Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 271 The Fifth Generation Tsunade

Chapter 271

After Tsunade returned to Konoha Village, he soon knew the details of Konoha's damage.

More than 80 people died in Anbu, and the number of deaths in Genbu is unknown, which was concealed by Danzo, but judging from the corpses that were transported at that time, there were also about [-] people.

Moreover, based on the selection criteria of Anbu and Genbu, those who can enter here basically have the strength of elite Chunin.

"It's amazing, indeed it is the wood that has perfectly inherited the 'Will of Fire'! Ye! High! Layer!"

Speaking of the end, Tsunade almost wanted to pull Sarutobi Hiruza, Zhuanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan, and Danzo to beat them up almost word by word.

A good village has been made so weak by these people, the defectors defected, the clans were exterminated, even Anbu and Genbu lost so much, so many ninjas died under the power struggle of the high-level.

The reason why the number of people in Anbu was set as 70 people by the second grandfather is because seventy Anbu members cooperate with the security team and the daily task team, which is enough for all the needs of Konoha and even the country of fire.

If there were no changes such as wars, the number of tasks Konoha received each year would be almost the same number. With so many people, it would be enough to sustain it.

However, in order to fight for power and profit, these Konoha executives almost tripled the number of Anbu and Genbu.

And while she was back, he also replenished Anbu's number of people, did he really treat her like a puppet?

"Since Kushina has defected, I don't need me anymore. As for Hokage, you can figure it out. If it doesn't work, Nara, Hinata, and Sarutobi, just pick one. Shizune, Kimomaro, let's go."

Although he was on a mission, Tsunade really didn't want to stay in Konoha when he encountered this situation.

"Master Tsunade, please think about it a little bit more, the village cannot live without you now!"

Akimichi, Inuzuka, Yume and other ninja patriarchs all spoke to dissuade them. As for the position of Naruto that Tsunade just said to be taken by other ninja villages, they directly took it as Tsunade to speak out.

This position, now only Tsunade holds, can satisfy all the ninjas. Except for her, even the Hyuga clan cannot convince everyone.

Tsunade sneered, and then said sarcastically: "There are no serious injuries in the village, and the village is peaceful. Will you invite me back to be your puppet?"

This sentence is a bit embarrassing, but with Tsunade's temper, it is normal to say so; Sarutobi Shinnosuke is silent, he can't say a word, otherwise it is very likely that Tsunade will anger him send.

What their Sarutobi clan did was indeed a bit dishonest, but the rapid recovery of Anbe's strength is also good for Konoha. At least Konoha and even the Fire Land did not have any troubles, and their Sarutobi clan took a lot of credit.

"Master Tsunade, please think again."

The little ninjas still don't want Tsunade to leave. If Tsunade leaves and no one else is in power, maybe it will be the people at the top of Arakiha, because other people can't convince the crowd. His combat exploits and superior strength.

Even Kimura spoke to dissuade Tsunade, she really hoped that Tsunade would stay.

Many ninja patriarchs and jounin who participated in the discussion all spoke to persuade and stop Tsunade. With the efforts of everyone, the anger in Tsunade's heart barely dissipated.

"You can inherit the Fifth Hokage, but you must remember that there will only be one Hokage in the village from now on, and that is me as the Fifth Hokage!"

Tsunade said resolutely, she originally had some reluctance to leave the village founded by her grandfather in her heart, but what the high-level Konoha gang did was too disgusting, if Hiruzaru Sarutobi wanted to make her a puppet, then Tsunade would rather smash Konoha.


Qiudao Dingzuo, Younv Zhiwei and the others secretly looked at each other, and then they all said to Tsunade, "Understood, Tsunade-sama."

In this situation, they have no choice at all. If they wait for Tsunade to take over and still listen to the orders of the Third Hokage, it is clear that they want Tsunade to be a puppet, and the fifth generation may defect.

When that day comes, Konoha will not be far from collapse, and the will of fire will be digested.

Konoha is a place where many ninjas and civilians gather to build a shelter for themselves. If Konoha is gone, their clansmen will be in danger; so there is a bottom line for everything. Tsunade’s bottom line when he comes back as Hokage is She must be the main one.

"Okay, let's go and notify the Fire Nation Daimyo to prepare for Hokage's succession ceremony; also, clean up the old man's things, and bring over recent affairs by the way."

Tsunade waved his hand and said, it can be regarded as taking over the position of Fifth Hokage.

After she first received the task from Hinata Mirai, she originally wanted to transform Konoha, even if it was merged into the Saudi Federation in the future, she would be able to get better treatment for the people in the village; but now Tsunade no longer has this idea, She can maintain the current village, which is already very good.

"Let Kakashi come to see me."

