Chapter 290 The battle is over
Huge trees rose from the ground in an instant, and the roots, one or two meters thick, were like snakes, instantly entangled the arms of the outlaw golem.

Although the figure of the heretic golem is huge, its attack is still blocked by the entanglement and restraint of the roots of the wooden tree. Since Tsunade uses the celestial chakra, the power of the wooden tree has also increased a lot. .

"That's... Wooden Dungeon!?"

Onoki in the sky was shocked to see Princess Slug use the wooden escape to stop the golem of the heretics. The thoughts in his heart were extremely complicated. It was also a good thing for him that Princess Slug could use the wooden escape to stop the big guy in front of him. , but Iwanin and Konoha are only alliances during wartime, and the two sides are still potential confrontations in essence.

Now the slug princess uses the wooden escape, which will affect the future rock ninja.
Ohnogi knows that he shouldn't think about this when he has a common enemy, but he is about 70 years old now, and Huang Tu, the successor of the fourth generation of Tukage, has also been killed. It can be said that Iwano has no successors.

Although Tsunade is close to fifty, with her young face and strong strength, it is not a problem even if she is working in Hokage for 20 years. What will Iwano do then?
"Master Tsunade has awakened Mu Dun!?"

Unable to understand the suspicion in Ohnoki's heart, Konoha's ninja morale was immediately raised by Mu Dun, and the fear on his face was suddenly replaced by joy.

In their hearts, Mu Dun is the strongest blood succession boundary, even the writing sharing eyes, reincarnation eyes, etc. among the three major pupil techniques are weaker than Mu Dun.

Back then, Senju Hashirama relied on Mudun to quell the troubled times and won the title of God of Ninjas. Tsunade-sama is the granddaughter of the first generation of adults and knows Mudun again. This is a sign of their Konoha rising again.


The heretic golem uttered another loud roar, raised its other hand high, and slammed it hard at Tsunade with overwhelming momentum.

When facing such a huge monster, everyone will have a sense of fear, even Onoki is no exception. Although he is not afraid of life and death, he doesn't know how to deal with this monster and psychic beast.

"Don't think about it, just watch the trick!"

Tsunade yelled, and five or six giant logs one to two meters thick stretched out from the ground again. Then, like a python wrapped around him, he tied the other attacking hand of the heretic golem tightly.

"Great opportunity, Dust Escape · The Art of Stripping the Original Realm!"

Seeing this, Ohnoki directly condensed a large amount of chakra, and released a three-meter-wide conical barrier beam of light, which hit the restrained arm of the Outer Way Golem.

There was a huge roar accompanied by fireworks and an explosion. After seeing this, Onogi felt a bad feeling in his heart. With the characteristics of Dust Dun, it is impossible for an explosion to occur after hitting someone, unless the opponent is a blood follower who cannot be eliminated Existence, for example, the second generation of Tuying who also uses dust escape.

When the smoke dissipated, Onogi stared wide-eyed and saw that the arm of the golem was not damaged at all. It can be said that the elimination of his blood successor just now was equivalent to throwing a few smoke bombs.

"Is it the wooden escape that God of Ninja used back then? But relying on this is like stopping the golem of heretics, but it's not enough."

Nagato made seals with both hands, and said in a cold tone.

Nagato, as the controller, is the clearest about how powerful the Outer Way Golem is. Even if there is no tailed beast in the Outer Way Golem, it is still difficult for him to exert the full power of the Outer Way Golem.

After Nagato increased the chakra delivery, the outsider golem let out a huge roar, and its two arms exerted force instantly, breaking off many roots that bound the arms.

The movement here, even the Konoha camp that was shifting in the distance, could see the towering heretic golem, roaring like thunder.

All kinds of movements shocked ordinary ninjas. If they were not on a mission, they would definitely scatter and run for their lives after seeing this natural disaster version of the scene.

"This is."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the nearly [-]-meter-high heretic golem in the distance, and couldn't help thinking in shock that if Tsunade hadn't come, he might be the one facing this monster comparable to the nine-tails.

