Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 277 Tsunade, you will regret it!

Chapter 277 Tsunade, you will regret it!

All the things left at the root were sealed by Jun Malu with a sealed scroll, including the remaining mission records, ninjutsu scrolls, and some experimental equipment.

Under the supervision of Kimaro and Kakashi's team Anbu, the Anbu members brought by Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't make small moves at all, and there was still a bone forest seven or eight meters high in the root base. If Lu finds out, he will definitely do it without hesitation.

Stared at by those indifferent eyes, the Anbe ninjas of the Sarutobi family felt uncomfortable; although they have the strength of Chunin or Jonin, they may not have experienced as many fights as Junmaro, a teenager.

As the number one black hand under Orochimaru's command, I don't know how many dirty things he has helped Oroshemaru deal with. Jun Malu may have killed more people than a small ninja village.

His style of doing things is even more cold-blooded than Anbu ninja, just like just now, any root ninja who does not obey Tsunade-sama's order will be decisively killed by Junmaro.

After being stared at by Jun Malu and sealing up all the root things, there is also the corpse of the root ninja killed by him. The brain of the corpse is also considered a fortune, especially the root ninja. It is a loss for Konoha to be able to extract some information.

Junmaro asked Kakashi, and said calmly: "Senior Kakashi, please keep an eye on these ninjas at the root. If they have the idea of ​​​​running away after healing their injuries, they can kill them directly. If they escape alone, then Just kill them all."

The Genbu ninjas squatting on the ground with their heads bowed trembled slightly after hearing this; it was the first time they had seen ninjas who were colder than them. After listening to the words of Master Danzo, he was decisively killed.

Does this person really regard them as colleagues?Anyway, let them take a look at the scroll of appointment, is it okay to question it? Facing Junma Lu, the remaining root ninjas who survived felt very wronged.

Danzo-sama, it's not that his subordinates are unfaithful, it's that the enemy is too cold-blooded and cruel!

After hearing these words, Kakashi scratched his head with a sigh, and said to Kimaro, "I see, Kimaro, don't worry, I guarantee that none of them will escape."

After asking Kakashi about it, Junmaro walked towards the Hokage Building.

But before going, he went back to the Anbu base first and changed a piece of clothes; the Anbu members he met in the base, after seeing Jun Ma Lu, they all quietly hid away, apparently walking back after Jun Ma Lu During this period of time, what he did in the root base was sent back to Anbu.

After changing his clothes, Junmaro made a summary of the task, and then rushed to the Hokage Building. When he got here, many people had already arrived in Tsunade's office.

Jun Ma Lu looked around, and found that besides some ninja patriarchs he had seen that day, there were two old men, one with a broken arm, and the other looking at him with hatred secretly.

For this kind of people who can't even hide their hatred or dare not release it blatantly, Jun Malu has never paid much attention to it, because such people are generally "not promising".

"Master Tsunade, the root has been received, and some ninjas who rebelled against the village were encountered in the process, but they have all been killed."

After Jun Malu finished speaking flatly, he handed Tsunade a task summary record.

Tsunade took it and glanced at it casually, then nodded and said, "Good job, Junmaro, it's an A-level mission for you."

"Tsunade, aren't you going too far!?"

After hearing this sentence, Danzo finally couldn't help but shouted.

Killed more than [-] people from his roots, wiped out all the root forces in Konoha, and still praised 'good job' here?
You must know that the more than forty root ninjas in the village are already more than average in his hands; now that Tsunade sent people to snatch them away, the remaining root ninjas in Danzo are all performing tasks scattered outside. The total number is probably less than 30 people.

And he has not yet the position of Naruto Assistant, Mitomen Yan
"Why are you shouting, old man, you must know that letting this commoner enter the Hokage Building to listen is already giving you face, if you shout again, get out immediately!"

Tsunade slapped the table with a bang and shouted back, staring at Danzo with unfriendly eyes for a long time. It was this bastard who, relying on the delegation of power by the three-generation old man, made a mess of the village, and then asked her to come back and clean it up.

After Danzo's arrogance was suppressed by Tsunade's words, Mitomonyan took half a step forward and persuaded Tsunade: "Tsunade, no matter what, the roots are all ninjas of Konoha, and they got A lot of credit, but now so many people have been killed because of Junmalu's wanton killing, Tsunade, if you don't give an explanation."

"An account to what? Who do I need to explain to?"

Tsunade sneered indifferently, and said to Mitomonyan with a slightly cold face: "Now I am the Fifth Hokage, and the daimyo's appointment is on the way. I will ask Anbu to take over the root ninja who has no leader. The ninja who encounters resistance and wants to betray the village can't do it?"

