Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 279 Tsunade's Request for Help

Chapter 279 Tsunade's Request for Help

"Fire escape, head hard."

Kakuzu controlled the land resentment, spit out a ball of flames, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​​​flames burning everything after landing, directly burning all the remaining logistics troops of Iwanin to death.

"Hey, Kakuzu, if you destroy the supplies of the Land of Rain, don't implicate me when the leader complains!"

The black hoe Lei Ya saw that Jiao was unscrupulously releasing a large-scale escapism, and couldn't help shouting loudly, I knew it would be better to let him take action, at least compared with Huo Dun, Lei Dun is less destructive to the sealing scroll.

"Hmph, if you pay such a little for the task of war, don't have so many demands."

Kakuzu snorted coldly and said, seeing that there were no more surviving rock ninjas here, he took back the Earth Resentment Mask; after the flames were extinguished, Kakutsu went to search for the corpse.

"The quality of the sealed scroll is good. It seems that selling it on the black market is another income."

Kakutsu put away all the seal scrolls carried by the Iwanin logistics team, and sold the seal scrolls after preparing to empty the supplies inside.

Yannin village uses the highest grade, and one can sell for at least 100,000 taels. The extra gains from Kakuto's trip are equivalent to Xiaonan's battle entrustment reward for him.

Afterwards, Kakudo was going to check to see if any of the rock ninjas he killed had a reward list on the underground gold exchange, but Lei Ya, the black hoe, couldn't help urging: "Let's go quickly, Kakuto, who would offer a reward for some logistics?" Ninja."

However, after checking one by one, Jiaodu left amid the complaints of the black hoe Lei Ya, they still had another task.

"Nagato, are you going to attack Konoha?"

A small house in the Land of Rain. This is the place where Nagato, Konan and Yahiko followed Jiraiya to practice. After finishing dealing with Iwanin, Xiaonan and Nagato came to this hut to rest for a while.

After using Chaoshenluo Tianzheng, Nagato's Chakra was also consumed a lot, and Huangtu desperately intercepted it for a while, and after the other five Dao Payne arrived, Huangtu happened to sacrifice his life to hell The road is damaged.

If there is no cooperation of the hell way, then the other five ways are damaged and can only be repaired by the main body, which is extremely disadvantageous to Nagato in the fight.

That is to say, in order to cultivate the body, we also need to create a new hell way, so Nagato and Konan stayed in this secret base that belongs to them for a while.

"Is there any movement on Konoha's side, Xiaonan?"

Xiao Nan shook his head and said calmly: "No, they stopped the invasion after receiving the wounded Iwa Ninja. It seems that they should be discussing to deal with you. After all, during the battle with Iwa Ninja, Payne's information revealed Many, Nagato, do you want it?"

"It's okay, Nan."

Nagato said flatly: "When dealing with Iwanin, Payne hasn't used all his strength, and now Payne Six Paths can no longer exert my full strength. If there is an accident, I will use the outsider golem to kill Konoha. All the people are solved."

After Xiaonan heard it, he said anxiously: "It's best not to do this, Nagato, if you get that out of the psychic, even if it's a medical machine, it won't be able to treat you."

The last time the psychic came out of the golem, it directly turned Nagato into skin and bones. Although he has improved a little after the treatment of the medical machine, if he still controls that, Nagato's injury will definitely be more serious than last time.

Nagato shook his head lightly, and said to Xiaonan: "Don't worry, Xiaonan, we'll wait until Konoha can deal with Payne Liudao, find out about Konoha's information, and then let's go."

This time Nagato defeated Iwanin and Konoha's attack in the capacity of Akatsuki, which is a kind of deterrent to the big country. After scaring the two neighboring big countries, it will be very beneficial for them to catch the tailed beast.

After the Daguo Ninja Village learned of the actions of the Xiao organization, they also had to think about Payne, who was strong enough to single-handedly repel the two major Ninja Villages.

In the Saudi Federation, after receiving a reply from Ye Cang from the front line, Elder Jiekang signed an agreement with Hyuga Mirai on behalf of the Saudi Federation; so far, the territory of the Saudi Federation has expanded, and the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce has officially joined the Saudi Federation.

It's just that this matter has not been publicized to the outside world. Hinata Mirai and Uzumaki Saika's joining are only spread among the high-level members of the Saudi Federation. It will take time to integrate all the forces into one.

However, just after Hinata Mirai signed an agreement with the Saudi Federation, he received Tsunade's request for help.

"What kind of behavior is this crying and complaining to parents?" Hinata Miku was a little bit amused by Tsunade's actions

Probably because of Konoha's troubles, Tsunade was bound to the desk in Hokage's office all day long. Orochimaru promised her assistant and never showed up, so Tsunade exaggerated some difficulties and came to Hinata Mirai for help. up.

Then Hinata Mirai promised to help Tsunade urge Orochimaru, and then planned to go to Konoha to bring her some good wine, which was considered to appease Tsunade.

After all, spending three consecutive days in front of Hokage's desk is a bit miserable. A bunch of broken things after Uchiha left the village were all accumulated and thrown to Tsunade.

After the Hokage Succession Ceremony, he didn't stay outside for a long time before returning to his desk to handle official business.

If it's Hinata Miku, it's probably already starting to look bad.

Tsunade left gracefully last time, but she forgot to prepare the gene optimization injection for her. This time Hinata Mirai will go to Konoha and bring it to Tsunade by the way.

This kind of gene optimization injection can help Tsunade awaken Mudun, and after Tsunade awakens Mudun's blood and continues to limit, Hokage's position can be regarded as unshakable by anyone; The ninja will also stand firmly on Tsunade's side.

There is no need for Hinata Mirai to come forward for the next merger. The general direction of Hinata Mirai has already been drawn up, and the communication of some details can be handled on the 18th.

After talking to Ayaka Uzumaki, Hyuga Mirai left the Saudi Federation. At his speed, he could get from the Saudi Federation to Konoha in half a day.

Tsunade also told Mirai Hinata early about Konoha's barrier weakness and how to enter it.

After entering Konoha, Hyuga Mirai rushed straight to the buildings of the Thousand Hands Clan.

It is said to be a clan land, but since the Senju clan was disbanded and merged into Konoha, the so-called Senju clan land has only five or six houses. This was when Uzumaki Mito was still alive, and Kushina also lived in it. With the addition of Rope Tree and Tsunade, there were so many houses, and all the rest were given to Konoha by Senju Hashima.

After several changes, the land of the Senju clan was moved to the side just like the land of the Uchiha clan. If it weren’t for another Tsunade, he might come back. None of these houses will be built by Tsunade.

After Hinata Miku came to the place where Tsunade lived, he found that there was no one to clean up the house, so he frowned slightly and made a few shadow clones, cleaned up before sitting down, even if he didn't have a cleanliness, he couldn't accept a messy house.

During the daytime, Tsunade couldn't wait, at least she still couldn't find a reason to leave her post. After the sky darkened, Tsunade ordered people to organize the less important official documents. rush to.

If you don't leave, there will definitely be another pile of urgent documents sent.

Returning to the land of the Thousand Hands, as soon as she entered the house, Tsunade instantly felt that the house was much tidier, and then she saw Hinata Mirai next to the table, and the shochu on the table that made her linger, her eyes lit up He ran to the table and sat down.

He opened the cup without even taking a few sips, then breathed out comfortably, and complained to Hinata Mirai, "You're finally here!"

After seeing the figure of Hinata Mirai, Tsunade suddenly felt that the pressure on his body was much less.

(End of this chapter)

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