Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 272 Konoha's Internal Affairs

Chapter 272 Konoha's Internal Affairs

"Ino, where did Sasuke-kun go?"

In Konoha's ninja school, Sakura Haruno asked his friend Ino very weakly, since Uchiha Sasuke was forcibly taken away from the practice field behind the ninja school some time ago, he never came back.

Haruno Sakura and Ino also secretly went to the Uchiha tribe to find Sasuke, but there was no one there, and some roads were blocked.

"I don't know either. My father never told me about Uchiha. Shikamaru, Choji, what do you know?"

After hearing Ino's words, Shikamaru, who was holding a grass root in his mouth, clicked his tongue secretly, said a troublesome woman in his heart, and then said: "I don't know, my father is not at home, and it's not just Sasuke, Even Naruto didn't come, maybe only Anbu knows about them."

Shikamaru thought of the sound of fighting near the ninja school that night, and Anbu who robbed Naruto, this kind of thing was completely beyond the scope of their inquiries.

"Me too. My dad only told me to study hard, and he didn't let me inquire about other things."

Ding Ci said while eating potato chips, although he didn't care about it, he went back to inquire about Naruto's news as soon as possible, but he didn't get any news from Ding Zuo.

After Haruno Sakura listened to what Lu Jiu and Ding Zuo said, her face immediately became depressed.

Shikamaru suddenly said from the side: "If you want to know, why don't you just go to Fifth Hokage and ask, Tsunade-sama will definitely know, but she probably doesn't have the heart to answer the questions of us students."

"Godaime Hokage? Isn't the Hokage in the village a third-generation grandfather? Why are there more Gothaime?" Haruno Sakura was stunned after hearing the words, and asked in puzzlement.

"Sakura, the third generation is not in the village, and Tsunade-sama is the strongest and most beautiful female ninja. I heard from my mother that in order to invite Tsunade-sama back, the village spent a lot of effort, but Shikamaru's idea is purely It’s like not saying, Master Tsunade is so busy, how could he have time to answer our questions.”

After Yamanaka Ino explained to Haruno Sakura, he turned his head and gave Shikamaru a white look, wondering what the hell was going on.

However, Haruno Sakura silently wrote down Tsunade's matter, because after inquiring about this information, Haruno Sakura didn't even think about going to class in class.

After school, Haruno Sakura chose to hide it from her companions, because she felt that Ino was not very optimistic about this matter, so she walked quietly to the Hokage Building alone.

Although the Hokage building is busy now, it does not prohibit the students of the ninja school from entering.

Tsunade just sent away Kimura who came to report, and then quietly took out a bottle of shochu that Hinata Mirai gave her, ready to take a couple of sips to relax.

This is the last bottle she treasured. If she drank it all, she would have no place to buy it. She also asked Mirai Hinata about the source of this shochu, but Mirai Hinata strictly guarded against this matter and never told her.

The reason was that Tsunade would become an alcoholic if he became addicted to drinking.

Damn kid, you don't believe her so much!

Tsunade poured himself a glass, then took a sip impatiently.

"Phew, sure enough, shochu is the delicacy in the world!"

This kind of taste and carefreeness instantly made Tsunade feel that the exhaustion of handling a day's business was expelled. Unfortunately, this kind of liquor is only available in Mirai Hyuga. She traveled to several countries, but she couldn't find anything comparable to this kind of shochu. After drinking this kind of wine, you will feel much worse after drinking other things.

dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, and Tsunade put the wine in the drawer in a moment of vigilance, then opened the window, mobilized Chakra to eliminate the smell of wine in his mouth, and then said in a majestic tone: "Come in."

However, after seeing a little girl with pink hair who opened the door, Tsunade clicked his tongue, thinking to himself to scare himself, and after Haruno Sakura came in completely, Tsunade said, "You are a ninja!" Students at the school, what can I do for you?"

"Master Tsunade, I would like to ask you, do you know the whereabouts of Sasuke Uchiha... and Naruto Uzumaki? They haven't come to school for several days."

When Haruno Sakura was talking about Sasuke, she thought of Naruto Shikamaru said again. She felt that the disappearance of the two had something to do with it, but she didn't know anything, so she could only come and ask Tsunade-sama.

"Tch, children, don't ask these questions. The most important thing for you now is to study hard, otherwise you won't even be able to be a ninja in the future."

Tsunade looked at Haruno Sakura for a while, and saw that she was the kind of girl who fell in love with her when she was a student; she was wearing a skirt, and there were no calluses left by hard training on her palms, and there were no traces of sweat.

