Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 258 Konoha's Internal Affairs

Chapter 258 Konoha's Internal Affairs

"Master Tsunade, aren't you going back to Konoha?" Shizune asked curiously. Some time ago, he said that he might go back to Konoha, so why did he start visiting casinos again.

"Hmph, don't mention Konoha, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist punching those stinky old men to death when I go back!"

Tsunade said with a sullen expression that she had communicated with Kushina through the ring terminal. After knowing that Kushina was almost killed by a ninja at the root, Tsunade almost didn't rush back to Konoha, and sent Danzo that bastard to kill.

Kushina is her only distant relative in the ninja world. When Kushina was young, she lived in the land of the Senju Clan. Like Naoki, she is equivalent to Tsunade's younger sister.

But he was almost killed by Danzo's root ninja. If it weren't for the curse-sealed sage mode and Hinata Mirai's timely arrival, Kushina would have died at the hands of his son.

Danzo's method of controlling Nine-Tails Jinchuriki really disgusted her. If it wasn't for Hinata Mirai to dissuade her and ask her to wait for Anbu Ninja to find her and ask her to go back, otherwise Tsunade would definitely kill Danzo.

"But we've run out of money now, and it's not good to always spend money on Mirai-kun."

"What's wrong, Jing Yin, you don't know how much money he has to say that. Besides, I'm under his control now. Isn't it natural to manage the expenses of his subordinates?"

Tsunade said to Shizune confidently, Shizune doesn't understand Hinata Mirai's industry, but she knows it very well; let alone billions, even if she loses a bet of tens of billions, it is nothing to Hinata Mirai.

As long as the price of medicines is raised a little, tens of billions will soon be credited.

"It's just as it should be"

Shizune murmured that she was always unable to deal with Tsunade's fallacies, but since Tsunade knew it well, she shouldn't say anything more as a disciple.

"Master Tsunade, where are we going next?"

"Go to the hot spring, Shizune, there will be no more accidents this time. After soaking in the hot spring, go to Tanokuni Oto Ninja Village to see what that guy Orochimaru is doing. He always hides his research. You must be doing something shady."

After Tsunade said Orochimaru, she immediately clicked her tongue. She knew something about the research on Orochimaru, but it was because of this that Tsunade was very upset.

After going to Yinnin Village, she must make a good fortune for Orochimaru.

Konoha, the departure of the Uchiha clan was a big shock to Konoha, especially the damage to Anbu and Genbu's personnel, which seriously weakened Hokage's direct power.

There are only [-] people left in Anbu, and Genbu is about the same. Although Danzo did not report specific damage, all the people killed by Hinata Mirai left were Gengen ninjas.

But at that time, even if he saw his ninjas being massacred by Hinata Miku, Danzo didn't stand out, and even the emotion on his face didn't change.

After the incident ended, many ninjas of the ninja clan couldn't help sighing when discussing this incident. Perhaps the title of ninja should belong to Master Danzo.

The captain of the dark troop is Sarutobi Hiruzen's eldest son. After receiving the order from the front line, he immediately frowned.

Anbu's current strength is seriously insufficient, not to mention looking for Tsunade, even restricting Mitomonyan, Danzo, and Genbu is not enough. Recently, even the guard patrols in the village have been handed over to other task teams.

"It was so"

When Sarutobi Shinnosuke opened another scroll with the Sarutobi family logo and saw the content inside, he knew that Anbu staff should go there to replenish.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke took this scroll, and soon came to the Sarutobi clan's clan, and convened a discussion in the name of his father, Sarutobi Patriarch.

Then he took out the message scroll and asked the elders of the Sarutobi clan to dispatch fifty family ninjas to supplement Anbu and maintain Anbu's mission.

"Fifty ninjas? Shinnosuke, isn't that too much?"

An elder of the Sarutobi family asked hesitantly. Although the strength of the Sarutobi family has developed well in recent years, the number of ninjas is only more than [-]. Sending so many clansmen to join the Anbu all at once will affect the power of the family. Cut a lot.

"Not much. My father was dragged to the front and couldn't come back. The village must invite Tsunade back to serve as the Fifth Hokage. Instead of waiting for Tsunade to come back to replenish Anbu's manpower, it is better to set up Anbu before she comes back. Sarutobi The family's right to speak in the village will not be reduced because of the father's abdication."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke resolutely said that he has been the leader of the dark army for a long time, and his father is the third generation of Hokage, which gave him a high position and power in the Sarutobi clan.

"Hurry up and prepare the manpower. After the manpower is replenished, I will also limit the power of the consultants and the roots. If you have a little foresight, you will send some more people, because this is an opportunity for the Sarutobi clan to grow stronger."

After Sarutobi Shinnosuke said this, he dissolved the family meeting.

The things his father mentioned in the interrogation were very cryptic, but years of experience in interrogation allowed Shinnosuke Sarutobi to understand what Hiruzaru Sarutobi meant.

In any case, for the loss of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Hiruza Sarutobi, as the third Hokage, has an unshirkable responsibility; Nara Shikahisa said that he was restrained by the front line to save face for Hiruzaru Sarutobi, even if the Saudi Federation did not participate in the war, Sarutobi Ri Zhan also has to abdicate as soon as possible to give others an explanation.

And after Sarutobi's slash retreats, the development of the Sarutobi clan will stagnate, unless taking advantage of the blank period before Tsunade's return, the Sarutobi clan's voice in the village will be expanded.

And the matter of finding Tsunade is very tense. Ikacho, Inuzuka, and Yume will all urge Anbe, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke can't do it even if he has the heart to procrastinate.

