Chapter 274 Mikoto's Request

"how come."

Uzumaki Kushina covered her mouth and asked in disbelief.

"Itachi has made too many mistakes, Fuyue always feels sorry for his clansmen"

Uchiha Mikoto said flatly, but she seemed to be trying her best to suppress her emotions; after all, because of her own stupidity, Uchiha Itachi killed more than a hundred ordinary people, including old and young, and Uchiha Yatsushiro, etc. Guard members.

This kind of hatred cannot be eliminated in just a few days, and Uchiha Itachi clearly knows that the masked man is suspicious and dangerous, but he still chooses to hide it from the Uchiha clan, and even joins forces with the masked man to attack Uchiha, which almost makes everyone in the guard team die in battle.

If it weren't for the two kaleidoscopes of Uchiha Iron Fire and Uchiha Fugaku, the guard team would have been wiped out by the masked man.

Counting it, Uchiha Itachi was responsible for the hundreds of Uchiha casualties; and in the end, Uchiha Fugaku planned to let the masked man's accomplice rescue Uchiha Itachi.

On that night, Uchiha Fugaku changed from a high-ranking and respected patriarch to a sinner in the clan.

Although Uchiha Iron Fire did not punish Uchiha Fugaku in any way, the disgust of the tribe was already the root cause of Uchiha Fugaku's suicide.

Uzumaki Naruto at the side heard the news, his face was a bit tangled and he said: "Then I... can I still go to see Sasuke?"

"Next time, Naruto." Uzumaki Kushina said seriously, this time they didn't know about Uchiha Fugaku, and listening to Mikoto, they could also feel that Sasuke was in a bad mood, Kushina was worried Naruto's temper will be unpleasant after meeting Sasuke.

Uchiha Mikoto smiled at Naruto and said: "It's okay, Sasuke also needs a friend to enlighten him now, maybe Sasuke is embarrassed to come down when he hears Naruto's voice now."

After hearing this sentence, Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head and laughed, and then said to Uchiha Mikoto: "Aunt Mikoto, then I will go up to find Sasuke."

After finishing speaking, he got up and jumped to the second floor. After seeing this, Kushina, who was sitting downstairs, shouted angrily, "Stupid Naruto, take the stairs properly!"

Seeing Naruto after leaving, Uzumaki Ayaka smiled at Kushina and said, "Princess Kushina, Naruto really looks like you."

"Caixiang, you idiot, shut up!"

"You two, this is someone else's house." Hinata Mirai knocked on the table, quieting the two girls temporarily.

Then Hinata Mikoto looked at Uchiha Mikoto, and asked speculatively, "Mrs. Mikoto, you sent Naruto away, do you have anything to tell us?"

"Yes, Hinata-kun, I really want to ask you something."

Uchiha Mikoto was surprised for a moment, but she honestly admitted that she did have this idea, but she didn't expect that Hinata Miku's insight was so strong, and Hinata Miku saw it before she opened her mouth.

Afterwards, Uchiha Mikoto invited several people to the house, and then took out a kaleidoscope Sharingan from the sealed scroll.

"This is Fugaku-san's kaleidoscope Sharingan? Do you want me to help you transplant it to yourself?"

After Hinata Miku saw these eyes, he guessed Uchiha Mikoto's thoughts.

"Yes, after Fuyue's death, I hope I can use the power of these eyes to protect Sasuke and atone for the Uchiha clan; there are no medical ninjas in the clan, and I am a little worried about the hospitals in the Saudi Federation, so I want to ask Hinata-kun to help me Complete the operation."

After Uchiha Mikoto finished her request, a standard came and got out of her seat.

However, Hinata Miku speculates that she may have concealed Uchiha Fugaku's suicide from other Uchiha clansmen, probably because she was afraid that the kaleidoscope would be confiscated. After all, Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope is still with Uchiha Iron Fire.

"It's not difficult if it's just a pair of eyes, it's just a few minutes of surgery; but Uchiha's Sharingan is not that simple. If I want to achieve a perfect transplant, I need to study Fu Yue-san's remains. Kushina , don’t look at me with this kind of eyes, the fundamental change of the blood inheritance limit of Sharingan is the chakra in the brain, and the eyes are just the concrete manifestation of chakra.”

Mikoto Hyuga briefly explained, and then continued to say to Mikoto Uchiha: "Ms. Mikoto, you'd better trust me on this point, in the ninja world, except for Tsunade and Orochimaru, no one knows human research better than me. "

"I believe in Hyuga-kun. With Hinata-kun's strength, there is no need to lie to me."

After Uchiha Mikoto finished speaking, she turned around and went to the cabinet to take out another seal scroll, which contained Uchiha Fugaku's body.

"Then, in three days, Mrs. Meiqin, please come to me. The address is in the guest house."

After Hyuga Miku received Uchiha Fugaku's body and Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he said to Uchiha Mikoto; he didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest this time. After Uchiha Fugaku's body, his research on Kaleidoscope Sharingan can go further.

Next, Uchiha Mikoto and Uzumaki Kushina are going to have some private conversations, while Hinata Miku and Uzumaki Ayaka back out. The two of them are not familiar with Uchiha Mikoto, so they will not get involved in each other's private conversations .

