Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 278 Uchiha Mikoto's Kaleidoscope

Chapter 278 Uchiha Mikoto's Kaleidoscope

Before Uchiha Mikoto entered the house, Hinata Miku just put away Uchiha Fugaku's body. He has almost studied the Uchiha family's kaleidoscope sharing eyes. ability.

The so-called pupil of spiritual reflection is the ability of the special chakra awakened by the Uchiha family to reflect on the eyes when activating the genetic fragments of the sacred tree inherited by themselves.

This yin escape chakra has the characteristic of "creating the shape of all things", and it will awaken the pupil technique that the Uchiha people most yearn for when they advanced the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"Ms. Mikoto, that's it. Transplanting Fugaku-san's eyes is one method, but I hope you can choose another method. According to my idea, you can awaken your own kaleidoscope through surgery. Small success rate."

Hinata Miku tried to explain the origin of Kaleidoscope Sharingan to Uchiha Mikoto in easy-to-understand language. The substance secreted by the brain to control emotions is not impossible to copy.

Theoretically, as long as the sacred tree gene inherited by the Uchiha tribe reaches the limit of the awakening kaleidoscope, and then by activating the sacred tree gene inherited by the Uchiha tribe, anyone can awaken the kaleidoscope.

Uchiha Mikoto only understood more than half of it, she said with a bit of embarrassment on her face: "Hinata-kun, if your method doesn't work"

"Fu Yue-san's eyes have been returned to you in advance. Although the ability of the kaleidoscope is magical, it is not so precious, and other people's kaleidoscopes belong to others after all, and only your own is the most suitable."

After Hinata Miku finished speaking, he took out Uchiha Fugaku's eyes and placed them in front of Mrs. Mikoto.

Looking at this pair of kaleidoscopes, Uchiha Mikoto pondered in her heart for a while before finally making a decision
"Excuse me, Hinata-kun."

After Hyuga Miku heard the words, he said to Uchiha Mikoto with a small smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's nothing. Speaking of which, I still have something to ask Madam, but let's discuss it after the operation. Come here and lie down first, I'll go." get ready."

The operating bed was already prepared in the room, and Mikoto Uchiha's heart trembled. She didn't expect the operation to be performed so soon, but this matter was requested by her, and Mikoto had nothing to say when it came to an end.

After Uchiha Mikoto lay on the bed, her beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and she quickly asked with a trembling voice: "Hinata-kun, why did you do this?"

Her hands and feet were restrained by mechanisms on the operating table, and she couldn't move.

"What about this? You will experience the illusion-like feeling during the operation later. If you don't restrict your actions, it will be very troublesome."

Hyuga Miku explained, and then took out the material for the awakening kaleidoscope that was sent to him on the 18th. The substance that stimulates the brain’s emotions is easy to extract. Less than a day after discovering this substance, Hyuga Miku was sent on the 18th. three milligram doses.

Enough to make ten three-go jade awaken into a kaleidoscope dose.

"Alright, let's get ready, Madam Mikoto."

After Hinata Miku said this, she reached out and pressed Uchiha Mikoto's neck, and before she could react, she fell into a coma.

Although Hyuga Miku has clearly studied the anatomy of Uchiha Fugaku's remains, the twins are different, not to mention Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku.

Hinata Mikoto re-examined Uchiha Mikoto's brain, and extracted the gene fragments in her body. After detailed comparison, the dose to be injected was determined.

This series took three hours. After Hinata Miku injected the substance that stimulated the awakening of the Shenshu gene into Uchiha Mikoto's brain, she was slowly revived with medical ninjutsu.

"It takes about three minutes to wake up, and the complete awakening of the Divine Tree gene is almost the same. At that time, a simple stimulus is needed, and it can be verified."

Hyuga Miku glanced at the clock and said that although he was very sure, there was a big difference between people. If Mikoto Uchiha was a natural waste, he couldn't help it.

Time passed minute by minute.


Uchiha Mikoto suddenly uttered a low whisper, and when Hyuga Mikoto saw this, he immediately used an illusion on Uchiha Mikoto.

"The art of seeing Naruto!"

After the illusion was successfully launched, Uchiha Mikoto woke up and slowly opened her eyes. The first time she woke up, her eyes had turned into the shape of three balls, and the three balls were spinning rapidly, faintly. connected trend.

But Uchiha Mikoto suddenly found that the environment in front of her was very strange, and her dead son Itachi also appeared in front of her.

"Itachi? How could you?"

Uchiha Itachi said to Uchiha Mikoto with a flat face: "Mother, why didn't you save me? If it weren't for the incompetent you and father, I wouldn't have died at all."

"No, your father..."

Uchiha Mikoto said quickly, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Uchiha Itachi: "It is because of his incompetence that the Uchiha clan has fallen to where it is today."

"I will not let Sasuke follow your incompetent parents, I will take him away..."