"It's ridiculous, isn't the root too big to fall off now? Even Hokage's order can be ignored? As for the credit you said for protecting Konoha, let me see it? If there is really credit, then I admit today's mistake. "


Danzo was choked by this sentence, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak; the reason why Genbu guarded Konoha in the dark was because they couldn't see the light of what they did. I only know a rough idea.

Tsunade didn't have the patience to chat with Danzo anymore, and shouted directly: "Enough, Konoha's matter, it's not up to you two civilians to point fingers; Anbe, send them home, there is no need to not allow Hokage Building."

"Yes, Lord Five Hokage."

In an instant, three Anbe members appeared in the house, and then they were about to escort Mitomon Endanzo back to their respective homes.

"Tsunade, good."

There was obvious anger on Mitomonyan's face, Tsunade and her master were both good, and for Konoha heroes like them, throw them away after use.

Danzo was also full of anger, Tsunade was attacking his roots, shattering his Hokage dream step by step, before being taken away by Anbu, Danzo said in a cold voice: "Tsunade, you will regret it .”

Tsunade replied indifferently: "Regret? I am Hokage!"

After the two were taken away, Tsunade discussed with others about the Hokage Succession Ceremony three days later. Because the front line was still at war, it was enough to just invite some neighboring small allied countries, and the ceremony would be as simple as possible.

After discussing other matters, Tsunade said to Junmaro: "Kunmaro, control the root in the shortest time, and then I will give the root ninja a higher initiative than Anbu, huh, the old man's Sarutobi family unacceptable!"

"I see, Tsunade-sama." Junmalu suddenly remembered something, and after a pause, he continued to ask: "Tsunade-sama, the ninjas at the root now have the mark of eradicating tongue troubles, and we must deal with them." Are you recruiting again?"

Tsunade patted her fair forehead, she also had some headaches for Jun Ma Lu's murderous nature, but this needs to be corrected slowly in the future.

"No, I will find a way to get rid of the seal of the root of the tongue disaster. All you have to do is to subdue the remaining root ninjas as soon as possible, and at the same time expand the size of the roots."

Danzo's curse-seal technique may seem a bit interesting to others, but with the help that Tsunade can find, he is absolutely sure to break the seal of tongue disaster.

Jun Malu nodded calmly after hearing the words, and said to Tsunade: "I understand, Master Tsunade."

"By the way, Junmaro, why hasn't the other guy Orochimaru mentioned come up yet? Do you know his information?"

Tsunade suddenly remembered that Orochimaru had promised her another helper, why it had been so long and she hadn't shown up yet.

After Junmalu heard the words, he thought for a while before saying to Tsunade: "That person should be Mr. Dou, Yakushi Dou. Except for Master Orochimaru, no one else, including me, knows his whereabouts."

"Okay, I'll urge Orochimaru again, you go down."

Tsunade waved his hand after listening, and sent Junmaro away.

Guest house in the Saudi Federation
Hinata Mirai hid in the guest house for research since he got Uchiha Fugaku's body. He brought a whole set of research equipment with him. OK.

After carefully studying Uchiha Fugaku's brain for two days, Hinata Mirai finally understood the secret of the Uchiha family's Sharingan.

When the brains of the Uchiha people are secreting substances that affect emotions, it will stimulate a special gene inherited by the Uchiha people, thus awakening the Sharingan. The more substances the brain secretes, the gene will make the Sharingan The stronger the awakening.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is the expression of full awakening.

According to Uchiha Fugaku's body genes, Kaleidoscope Sharingan is his upper limit, and after this gene is fully awakened, it will be reflected in the bodies of the Uchiha people, allowing them to awaken a special kind of body based on this genetic gene. Chakra.

However, this kind of chakra is non-renewable, and it will be gone when it is used up. Only by transplanting the gene fragments in the cells between the columns can this kind of chakra that is unique to the Kaleidoscope Sharingan be continuously produced.

"In this way, it should be the gene fragment of the sacred tree that can stimulate the evolution of Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Indra's Chakra just echoes the evolution of Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Sasuke should be dealt with earlier. If possible, maybe Several pairs of reincarnation eyes can be copied."

Mirai Hinata looked at the research conclusions in his hands, thinking in his heart that he had to find an opportunity to take Sasuke out.

Just when Hinata Miku was thinking about attacking Indra Chakra on Sasuke, Uzumaki Ayaka suddenly knocked on the door and told him Uchiha Mikoto was here.

"What a coincidence."

Hyuga Miku went directly to the gate, opened the gatekeeper Mikoto Uchiha and greeted her, and said to her with a light smile at the corner of her mouth
"What a coincidence, Mrs. Meiqin, I just wanted to find you"

 There are still two chapters to come, Chapter 1 is a bit late!

(End of this chapter)

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