After Hinata Mirai sat down in the living room, he was thinking about the kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes, but he also devoted part of his mind to paying attention to Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. These two guys have the key to open the sharing eyes .

Uzumaki Ayaka helped Hinata Mirai change a cup of hot tea, and then sat quietly beside Hinata Mirai; while looking at Hinata Mirai's face like this, Uzumaki Ayaka had a bold idea, but this idea didn't last long. Like a deflated balloon, it vanished into thin air.

Uzumaki Kushina can beat her in this respect too!

Ding Ding!

The terminal on Hinata Mirai's body suddenly sounded, and after he called out the nano display, he saw No. 18 on the other end.

"Sir, the location of Mount Miaomu has been found out. Through the detection robot, the number of toads in it has been basically found out. There are a total of [-] intelligent toads, and more than [-] ordinary toads. The specific strength has not been inquired yet. Clearly unknown."

"You don't need to inquire about the specific strength. I'll ask Snake Girl and the others later if they want to eat toads. If they don't, they will use space-based weapons to destroy Mt. Miaomu."

Hyuga Miku originally wanted to destroy Mt. Myogi directly, but he remembered that he had promised Ichikishima Hime to take them to eat toad, so he said to No. 18.

The group of toads on Mt. Myogi really made Hinata Mirai hate him so much. He wanted to point out the fate of all human beings with a superior attitude. If it wasn’t for Uzumaki Kushina who was still alive and signed a contract with Shishibone Forest, maybe Uzumaki Naruto would have been killed by Miao Mu Shan abducted.

Even so, Miaomushan has not given up dealing with Mirai Hinata so far. They seem to have made a new psychic scroll and are preparing to select new contractors outside.

"Understood, sir, then I will prepare weapons in advance."

After finishing talking on the 18th, seeing that Hinata Mirai had nothing else to say, he ended the communication.

Then Uzumaki Caixiang stepped forward and asked with a smile: "My lord in the future, do you want me to psychic Ichikijima Hime to ask?"

"Don't worry now, let's talk about it when we get back to the hostel." Hinata Miku shook his head and said, he is still at Uchiha Mikoto's house, and it is not suitable to use psychic techniques.

On the battlefield of the Land of the Rain, after Shikahisa of Nara brought a group of injured Iwanin to the Konoha camp, it immediately aroused many people's suspicions.

However, Hiruzaru Sarutobi came forward to make arrangements, and after knowing the reason for bringing Iwa Shinobu and Onogi back from Nara Shikoku, he immediately felt that Nara Shikoku was right.

The ability of Samsara Eye is a bit strong, and even thousands of Iwanin troops are almost wiped out, and Konoha is probably more dangerous.

Moreover, Ohnoki's Dust Escape Blood continued to be eliminated, but even Hiruza Sarutobi found it tricky, but for the Samsara Eye, there was no threat at all.
Sarutobi Hiruzen had a decision in his heart, and immediately arranged camps and medical ninjas for Iwanin. If these people can be cured, they can also be used when dealing with Urenin Village.

In this respect, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Shikahisa Nara have the same idea.

Fortunately, Konoha's camp tents and other materials have always been surplus, and if some teams squeeze a little, there will be enough space for Iwanin to recuperate.

"Please take care of me from now on, Kiyoya."

In the name of the team being able to live together, Yuhihong took her own luggage and came to Hinata Kiyoya's camp on her own initiative, and said to her with a smile.

Hinata Kiyomi snorted, but there was nothing she could do about Yuhihong’s behavior. Two tents of the Hyuga clan were also transferred. Yuhihong didn’t want to live with other people, so she had to come to her.

After Kurenai Yuhi placed the items, she asked, "By the way, Kiyoya, I heard that your people have returned from Iwanin. Do you know why Iwanin was injured so badly?"

"This is confidential information, and the third generation has ordered that it is not leaked." Hinata Kiyoya said angrily, of course her tone was not aimed at Kurenai Yuhi, but at Hiroshi Sarutobi.

"But it's okay to tell you, as long as you don't tell the outside world."

Hyuga Kiyoya felt that Sarutobi Hiruzawa's behavior was stupid. What's the purpose of covering up the enemy's intelligence like this?Worried that Konoha Ninja is too afraid to fight?That's ridiculous.

"The leader of Yu Ninja Village possesses the eye of reincarnation, one of the three legendary pupil techniques. Iwa Ninja's troops were wiped out by the opponent alone."

"One person?" Kureni Yuhi was shocked after hearing the words, a little unbelievable; Iwanin has at least a thousand people, and there are three generations of Tsuchikage, beaten like this by one person?

"That's right, it's just one person. According to Nara Shikahisa's analysis, the Samsara Eye of the leader of Urenin Village should be able to be divided into several clones."

Hinata Seiya opened his eyes and looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he told Yuhihong some information about the ability of the reincarnation eye.

After Xi Rihong heard the words, her red lips parted slightly and said, "It's so powerful."

"Sounds really powerful, but when you return to the village, you may hear news that will shock you even more"

Hyuga Seiya glanced at Yuhihong with his white pupils and said, if comparing the reincarnation eyes with Hinata Mirai's azure blue eyes, Hinata Seiya feels that the latter is more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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