On the other side of the battlefield, Tsunade secretly bit his lip when he saw that the huge tree roots descending from the tree world were all broken.

It's not that the other ninjas are helpless, but their ninjutsu has no ninja effect on foreign golems at all, and only Tudun can hinder the movement a little, but unless the combination of Rock Ninja and Tudun.

"Earth Escape Earth Core Movement!"

Onoki created a huge pothole into which the heretic golem completely sank.

After seeing this, Nagato jumped directly from the invisible monitor lizard to the outsider golem in the pit, and said, "In this way, it should be easier to control the outsider golem."

Standing on the body of the heretic golem, Nagato can still use the ability of the eye of reincarnation to deal with Tsunade and Onoki in one move, such as now.

"Tudun Tuling Tuanzi."

After using the earth's core to sink the golem of the outside world, Onoki continued to create huge earth and rocks to seal the hole.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

Naturally, Nagato would not just sit back and watch himself and the Outer Way Golem be sealed. Although the Outer Way Golem could jump out, every time he controlled the Outer Way Golem, he would consume a lot of chakra.

With Nagato's current development of the eyes of reincarnation, he must eliminate the group of people in front of him as soon as possible.


With a brace of arms and a jump, the heretic golem jumped out of the deep pit created by Onoki.

In order to use the hundreds of meters deep core movement, Onoki used a lot of chakra, but he didn't expect the effect to be so small.


The golem of the heretics once again stood in front of Tsunade and the others, while Nagato stood on top of the golems of the heretics, high above them, looking down on Tsunade, Onogi and other ninjas like gods.


Do you think you are Hinata Mirai, dare to look at me like that!

Tsunade was furious when he saw Nagato's eyes, and he quickly sealed his hands and said: "Wood escape, the art of wooden figures!"

The huge chakra was released, creating a wooden figure nearly [-] meters high. Even if Tsunade's chakra doubled, it would be a big test for her. Continuously absorbing natural energy, it is also very difficult for Tsunade to use Izuki.

Seeing the wooden figure that was almost as tall as the golem of the heretics, Nagato's eyes turned cold, he controlled the golem of the heretics and slapped the wooden figure hard.

Not to be outdone, Tsunade also manipulated the wooden man and greeted him with a backhand.


The collision of huge fists and palms, as if triggering a terrifying natural disaster, produced a violent impact and struck in all directions.


The ninja a few hundred meters away couldn't even absorb the ground, and was blown far away by this hurricane-like impact; even Ohnoki in the air couldn't control his body that was flying upside down, and retreated a thousand meters live in the body.

The collision of those two behemoths directly created an open space of hundreds of meters, and all the surrounding boulders and trees were blown away.

"Back, back again, it's not safe here!"

Being knocked into the air by the shock wave this time did not cause these ninjas to suffer multiple injuries, and relying on the chakra that Tsunade left in the slug before, some of them have been cured; The huge monster of nearly a hundred meters, moving a few steps casually, is like a natural disaster to ordinary ninjas like them.

In a battle of this scale, let alone support, getting closer would be a test for their safety.

The roar of the heretic golem was like thunder from the sky.

Huge in size, in exchange for extremely terrifying power, a random collision of two behemoths can cause a natural disaster-level hurricane impact.

The toughness of the golem's body is unmatched by Tsunade's use of sage chakra to create wooden figures, but fortunately, she can use sage chakra to repair it, and keeps making huge tree roots to contain the golem of the outsider Otherwise, the wooden man would have been shattered by the continuous attacks of the heretic golems.

"I can't be dragged down by Tsunade Hime like this"

Nagato's Chakra is rapidly consumed, even if he is the system of the Uzumaki Clan, it is impossible to support such a huge Chakra consumption, and controlling the golem of the outside world will consume vitality.
Now Nagato's body after treatment shows signs of weight loss again. If this stalemate continues, even if Tsunade can be defeated, he will not have Chakra to deal with the ninja coalition forces of Konoha and Iwanin.