When Uchiha Mikoto heard this sentence, she saw Uchiha Itachi grabbing Uchiha Sasuke's neck, making Sasuke hold him in mid-air almost breathlessly, then Uchiha Itachi pinched Sasuke's neck like this, and left slowly.

"Wait a minute, Itachi, give me back Sasuke."

When Uchiha Mikoto yelled these words, the three-pointed jade in her eyes turned quickly, and within a short period of time, they connected into a special pattern.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan, after Uchiha Mikoto awakened these eyes, she also saw through the Narakumi technique in front of her eyes, and the figures of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke disappeared instantly, and the picture in front of her changed, and she saw it again The scene before Hinata Miku and just passed out.

Uchiha Mikoto's brain was in a state of emotional excitement just now, so Sangou Yu didn't see through the Narakumi technique, but after she awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Hinata Miku removed the Narakumi technique.

"Calm down, Mrs. Meiqin, it was an illusion just now, and the operation was a success."

Hyuga Miku stepped forward to comfort and said, he squinted slightly, looking at Uchiha Mikoto's kaleidoscope, which is a completely different pattern from Uchiha Fugaku's pair of kaleidoscopes, and the ability is not very clear.

"Do I have a Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Uchiha Mikoto murmured, although there is no mirror for her to see the pattern in her eyes, but now she can feel that her eyes have stronger pupil power and insight than before, and she has also awakened two kinds of unique kaleidoscope writing The pupil technique of round eyes.

See you Oyamazu!

Yuzu's life!
After opening the kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Mikoto knew the name and ability of the pupil technique that resides in the eyes.

"It's really a kaleidoscope, thank you, Hinata-kun."

"Madam Meiqin can just call me in the future, and I need to trouble you a lot in the future; get off the operating table first, it's always inconvenient to thank you on this."

After Hyuga Miku finished speaking, he released the mechanism on the operating table.

Uchiha Mikoto also felt a little embarrassed when she heard Hinata Miku's words. During the operation just now, she was agitated and sweated a lot on her body. Facing Hinata Miku like this made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Uchiha Mikoto is a more traditional representative of Yamato Nadeko. Although her husband has passed away, she still panicked when she lost her composure in front of the young Hinata Mirai, even though she turned on the kaleidoscope.

After tidying up, Hinata Miku said to Uchiha Mikoto: "Ms. Mikoto, go outside and test your ability."

Uchiha Mikoto nodded and said softly, "Okay, Mirai-kun."

Afterwards, Ayaka Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki lazily followed after learning that Uchiha Mikoto was going to test the ability of the kaleidoscope. They came to a deserted place outside the Federation and began to let Uchiha Mikoto test her Kaleidoscope Sharingan's ability.

This experiment surprised Hinata Mirai.

The pupil of the soul portrait is too perverted. Uchiha Mikoto's awakened two pupil techniques, the left eye Yu Zuming, can create a very powerful protective enchantment where the eyes look. The defensive ability of this enchantment, Even Ayaka Uzumaki blocked it with King Kong with all her strength, and it was difficult to smash it. Three times in a row, Uchiha Mikoto's left eye couldn't bear it, and bloodshot.

The right eye is big, and it can forcibly move anything in front of its eyes.

This pupil technique is almost a castrated version of Heavenly Hand Power. If the enemy wants to escape, Mikoto Uchiha will give her a look. As long as the enemy does not run out of her sight, the pupil technique can move it back.

According to Uchiha Mikoto herself, when she saw the picture of Sasuke being taken away, what she thought in her heart was to bring Sasuke back to her side immediately, so she awakened this pupil technique.

There is also Susanoo, but this technique is too wasteful of chakra, Hinata Miku did not let her try it for the time being.

"Excellent, after Mrs. Mikoto has these two kinds of pupils, she will be an indispensable existence even in the Saudi Federation. If you gradually contribute to the Uchiha clan in the future, those clansmen will change their views on you and Sasuke."

After hearing Hinata Miku's words, Uchiha Mikoto was also very happy in her heart. She bowed deeply to Hinata Miku and said gratefully: "This is all thanks to Mirai-kun. Without you, I would not be able to Awaken the kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Hyuga Miku smiled and said: "Everyone takes what they need, and maybe you will need your help in the future."

The stronger the Uchiha clan, the greater the benefit to Hyuga Mirai. Anyway, he is working for the Saudi Federation. He is not the idiot Sarutobi Hiruzen. Such a potential clan was forced to become an enemy by their imagination. .

If Mikoto Uchiha and Tetsuhiro Uchiha work together to assist, even Ayaka Uzumaki can fight against Miku Hinata, as long as Miku Hinata doesn't need the powerful pupil techniques of Tenseigan.

As for Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku, a copy of the sacred tree gene in the bodies of Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Miku has been preserved by Hinata Miku. As long as he cultivates and studies, he has great confidence to create a few more pairs of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Mirai couldn't help sighing in his heart, the Uchiha clan is really a treasure house of genes.

 There is another chapter before twelve o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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