Chapter 257 Recommendations
"Mitomon Yan!! Danzo!!! What are you doing!!"

After Sarutobi Hiraku read the urgent information sent from the village, he couldn't control the anger in his heart, and cursed loudly in the tent; if it wasn't for the information that Zhuanxing Xiaochun was dead, he would definitely have passed Zhuanxiaochun's death. Also scold.

Such a big thing happened in the village. The Uchiha clan was not destroyed, and all ninjas knew about the Nine-Tails Rebellion and Konoha's high-level suppression of Uchiha. What makes Sarutobi Hiruzen the most uncomfortable is that Uchiha It has not been wiped out, only more than [-] ordinary people and nearly [-] guard ninjas died.

On Konoha's side, there were more than [-] casualties in the light and dark department and the root department, and they also let go of Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto.


After reading the detailed information, Hiruzaru Sarutobi wished he could go back immediately, dismiss Danzo from his post, and take him down for questioning.

He even endured Uchiha Shisui's shot, but Danzo swelled to the point where he shot at Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and let Uzumaki Kushina get caught, and finally let Kushina mostly endure in front of Konoha On the face of the family, tell the dirty things at the root.

If it wasn't for turning to sleep, Xiaochun immediately thought of an excuse, and all the ninjas would be afraid of Konoha's high-level officials in the future, and they would be at odds with them.

Forget about these internal stupidities, the root of Danzo even killed the assistant Kazekage of the Saudi Federation!

No wonder it was recently detected that more than [-] ninja troops from the Saudi Federation gathered at the border. According to Anbu's investigation, it seems that Godaime Kazekage has also arrived at the border. Judging from this posture, the Saudi Federation has plans to attack with all its strength.

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very puzzled. Konoha and Iwanin just had a tendency to attack the Land of Rain. Why did the Saudi Federation respond too fiercely like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Now Hiruzaru Sarutobi understood that it was not because of the Rain Country, but because of his old teammate who killed Kazekage Assistant.

"Lord Hokage."

Outside the camp, Lu Jiu heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's roar, and was a little worried to come in to inquire; just received a message from Anbu, and after reading it, he lost his composure. Lu Jiu was really curious, what kind of information could Let three generations of adults make such a big fire.

"Kujiu, come in." Hiruzen Sarutobi's voice came from inside the tent, but it sounded much calmer this time.

Then Nara Shikahisa opened the curtain of the camp tent and walked in. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already controlled the anger in his heart, but his face was still dry and bitter.

"Master Hokage, the information just now is"

Nara Shikahisa asked directly, whether it is in the village or on the battlefield, he, the squad leader of the ninja squad and the front-line staff, always has the right to know, and if he has anything to do with the battlefield, he should know even more so that he can take precautions in advance.

"Look at this information, Lu Jiu, things are a little troublesome now."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi handed the information in his hand to Shikaku Nara, who took it and looked at it, frowning immediately.

After reading all the information, Nara Shikahisa frowned directly into a word of Sichuan.

After Nara Shikahisa saw the expression of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he speculated that he wanted to go back to the village to deal with the Uchiha matter, but now this situation.
"Master Hokage, you cannot leave the front line"

After thinking about it for a long time, Shikahisa Nara still couldn't think of a way to get Hiruzaru Sarutobi to go back to deal with the affairs of the village. Now even if Konoha doesn't fight, if they retreat, not only will they betray Iwanobu Village, but the Saudi Federation will also be betrayed. Will not stop attacking.

Not only can't go back, but the village must send additional support, otherwise, let alone attacking the country of rain, Konoha might not even be able to keep Kikyo Castle.

Thinking of this, Lu Jiu also complained with a headache on his face: "Master Danzo, what's wrong with him?"

"Cough, don't worry, Lu Jiu, this time I will remove all the positions of Danzo, and I will not let him control power again in the future."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi coughed a few times in embarrassment and assured that Danzo has the courage today, and his connivance is also the reason; but Danzo has gone too far this time, if he is not taken down, then Konoha is probably really doomed.

"Master Sandai, please also order that Master Tsunade be brought back immediately, and after she returns to the village, immediately pass Hokage's location to Tsunade, and let her handle the affairs of the village."

Nara Shikahisa thought for a while before speaking to Sarutobi Hiruzen
"Only the new Hokage can immediately gather the strength of the village, and I will also send a message to the clan, asking them to join forces with Dingza and Haiyi to calm this matter down quickly. Only when the village is stable can the front line continue to fight. "

"Tsunade, it seems that this is the only way."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought for a while, this is indeed the best way, the situation on the front line does not allow him to return to the village at all, and the various behaviors of Danzo and Mitomon Yan also made Hiruzaru Sarutobi not dare to take it easy Use them.

"I will send an order to the Anbu to let them take back the power in the hands of the consultants, and try their best to find Tsunade's whereabouts; Lu Jiu, what do you think about the Saudi Federation?"

"The conflict between the two sides is almost irreconcilable, but the defense should be the main focus now, and the next battle plan should also be changed, with Yan Nin as the leader."

Nara Shikahisa said directly, and then the two discussed in the camp, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately sent the Anbe around him back to the village, let the Anbe leader take back all the power, and inquired about Tsunade's whereabouts.

The Konoha front line also needs to allocate a part of its troops to garrison Kikyo City.

And this matter needs to be notified to Iwanin, otherwise the number of troops agreed to be dispatched, Konoha's side will suddenly decrease by more than half. The ninja went to the front.

The changes that happened in Konoha Village were too great, even the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was lost, but Sarutobi Hiruzen was firmly nailed to the front line because of the Saudi Federation's dispatch of troops.

If after he left, the Saudi Federation immediately sent troops to attack the Nation of Fire, wouldn't that mean that Sarutobi Ri Zhan fought and fled timidly, so that the Saudi Federation captured the territory of the Nation of Fire?

If you think about it for a while, you can think of it. If such a thing happens, it will be considered light to drive Hiruzaru Sarutobi from the position of Hokage, and it is a big taboo in Konoha to escape cowardly. Even Hokage must bear a certain amount. the price.

"Ah, why did you lose again? I obviously used the gambling skills taught to me by Hinata Mirai, why did I still lose?"

After Tsunade walked out of the casino, he grabbed Shizune beside him angrily, shook her and asked
"Jing Yin, did those people cheat just now? Otherwise, I would have learned how to gamble, why did I still lose money?"

"No, Tsunade-sama, it was purely because of your skill just now."

Shizune ruthlessly stabbed Tsunade in the palm of his hand. At first she didn't know much about gambling, but after staying with Tsunade for so long, she understood a little bit.

In those few games just now, Tsunade-sama played cards inexplicably, and his ideas were wild and unconstrained, and he didn't see any trace of gambling skills at all.

Let alone [-] to [-] million, even if the amount is increased tenfold, I'm afraid it won't last long.

(End of this chapter)

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