After sitting in the position of Hokage, Tsunade called Kakashi over directly. For Tsunade who didn't know much about Anbu, the only thing he knew was Kakashi, the sub-team leader.

After calling people over, Tsunade directly entrusted Kimaro to Kakashi, and said to him: "Kakashi, Kimaro, take him with you, let him lead a small team first, and then quickly learn the duties of the sub-captain." .”

Junmaro is worthy of Tsunade's trust in terms of strength and character, and she and Orochimaru belong to the same organization, and it is best for her to let Junmaro deal with some things; wait for Kakashi to pass on the duties of Anbu to Junma After Empress Lu, Tsunade was going to let him take over the root department, and then join the Anbu together.

In her opinion, such things as roots should not exist; as Hokage, one has to bear everything, instead of stripping the darkness out and letting others take over because of one's own incompetence.

It’s a self-deception, thinking that once the root is established, the darkness in oneself will no longer exist!

After arranging Junmaro, Tsunade turned his head to Shizune and said, "Shine, first you learn the actual treatment of medical ninjutsu from Sho Kimura, and then I have other arrangements for you."

After the silence was arranged, someone sent a bunch of documents, including the resettlement of the Uchiha clan, compensation for casualties, personnel arrangements, war transfers, logistical support, and so on.

"Put it here."

Tsunade's 3-minute passion immediately cooled down after seeing these three piles of half-meter-high documents.

After the people left, Tsunade wished to open the terminal ring immediately, so that Hinata Mirai could send him more helpers.

"No, I can't let that brat underestimate me, I'm Sannin Tsunade Hime!"

Tsunade thought of Hinata Mirai often using the title Tsunade Princess to tease her, so she suppressed the idea of ​​asking him for help; and after a while, another assistant of Orochimaru would come to the door, and she would be able to relax a bit by then.

"Welcome, everyone in the Federation is very honored to be here."

Elder Jiekang led the high-level officials of the Federation and went directly outside to welcome Hinata Mirai and his party.

Regarding this kind of behavior, although one or two people expressed whether this kind of behavior would make the Federation suffer in the next negotiations, more people expressed their support for Elder Jiekang, and those one or two people's suggestions were directly heard by other people's voices. drowned.

Although Loulan is a small country, the power displayed by Hinata Mirai is a bit scary.

In addition to its own powerful strength, there is also the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce that takes over all electronic products in the ninja world, Konoha's former Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and the entire Loulan.

Not to mention other things, even if there is only one Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, it is worth their big battle.

There is also the existence of the scorpion. After hearing the news, even Chiyo and Ebizo, who had not been out of the house for a long time, came out. The elder Chiyo was stunned when he saw the scorpion. She didn't expect that her grandson would come back one day .

However, Elder Chidai's stare blankly made Scorpio feel a little uncomfortable. He tried to stand behind Hinata Mirai again and again, but was pulled to the front by him.

"I have longed for the policies and power of the Federation for a long time. Even Queen Sarah, who is traveling abroad, yearns for the Federation very much. After the merger of the two parties, there will be a better future."

When Hinata Mirai said this sentence, Ayaka Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki couldn't help but smile silently twice at the corners of their mouths. This sentence was a bit like boasting.

Later, Hinata Mirai was welcomed in by Elder Jiekang and others. After reporting the matter to Ye Cang, Hinata Mirai and No. 18 were basically playing double reeds.

As for the agreement to join the federation, Hinata Mirai has basically drawn up the agreement. It only needs to be performed by Elder Jiekang again, and the agreement can be signed immediately.

Uzumaki Kushina joined the Federation's Sealing Enchantment Department as the deputy minister, and concurrently served as the head lecturer of the Federation School's sealing class.

Scorpion will join the puppet department as the deputy head. Like Kushina, he also serves as a lecturer at the school, but it is rare for them at this level to go to the ninja school to teach children. Twice a year is considered more.

After that, Scorpion will also be responsible for the puppet battle armor, which was discussed in private by Hinata Mirai and Scorpion.

Kushina may go to school three or four times a year because of Naruto, but after Naruto graduates, he probably won't bother to go.

Orochimaru is not willing to join for the time being. He often does human body research. If he joins the federation, he will be subject to too many restrictions; and Otonin Village is also a stronghold for dealing with cloud ninja in the future. The federation also urgently needs an Orochimaru, so Give him up for now.

The first round of negotiations between Loulan and the Saudi Federation went very smoothly. It was almost a negotiation with the left hand holding the right hand, so there was no controversy at all; but the remaining ninjas in Sand Ninja Village looked a little confused, and the smoothness surpassed them. imagination.

The incorporation of other forces in the past few times was also so smooth, oh, it’s okay, maybe the gods are blessing their Saudi Federation.

(End of this chapter)

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