Chapter 256 Placement
"Scorpion, is someone here to make trouble?"

Xie yawned, and said boredly: "It's just some little ones, and everything has been resolved."

After Hinata Mirai and others came to the gathering place outside Konoha, they saw some traces of fighting here, and there were many Anbe's corpses on the ground.

Uchiha Tiehuo and others hurried forward to ask the clansmen, and when they learned that Konoha's Anbu didn't hurt them, they were slaughtered by the scorpion, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief; their guard team was shameful enough tonight, hundreds of clansmen His death is a stain that they will never be able to erase. If there are any more casualties among the tribe, then Uchiha Teehuo will definitely not be able to forgive himself.

Uchiha Tiehuo and others saluted Scorpion and thanked him, but Scorpion didn't care about the Uchiha tribe's thanks, he only came because of Hinata Mirai's request.

"It's a bit crowded, but fortunately it can accommodate so many people."

Hyuga Mirai arranged for people, the time was too short, otherwise he could have designed this anti-gravity floating boat more perfectly.

But before departure, Uchiha Tetsuhiro suddenly approached and said embarrassedly: "Hyuga-kun, we have neglected one person, he should still be in Konoha now."

"Sasuke Uchiha, my shadow clone has brought him here."

Hinata Miku just saw Uchiha Mikoto waking up begging Uchiha Tiehuo, it’s probably about Sasuke, but Uchiha Fugaku seems to have been hit hard, and after waking up, he was silent and honest Follow the guard.

After a while, Hinata Mirai's shadow clone came here with Uchiha Sasuke, and after handing the unconscious Uchiha Sasuke to Mikoto, Hinata Miku heard Uchiha Mikoto's faint voice of gratitude.

Uchiha Mikoto's emotions towards Hinata Miku are very complicated, but she knows that Uchiha Itachi's incident cannot be blamed on Hinata Miku, and she can feel the anger of the clansmen, and this incident is all Itachi's own fault.

Fortunately, Uchiha Sasuke is still there, otherwise Uchiha Mikoto really has no hope of continuing to live.

"Scorpion, they'll leave it to you, I'll take Uzumaki Kushina back first."

After Hyuga Miku said to Scorpion, he changed the nano armor into a cockpit with people, and then let Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto sit in it.

Both the mother and son were seriously injured and needed to be treated quickly; after Uzumaki Kushina sat in, Hyuga Miku opened Tenseigan directly and flew in the direction of Loulan.

When Uzumaki Kushina left with Uzumaki Naruto just now, Mitomonyan wanted to stop him, but Hinata Miku cut off an arm, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Mitomon Yan could only wait for Hirizhan to come back and tell him that he had tried his best, and the ruined arm was the best proof.

It didn't take long to fly back to Loulan, and at the speed of Higashimi, he arrived in Loulan in less than half a day.

While on the way, he had notified Uzumaki Caixiang to prepare the treatment room.

Uzumaki Ayaka has been waiting outside for Hyuga Mirai after receiving the news. After seeing the figure descending from the sky, Uzumaki Ayaka immediately greeted him with a smile

"Master Future, you are back, Kushina, why are you injured so badly?"

Uzumaki Ayaka originally wanted to ridicule Kushina, but seeing her miserable appearance, she gave up the sarcasm and brought her and Uzumaki Naruto directly into the treatment room. She also called Nohara Rin as an assistant.

It took more than half a day to treat these two people. Kushina's body was full of injuries. After the treatment, it was almost wrapped into a rice dumpling. Uzumaki Naruto was similar. The seal of the Nine-Tails Chakra no longer spills out.

After the operation, Uzumaki Ayaka quietly came to Hinata Mirai's side, and seeing that he was not studying, she asked with a smile: "Master Mirai, what happened? The injury on Kushina's body does not seem to be caused by you." of."

After hearing the words, Hinata Mirai gave her a weird look, then shook her head and said, "How could it be that I called you? Didn't you see the real-time video at No. 18?"

"That's not as impressive as Master Future said."

"What kind of rendering power do you want for a battle"

Hyuga Miku shook his head, but he still explained the matter briefly, and after Uzumaki Ayaka finished listening, she clapped her hands and shouted hello on the spot.

Although the demise of the country of Uzumaki was not caused by Konoha, Konoha must have sat back and watched the country of Uzumaki being destroyed by other ninja villages; it was clearly an alliance between the two countries, but Konoha was the first to break his promise. Very happy.

It's just a pity that I didn't go with the future adults this time, otherwise she could also vent her anger on Konoha.

"My lord in the future, after Kushina and Naruto recover from their injuries, will they be placed in Loulan? Or the Saudi Federation?"

Hyuga Mirai replied without thinking about it: "Of course I went to the Saudi Federation. Now nearly [-]% of the Federation is ours. After Kushina and Uchiha join, the right to speak will be greater, and even Hakura will Listen to Jiekang's suggestion, there is no need to hide anything."

Taking advantage of this ninja world war, the Saudi Federation will show some real strength to the ninja world, which is the power that Hinata will develop in the next few years.

