can you clarify the identity of the other party?"

The Uchiha squad leader replied angrily: "Who else is wearing Anbe costumes in the village, captain, the work of the guard team can't be carried out at all now, and many villagers are very hostile to us Uchiha."

"I know about this, and I will ask the third generation." Uchiha Fugaku sighed helplessly, and comforted the clansmen.

Konoha's oppression of the Uchiha clan in the past few years is almost like a soft knife cutting flesh, no, it is simply a file that is more subtle than a soft knife, and it has gradually pushed Uchiha into being squeezed out.

Not only the clan is on the edge of Konoha, but the popularity is also on the edge of Konoha. Since the Kyuubi Rebellion, their Uchiha's situation has not been very good. It can be said that it is getting worse every year.

Similarly, every time the Uchiha Clan meets, the clansmen gather together to vent their dissatisfaction; this is not because a small number of people are dissatisfied with Konoha, and anyone who can participate in the Clan meeting must at least turn on the double hook jade writing wheel At first glance, these people are basically Uchiha's main combat power, and those who are dissatisfied with Konoha account for about [-]%.

Some radical clansmen have proposed to seize the power of Konoha by force, and push the patriarch Fugaku Uchiha to the position of Hokage.

In this regard, Uchiha Fugaku was also a little helpless, his temperament tended to be calm, and he hoped to pursue a reasonable solution in his heart, but he went to Sandaime several times, and all he got were relatively perfunctory answers.

Moreover, Uchiha's patriarch represents the will of the tribe. Although Uchiha Fugaku knows that the success rate of the Uchiha clan's armed seizure of power is very low, but the will of many tribes is almost unified. If you move forward, you may be pushed down from the position of patriarch by the clansmen.

At that time, without the Uchiha he suppressed, it would be even more difficult in the village.

After the clan meeting ended again, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi left the clan gathering place side by side. The two of them were almost the last to leave, although they sat last at the beginning.

Although Uchiha Itachi is young, he is very talented. As the patriarch's son, he became a Chunin last month, so Itachi participated in the clan meeting, and other clan members did not object.

"Itachi, the estrangement between the family and the village is getting bigger and bigger, and the voice of the clan to seize power by force is getting louder and louder. If this continues, the clan chief may not be able to suppress it for long."

After Uchiha Shisui finished the clan meeting, he and Itachi came to a quiet forest and said

After the Uchiha's tribe moved to a remote place, there are many more quiet and remote forests like this, which are very suitable for the Uchiha's tribe to train.

Itachi and Shishui like to come here to discuss some cultivation experiences or share some troubles with each other.

Regarding this radical change of the tribe, Uchiha Shisui also understands that it is nothing more than being treated unfairly; in this regard, Uchiha Shisui very much hopes that the tribe can no longer be bound by the clan, or sue itself through negotiations In this way, he can avoid being squeezed out by the villagers, and Uchiha's plight can also be relieved.

But many tribesmen did not listen to Zhishui. After being treated unfairly, they thought more about using force to seek justice.

Of the entire Uchiha clan, only Uchiha Itachi can let Shisui confide in his heart.

"If it is Zhishui, it can definitely be done."

Uchiha Itachi comforted Shisui, this is what he said in his heart. In Itachi's heart, Shisui is undoubtedly the most reliable, even surpassing his father.

"Haha..., thank you so much for trusting me, Itachi."

After laughing twice, Uchiha Shisui looked at Itachi hesitantly, which was soon noticed by Uchiha Itachi
"Shisui, can I help you with anything?"

Shisui sighed, and then confessed to Itachi: "Let me tell you the truth, Itachi; I am now observing Uchiha's actions under the order of the third generation. Unexpectedly, so the three generations of Naruto-sama and Konoha high-level officials hoped that I would pass on some Uchiha news to them.."

"Shisui, you did the right thing. It's dangerous for the clansmen to think like this now. The peace in the village is hard-won. We can't reignite the flames of war." Itachi Uchiha said comforting Shisui. After hearing the demands of the clansmen, a revulsion arose in my heart.

Konoha's current peace is hard-won. Once a war breaks out, many people will definitely die. The clan should solve the current situation of the Uchiha clan in a peaceful way instead of seizing power by armed force.

It's a pity that Uchiha Itachi is young, and it's the first time to participate in the clan meeting. Even if he is the son of the clan leader, he doesn't have much right to speak.

If the village can know the current situation of Uchiha, it can also respond earlier. Whether it is peaceful negotiation or prevention, it is a good thing, Uchiha Itachi thought so in his heart.

"I'm quite aware of this, but recently I've noticed that there's something wrong with the clan. Every once in a while, a few clansmen will disappear from the leaves, and then reappear. related."

Uchiha Shisui scratched his head and said: "I asked the patriarch, but he denied it outright, but only the patriarch can arrange for the clansmen to leave Konoha. Can I entrust this matter to you, Itachi."

"Did father arrange it..."