When the Sarutobi family was mobilizing personnel, the Hyuga family did not calm down.

It has been three or four days since Uchiha's night, but the atmosphere within the Hyuga Clan has become more and more tense.

What Hinata Mirai said before leaving had a great impact on Hinata's separation.

'Their generation is hopeless! ? '

This sentence was like a sharp knife, piercing the hearts of all Hyuga branch families; although some branch families can think, and the main family did not engrave the bird in the cage, their white eyes are not as strong as Hyuga Mirai, but they were later dismissed. The other branch was vetoed with the legend of Hinata Tennin.

The real name of Hyuga Tennin is no longer known, but at that time, the ancestor of Hyuga was almost the strongest ninja in the world, so he was honored as the name of Tennin by all the clansmen.

However, there is no clear record as to why Hyuga Tennin is so strong and how powerful he has reached. It is just a story passed down from generation to generation in the Hinata family.

But the current Hyuga Mirai is another Hyuga Tennin in terms of strength, and he seems to have discovered the secret of the Hyuga clan's white eyes.

For several days in a row, the ninjas of the branch family had a large-scale gathering to discuss. This was not a sneaky, but a blatant discussion; that is, Hinata Kiyoya went to the front line without his family, otherwise they would definitely have to ask Hinata Kiyoya for advice.

Among all the sects, only Hinata Kiyoya has the highest prestige and the best reputation.

Other sects may not convince the branch family very much, but for Hinata Seiya, no matter whether it is strength or decisive style of doing things, all branch families can't fault it at all.

Even the guards who were punished by her were very convinced.

With Hinata Kiyoya absent, these branch families are like headless snakes, who know what to do and can gather together, but they lack the courage to speak.

However, the large-scale gathering of separate families still made the Zongjia feel uneasy. The Zongjia called everyone to hold a meeting in order to explain what Hinata Mirai said.

". That's it. That traitor is instigating the Hyuga Clan, who have been united for thousands of years, for the sake of secrets. If you believe him, it will be a devastating blow to the Hyuga Clan."

The second elder of the Zong family slowly explained to some branch representative ninjas, probably meaning that there is no secret to the white eyes at all, the white eyes of the Zong family are the same as those of the branch family, except that they are responsible for the inheritance of blood.

The bird in the cage was also to protect Bai Yan, other than that, the Zong family didn't hide any other secrets at all.

However, after the third elder of the Zong family explained it exhaustively, the faces of the branch families below were calm. Not many people believed his words, and some people still had doubts in their eyes.

"Don't you still believe me! The Hyuga family has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, all thanks to the bird in the cage"

"Second Elder, what happened to Hinata Mirai's eyes?"

A branch family suddenly asked, what they care about is the truth, why Hinata Mirai's white eyes can switch to azure blue pupils, and they can switch back to the state of white eyes at any time.

Does the caged bird protect Bai Yan, or limit the potential for separation?

The second elder of the Zong family said angrily after hearing the words: "How do I know what happened to Hinata Mirai's eyes? He is a traitor to the Hinata family. Do you really believe what he said?"

"But the facts are in front of you."

"What fact? That's the ninjutsu he used to deceive you, deliberately stirring up discord between the main family and the branch family!"

"Is this a deception? Hokage Rock has not been repaired yet..."

"Hinata Kenta!! Do you want to learn from rebellion, betray the Hyuga clan!"

The Second Elder, Hyuga Zongyun, was continuously questioned, and his heart was full of anger. Recently, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere of the Hyuga clan has changed, and the etiquette and rules that have been passed down for thousands of years are slowly disappearing, which makes him feel very worried and afraid.

There can be no changes in the family inheritance. The respective responsibilities and fates of the main family and branch families are the guarantee for the inheritance of the Hyuga clan.

Anyone who wants to break this guarantee is the enemy of the Hyuga Clan!

When the Second Elder was angrily scolding Kenta Hinata, the curse mark of a bird in a cage had formed in his hand, and he was about to make an example to others!
However, when the other branch ninjas saw the seal of the second elder, they were even more angry than him.

It's a bird in a cage again!
On the surface, it is a curse seal to protect Baiyan, but in fact, it can use this ability to torture them at any time!

"Second Elder, what does this mean!?"

"Kenta was just asking, what did he do wrong? Didn't the Second Elder call us to explain this time?"

"The Fourth Elder would never use a bird in a cage to punish his clansmen. Why did the Second Elder rush to use the bird in a cage after Kenta asked!?"

The meridian next to the pair of white eyes exploded, and the guards of the branch family got up one by one to ask, and their white eyes were fixed on the second elder of the Zong family.

Kenta Hinata was startled when he saw the handprint of the bird in the cage, and was immediately filled with fear; but when he saw the protection of the sub-family members in the next second, his heart was filled with courage again.

In the next second, Kenta Hinata walked up from behind the crowd, stared at the second elder with his eyes open and said

"Second Elder, if you want to use the bird in the cage because what I said is wrong, then I will not be convinced even if I die! You are not as good as Elder Qing Mi!"


Hyuga Zongyun immediately wanted to activate the bird in the cage in a hurry. If Hyuga Kenta said something else, he could bear it, but when he mentioned Hinata Kiyoya and said that he was not as good as her, he was courting death.

Since you want to die, I will
Hyuga Hyuzu suddenly yelled loudly: "Stop it, this is the clan association, do you take me as the clan leader seriously!"

 Sorry, dear readers, there is only one update, and I will make it up tomorrow, a total of four updates of 1.2W.

  I went to help a friend move. I was in the sun for a long time from noon to afternoon. I didn’t get home until after nine o’clock.

(End of this chapter)

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