Then Hinata Mirai asked No. 18 to inform Hakura and the federal high-level officials about bringing back the former Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and the current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki through the mouth of Elder Jiekang.

There is also the Uchiha clan. Although there are not many Uchiha ninjas left, what is precious is the huge number of clansmen. If they are properly arranged, a group of Uchiha ninjas will appear in the Saudi Federation in more than ten years.

It is a troublesome thing to meet Sangouyu Sharingan on the battlefield, but as a teammate, Uchiha's strength can make people feel at ease.

After Elder Jiekang received the order on the 18th, he convened a high-level federal meeting in the name of the elders.

It's a pity that Ye Cang had just led the troops to the front line at this time, otherwise Ye Cang would have personally come forward for such an important matter.

"More than five hundred people? And 27 ninjas?"

After hearing this, a high-ranking member of the Federation couldn't help shouting in surprise.

And according to what Elder Jiekang said, these 27 Uchiha ninjas have opened the double-godama sharingan for the last time, 18 people have the triple-godama sharingan, and there are two pairs of kaleidoscopes.

Such a powerful strength can greatly supplement the lack of strength of the upper-level ninjas of the Federation.

"Are the Uchiha clan sincerely relying on us?"

Another person immediately retorted: "More than [-] ninjas were killed by Konoha, and there are more than [-] left. If this is a traitor, I can only admire Konoha and Uchiha's determination."

After hearing this sentence, many people in the conference room laughed; indeed, as this person said, Uchiha has paid so much, and even took the old and young of the clan to defect, no matter how you think about it, he will not be a traitor.

As for the possibility of seizing power after the Uchiha clan joins the federation?Now no one in the federation would care about this, and if Uchiha's people don't take it, they will take the initiative to share part of it.

The Saudi Federation, where the military and the government are integrated, has a lot of political affairs every day, even Ye Cang forced Jiekang Miki to help her, let alone how busy the people below are.

Moreover, the Saudi Federation plans to take action against the Kingdom of the Wind in the near future. When the time comes, the conquered territories will need many people to manage political affairs, garrison guards, and so on.

Now the department for cultivating low-level management personnel is going crazy. If Jiekang Chamber of Commerce did not often introduce people, they would be urged to death by people from various places.

Elder Jiekang said: "Everyone, in addition to the Uchiha clan, I also sent people to contact many powerful ninjas in the ninja world, such as the red sand scorpion from the original sand ninja village, and Hyuga Mirai who escorted the Uchiha clan this time." , and Konoha’s Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, etc. Many people are still in contact, and I will try my best to persuade them to join the Federation.”

What Elder Jiekang said is also Mirai Hyuga’s meaning. He doesn’t want to join the Saudi Federation to be busy with those trivial matters. Anyway, those who join are all his subordinates. It doesn’t matter if Mirai Hyuga is later. If he stays in Loulan, he can do more research. matter.

"Did Nine-Tails Jinchuriki also bring back? Elder Jiekang, is this true?"

After hearing the news, the top leaders of the Federation were very pleasantly surprised. If the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was really abducted, even if the Federation went all out to fight Konoha, he would have to keep him. This is the strongest of the Nine Tailed Beasts.

"Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and the former Nine-Tails Jinchuriki are indeed going to join the Saudi Federation, thanks to the roots of Konoha"

Afterwards, Elder Jiekang spoke out Danzo's operation slowly, and after listening to it, all the senior executives fell silent for a moment.

"Block him"

They don't know what to say about this kind of behavior. Although Luo Sha has done similar things, it is because the sealing skills of Sand Ninja Village are not good enough. Luo Sha's proposal is also to allow Gaara to control it faster. Guard the power of the crane.

Konoha has the most perfect sealing technique in all ninja villages. They still do this kind of operation, so it can only be said that there is something wrong with their brains; Blame them.

"Elder Jiekang, let you handle this matter. Settle the matter of the Uchiha clan and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

"That's right, the power of the Federal Guard has also been handed over to Elder Jiekang for the time being. Now only Elder Jiekang can properly handle so many people in the Federation."

"It's a pity Mr. Miki"

Before the person blurted out, he was kicked by the person next to him to stop him, and then he quickly apologized to Elder Jiekang. He was the one who was outspoken and about to say the wrong thing, and Elder Jiekang didn't care, so he waved his hand and said something wrong. The matter was revealed.

The fast-talking person also heaved a sigh of relief, but fortunately Master Fengying is not here, otherwise he would be so angry that he would wear shoes for him when he heard this sentence.

During this period of time, anyone who mentions Jiekang Miki's name will only add to Ye Cang's embarrassment, and there are a few who oppose Ye Cang's declaration of war on Konoha, and she directly deprives them of all their positions in the name of Kazekage .

Afterwards, some details were finalized at the meeting, and they all dispersed.

These matters must be communicated to Ye Cang, but before she came back, Elder Jiekang was the most powerful person in the Federation. Although he was not a ninja, his prestige had already surpassed that of any ninja except Ye Cang.

 Second, there will be more in a while, brothers who can't wait, go to bed first
(End of this chapter)

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