At her age, she hasn't started a new relationship yet, so why worry about a child.

The ninja school is not as good as the previous generation, Tsunade suddenly sighed in his heart, in their area, they started to perform C-level missions at the age of eight, and in Hinata Miku's class, in addition to this little monster who hides too deeply, there are also six-year-old Chunin Kakashi.

As a result, in Haruno Sakura's class, it seems that the chief is Uchiha Sasuke, and the others are relatively mediocre.
It may not be said to be mediocre, but I can't find a genius who is high and makes people shine.

"But, Tsunade-sama."

"Go back. Ninjas must follow the ninja regulations. Don't inquire about things that shouldn't be asked. Although you haven't become a ninja yet, if you can't even do this, don't be a ninja at all."

When Tsunade said these words, his tone was slightly serious, which directly made Sakura tremble in fright, and then without saying a word, he directly bowed to Tsunade, and slowly exited Hokage's office.

Not long after Haruno Sakura left, Kimura knocked on the door with Shizune and walked in. With the previous experience, Tsunade prepared very well this time. Even after Kimura came in, he didn't smell the alcohol around Tsunade.

"Master Tsunade, this is an urgent order from the front line. The third generation not only needs a batch of medicines and medical charms, but also needs the support of medical machines and medical ninjas."

"Why didn't he move Konoha Hospital there too? And Kimura, don't use the order of the third generation, now I am Hokage."

When Tsunade heard Sarutobi Hiruza, he felt unconsciously angry, and then took the application form from Kimura. After reading it, the anger on Tsunade's face became even stronger.

"There are only 400 people on the front line. Why does the stinky old man ask for 800 people all of a sudden? Do you really think that I can make a false report of the material demand because I haven't been back to the village for several years!"

Tsunade angrily patted the material application on the table, and then asked Kimura

"Kimura, in the future, such outrageous applications will not be allowed. Review the supplies needed by all frontline personnel, and then report to me."

Kimura said with some embarrassment: "Master Tsunade, this may include the needs of Iwanin?"

"Iwa Ninja? Why does Konoha give Iwa Ninja medical supplies?"

After Tsunade heard the words, he suddenly asked in surprise, and then Kimura also told Tsunade some things about the front line. Iwa Shinobi was killed by the leader of Urenin Village and suffered heavy losses, and the rest were all wounded. , The medical team on the front line has been turned around continuously, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi has no choice but to ask for supplies.

Moreover, Anbu was afraid that Tsunade would be angry if he saw it, so when he was at the door, he asked Kimura to bring this application in.

"Eye of Reincarnation"

Tsunade frowned slightly. She remembered that it was Jiraiya's former apprentice. Her family members died because of Konoha Ninja, and her best friend died because of the collusion between Hanzo and Danzo, so she hated Daikuni Ninja Village very much.

This information Tsunade still knows from Hinata Mirai. Before she completely controls Anbu, the small actions below will probably not be reduced. Every generation of Hokage has to go through this kind of thing, even if the fourth generation of Hokage carries military exploits and becomes Hokage, he does not control everything. Anbu.

Seeing Tsunade pondering deeply, Kimura couldn't help asking again in a low voice: "Master Tsunade, this material application?"

"Let the logistics department prepare, but tell the front line that this is the last support for Iwanin."

After Tsunade thought about it, she felt that the front line could not be defeated now. If the Battle of Rain Country loses, Kikyo Castle may also have a chain reaction; she is just preparing to take the fifth generation, and if there is an accident, there are likely to be many twists and turns .

"Kimura, let Shizune get familiar with Konoha Hospital as soon as possible. Her medical ninjutsu is fine, what she lacks is experience; after Shizune can take over, I need you to help me take over the logistics department."

The Finance Department, the Logistics Department, the Mission Hall, the Intelligence Department, the Anbu, the Medical Department, and the Barrier and Seal Squad are the main departments that support the operation of Konoha. The team was temporarily abandoned.

But Tsunade will set up a security team sooner or later, and she has already considered the candidates; the daily patrols in the village are still relying on Anbu and task teams, but this method is not a long-term solution, and the security team must be rebuilt to deal with it Complaints from villagers and prevention of spies from other villages.

Hinata, Akizuka and other ninjas who are good at reconnaissance jointly reorganized the Konoha Guard. As for the captain, Tsunade is going to choose a candidate worthy of his trust in the village.

Tsunade heard that the Hyuga Clan has a 'rebellious' clan ninja, and he can investigate it at that time. If it is suitable, it would be good to make the Hyuga Clan the main force of the new guard.

 Wait for another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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