Chapter 275

"The third generation should summon elite ninjas to deal with them based on the ability of the eyes of reincarnation. Your illusion ability is one of the best ninjas besides Uchiha. At that time, you will definitely be called to deal with the leader of the rain ninja village. At that time, you should be careful."

Hinata Kiyoya folded his arms around his chest, tilted his head and said to Yuhihong.

"Does Kiyoya recognize my illusion ability so much? Are you still concerned about me? I'm so happy!" After hearing the words, Yuhihong smiled into a crescent moon, and then hugged Hinata Kiyoya directly.

Hinata Kiyoya did not expect Yuhihong's actions, and when her face was deeply softened, Hinata Kiyoya reacted.

'Is this guy doing it on purpose?Are you showing off in a different way? '

"Let go of me!"

Hinata Kiyoya tried hard to push Yuhihong away, and then said to Yuhihong with a bad face: "You guy, hurry up and marry yourself, 20 years old is already the best age to have children, I see that Sarutobi Asi Mar is good”

"I was wrong about Kiyoya, so don't mention that person..." Yuhihong hurriedly folded his hands together to apologize to Hinata Kiyoya, then covered his head and shook his head and said: "I have already made it very clear to him, if he still If you come to pester me, I may tear my face."

Hinata Kiyomi tidied up her clothes, stood up and looked down at Yuhihong slightly, and said, "It's almost time to give up, it will be fruitless for you to wait like this."

After hearing the words, Yuhihong curled her lips indifferently, and retorted: "You are not the same, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, do you plan to contribute to the family for the rest of your life? It stands to reason that the blood successor family should pay more attention to the inheritance of future generations, right? What are you waiting for, Kiyoya-sama?"

"I just plan to dedicate my energy to the Hyuga clan first..."

After Hinata Kiyoya finished saying this, seeing Kuroyuki's red pupils gradually narrowing, he couldn't stand it and wanted to escape and said

"I still have to go to the staff department to discuss matters, so let's go first."

Seeing that Hinata Kiyoya had found a lame reason to escape, Yuhihong couldn't help chuckling, and then lay on her back directly on the bed.

Although the staff department really wanted to discuss dealing with Samsarayan and summoned various ninja clans and well-known jonin, Hinata Kiyoya came to the staff department more than an hour earlier, which surprised everyone inside.

However, this is the leader of the Hyuga Clan, a clan ninja who is famous for his strength in Konoha Village, even if he came to the staff camp in advance, they could only treat him well.

After a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and other jounin came one after another, and even Onoki, who was still recovering from his injuries, also came to participate in this meeting, preparing to discuss a tactic against the leader of Urenin Village.

Although Yannin can't draw much combat power, after Onogi's injury is healed, he will be the main force against the leader of Urenin Village.

No one in the ninja world can ignore the lethality of Chen Dun, even Samsara Eyes; if it weren't for the Hungry Ghost Dao that can absorb Dust Dun, the remaining few Payne would definitely not be so easy to deal with Iwa Ninja.

Shikahisa Nara's ability to detect about [-]% of the ability of the reincarnation eye, except for the human world and the hell way, the abilities of the remaining four realms were basically analyzed by Nara Shikoku.

The top brains in Konoha, for intelligence collection and tactical analysis, are no less than the collective thinking of an intelligence team.

Even Ohnoki couldn't help but secretly nodded after hearing the information Nara Shikoku had received; if they had this information at the time, perhaps the casualties would not have been so great.

After discussing for several hours, and finally coordinating all parties, a team was selected to deal with the leader of Yuren Village.

Hinata Seiya, Hinata Futa, Nara Shikahisa, Akimichi Toshito, Yamanaka Kaito, Yume Shiguro, Sarutobi Hizane, Ohnoki, Yuhikari and Kaede Kaminameru, etc. 12 people.

Among them, Hinata Kiyoya and Hinata Futa are responsible for observing Payne’s Chakra to report the message, the three of Ikacho are responsible for controlling Tendo Payne and giving orders, Yuhikari assists Ikacho, and Kami Kaede and other elites use ninjutsu to interfere with the enemy vision and ideas.

There are also four teams of Yannin and Konoha ninjas who provide long-range ninjutsu assistance on the periphery, and are responsible for restraining the psychic beasts summoned by Payne; the ninjutsu they are good at are all restricted types, even large psychic beasts, It can also be restricted for a period of time.

"If Tsunade-sama is here, maybe I will be more confident. With Tsunade-sama's ability to psychic slug, it has a good defense effect against the physical attack of the reincarnation eye, and it can be healed at any time."

Nara Shikahisa pretended to sigh and said regretfully
If Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned Tsunade to the front line, then they would be more sure of dealing with Payne, at least they would be healed by Tsunade if they were not killed on the spot.

It's just that Nara Shikahisa knows that there seem to be many conflicts between the third generation and Mr. Tsunade. If it wasn't during the war, the struggle between the two would definitely be fierce.