Uchiha Itachi thought for a while, and found nothing wrong with his father from his memory, but he still agreed to Shisui
"I'll keep an eye on it."

"That's fine, Itachi. When you accumulate some mission experience, I will recommend you to Hokage-sama to join Anbu. With your talent and strength, there is absolutely no problem."

Uchiha Shisui smiled and patted Itachi on the shoulder. In the entire Uchiha clan, only Itachi could let him confide in his heart.

Otherwise, he who is sandwiched between Uchiha and Konoha will not be able to bear such pressure sooner or later.

"Patriarch, this is a mission entrusted by the other party. The reward seems to be entrusted according to the standard of two S-level missions."

After Uchiha Fugaku was surprised when he heard the words, he took the scroll from Uchiha Iron Fire's hand

"Two S-level missions? This seems to be the first time since we cooperated with Uchiha to entrust such a high-level mission. Escort to Urenin Village and ensure...safety, is it just this?"

Uchiha Tiehuo said in a low voice: "Patriarch, according to the news from the Ninja cat clan, the group of traitors who assassinated the fourth Kazekage may be in Urenin Village."

"Is that so, then their request is more reasonable?"

Before Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, Uchiha Mikoto's voice sounded outside the door
"Itachi, are you back?"

After hearing Uchiha Mikoto's words, Uchiha Fugaku immediately stopped talking with Uchiha Tetsuhiro, he got up slowly, walked to the door of the room, and opened the door.

Afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku saw his son standing in front of the door, and asked with a grim expression, "Itachi, when will you come?"

"I just came back, father, I want to report today's mission experience to you, but I didn't bother when I heard you talking with Senior Tiehuo."

Uchiha Itachi replied calmly, at this time Uchiha Mikoto was also carrying vegetables, and walked in with Sasuke from the door.

Uchiha Fugaku said in a deep voice: "As for the task report, let's talk about it after dinner, Itachi, you can help your mother with housework now."

"I see, father." After finishing speaking, Uchiha Itachi took the vegetable basket from Mikoto's hand, and followed his mother to the kitchen.

Afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku glanced at Sasuke, then returned to the house and closed the door at the same time.

"According to their requirements, Tiehuo, by the way, the Uchiha clan hopes to invite him to my house as a guest, and the safety issues are guaranteed by the Uchiha clan."

After Uchiha Tiehuo heard the words, he immediately replied: "I understand, patriarch."

Itachi didn't know how much their conversation was overheard just now, but Itachi is the son of the patriarch, so naturally he will not be under Uchiha Tetsuho's control, but it is definitely not the time for discussion.

This entrustment is probably to take out [-]% of Uchiha's hidden power, which is equivalent to two S-level missions, and they must send at least four Jonin of Sangouyu.

The Uchiha clan is not short of money. After completing this mission, what Uchiha Fugaku wants to pass on will be the real reward.

Konoha, as the evening approaches, families in the village begin to prepare dinner one after another.

Uzumaki Naruto returned home a little dejected, although he could smell the aroma of rice at the door that made his nose twitch, but the disappointment made him unable to whet his appetite.

"Are you back, Naruto, hurry up and wash your hands and go to eat."

After Uzumaki Kushina heard the sound of the door opening, she urged her loudly without looking back, and at the same time brought the last soup to the dining table.

But as soon as she put down the soup, she saw Naruto sitting at the dining table with obvious disappointment on his face after washing his hands

"Stupid Naruto, did you go to find friends again? Mom should have told you that when you learn the ninjutsu I taught you and go to the ninja school, you will naturally make many good friends."

"It's not mom, you are practicing all day and you don't accompany me." Facing the angry Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto immediately bowed his head guiltyly and asked, "Why do they say I am a nine-tailed demon fox? I am not the fourth generation Hokage's son?"

"Don't pay attention to the nonsense of those people, Naruto, when you graduate from the ninja school, mom, I will tell you everything, but now you haven't even learned a shadow clone technique, it's really shameful!"

Uzumaki Kushina hit Naruto's head hard with a spoon, and then said to him with a smile: "Hurry up and eat, I will accompany you to practice after eating."

"No need, mom, your practice is the most important." Uzumaki Naruto smiled again, and said to Kushina: "I have seen mom several times and you are still practicing in the middle of the night. Starting tomorrow, I will also To learn from you!"


After hearing the words, Jiuxinna felt inexplicable in his heart.
Uzumaki Naruto was knocked on the head again, and then Naruto heard Kushina yelling: "If you want to study, start immediately after eating, don't delay until tomorrow, you lazy son! "

You must successfully cultivate the sage mode, otherwise you will not be able to see Naruto's growth!

Uzumaki Kushina resolutely thought in her heart

However, a few years later, she still converted the celestial chakra in her body into the fairy mode of the wet bone forest, but because of problems in her practice, she wasted a lot of the remaining celestial chakra in her body.

If it goes on like this, she probably won't be able to hold on for long.

(End of this chapter)

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