After listening to Nara Shikahisa's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a slightly deep voice: "Tsunade can't get out now, but for safety, those who participate in the battle will distribute five healing charms and a medical ninja suit, so that in the face of When he was the leader of Yuren Village, he was like a medical ninja by his side."

The medical ninja suit was developed when Hinata Mirai was still at Konoha Hospital. Because it was too expensive, it was not popularized, but the manufacturing method was passed down.

Sarutobi Hiruzen originally planned to make some medical Ninja uniforms for his family, but in order to win this war, he had to take out the good things he had accumulated.

In addition to automatically releasing medical ninjutsu, medical ninja suits also have good defensive capabilities. After all, it costs several million to make one. If it is not useful, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not secretly make so many.

Kurenai Yuhi and Kiyoya Hinata's medical forbearance clothes were completely damaged after participating in several battles, saving them at least three or four times.

Hinata Kiyoya got three medical forbearance clothes, two of which she helped Yuhihong and Hinata Kaeda to take. After leaving the deliberation camp, Hinata Kiyoya snorted softly, shook his head and said in a low voice: "It's worth it! It's Naruto-sama"

Although he left the camp, there were still many people around who heard it, but for this tough-minded Hyuga Kiyoya, others couldn't say anything; after all, Hyuga Kiyoya is not only famous for his strength, but also the head of the Hyuga Clan An elder, someone who can summon dozens of family ninjas casually.

After formulating the tactics, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was ready to wait
root base

Junmaro has only been with Kakashi for less than ten days, and he conquered him with his excellent learning ability. He was still asking him about Anbu's routines for performing missions for the first three days, and then he was able to complete the mission alone, and Junmaru It doesn't look like Maro is leading the team for the first time. It stands to reason that he has been with Tsunade-sama before, so it is impossible to have the opportunity to come into contact with Anbu's mission routine.

However, it is impossible for Kakashi to ask Tsunade-sama about this kind of thing. Although Junmaro is a member of the Taketori clan, Tsunade-sama, the Fifth Hokage, is responsible for him, and the Taketori clan was killed by the rebellion. To perish, no one in Konoha can question Junmaro's blood succession and background.

"Although I don't mind subduing the roots now, since you are confident, you can give it a try."

Kakashi brought Junmaro to the root base, and persuaded Junmaro: "If they resist, it's best to ask Tsunade-sama's opinion."

Junmaro heard the words, turned his head and said to Kakashi calmly: "Don't worry, Kakashi-senpai, I have already obtained the letter of appointment from Tsunade-sama."

"It's not for this reason." Kakashi said with a wave of his hand. The Genbu ninja has disobeyed Hokage's orders many times. dark'

"Anyway, forget it, you should try it first."

Afterwards, Kakashi led a small group of Anbu members and followed Kimaro to the root.

Danzo has been dismissed from all positions by the order of the third generation. Now the root members are in a state of no mission. It is understandable that Junmaro wants to conquer the root early and work for Master Tsunade.

"Stop, this is the root base, outsiders cannot enter!"

After Kimaro, Kakashi and others were about to enter the root base, two root ninjas suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

Junma Lu calmly took out a scroll, and said to Nebu Ninja: "This is the letter of appointment from Tsunade-sama, and I will take over and manage all the members of Genbu."

The two Nebu ninjas didn't look at the scroll in Junmaro's hand at all, and refused again: "Nebu only obeys Danzo-sama's order, leave quickly, outsiders are not allowed to enter here."

After finishing speaking, the two root ninjas put their hands on the handles of the short knives behind them.

Even Kakashi frowned at the attitude of the root ninja. You must know that Danzo has been relieved of all his duties now, and he can't even talk about ninjas among Konoha.

"Senior Kakashi, their behavior is considered treason, right?"

Jun Malu tilted his head, and asked calmly: "Ignore Tsunade-sama's order, and show signs of doing something to my colleagues, it should be considered treason."

"Although it is, but Jun Ma Lu, we still... wait a moment!"

Before Kakashi finished speaking, he stared at Kimaro and moved his hand directly.

"Bone Vein · Ten-finger piercing bullet!"

With a wave of Jun Malu's arms, ten phalanxes were instantly thrown out by him, which was powerful enough to pierce through giant wood and rocks, and at such a short distance, the two root members could not react at all.

After blocking a few phalanges, the remaining phalanges still passed through the hearts of the two root members, killing them on the spot.

After Kakashi saw this, he felt his throat a little itchy, and he said after a while: "Kimaro, you are too anxious to do this."

"Since they have already betrayed the village, there is no need to keep them; don't worry Kakashi-senpai, I will do it by myself next time."

After Jun Malu finished speaking, he walked slowly to the corpse of the root ninja, took off the mask of one of them, and put it on his face.

Jun Malu is going to roll his eyes next, so it's better to wear a mask to cover it up.

 It's the beginning of the month, can I ask for some tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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