Nagato instantly increased the amount of chakra venting, and the outsider golem seemed to be inspired, its dry arms instantly restrained the wooden man, and the gradually increasing strength made the wooden man's arms creak There is a faint tendency to break.

"Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Seeing this, Tsunade immediately used another wooden escape ninjutsu, and a [-]-meter-long wooden dragon grew from the wooden figure, and rushed directly to Nagato.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

Nagato slightly opened his lavender eyes of reincarnation, and then released the repulsive force to crush the wooden dragon. However, Nagato had consumed a lot of chakra at this time, and he had to get rid of Tsunade as soon as possible.

"Tsunate, be careful next time, don't get close to the golem of the heretic." Hinata Miku's words reached Tsunade's ears through the Nano headset.

Tsunade's eyes were fixed, and his body paused when he heard Hinata Miku's words, but he still jumped up and jumped towards Nagato.

Hyuga Mirai in the distance patted his head slightly, shook his head and said to himself: "It's too late, this impulsive guy"

It was also through Chakra that he discovered that Nagato seemed to be using the spell again, but there were only a few spells in the reincarnation eye. It was not until Hinata Miku saw movement in the mouth of the heretic golem that he realized that it might be the chakra dragon.

Nagato saw Tsunade rushing towards him, even though Shinra Amagi was still cooling down, he didn't panic at all, and directly sealed and controlled the golem of the outside world.


A purple light flashed from the mouth of the heretic golem, and then a dragon-shaped chakra gushed out instantly.

Tsunade's heart trembled, and she realized that it would be very dangerous if she was touched by this chakra dragon; so she immediately formed a seal, and dozens of wooden pillars protruded from behind, as her foothold in midair, and quickly avoided Played chakra dragon.

'See how long you can hide..'

Nagato controlled the alien golem and pushed away the wooden man fiercely, making Tsunade's footing very unstable, and the chakra dragon was harassing above him, making Tsunade's situation very dangerous.


Tsunade looked for an opportunity to get close to the Golem of the Outer Way, and punched it with all his strength, but the surface of the Golem in the Outer Way was too hard. Tsunade is now in the immortal mode and Baihao state, and his strength has tripled or four times that of before. He punched it with all his strength. Only a small crack was left on the outlaw golem.

And the heretic golem is still recovering.

Tsunade grabbed the crack with his hands, then broke it with all his strength, and directly tore off a small piece of tissue from the heretic golem.

"Die!" Nagato's voice came coldly

Tsunade's back felt cold, and he felt a great danger in an instant. The chakra dragon suddenly split into countless pieces, blocking all the escape corners of Tsunade from all directions.

"Asshole, can still differentiate"

Tsunade didn't expect so many chakra dragons to be differentiated. If there was only one chakra dragon as before, it would be absolutely impossible to catch up with her.

But at this moment, the curse mark on Tsunade's neck suddenly hurt, and then she saw a slightly familiar spirit emerge from the curse mark on her neck.

Before the chakra dragon attacked, the spirit body rushed over directly, and after hitting the chakra dragon, it instantly produced a bright light.

Tsunade was dazzled by the bright light and closed her eyes, but the voice of Hyuga Miku in her ears

"Leave the heretic golem soon, fortunately I didn't take my chakra out of the curse seal last time"

Hinata Mirai's spiritual avatar involves the advanced Yin Yang Dun. Under the control of his abandonment of this spiritual body and the chakra he carried, he directly interrupted the chakra dragon of the Golem of the Outer Way, interrupting Nagato's spell, and spit out a Mouth blood.

"Cough cough."

Nagato's body became thinner, and it was too heavy a burden for him to control the Golem of the Outer Way, and the chakra dragon just now was inexplicably interrupted, which caused him some backlash.

wow wow
Pieces of paper gathered around Nagato, and in a few seconds, Xiaonan's paper clone was condensed. After seeing Nagato's appearance, Xiaonan suddenly said worriedly: "Nagato, are you okay?"

"It's okay..cough cough"

Nagato coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again, and said to Xiaonan, "I didn't expect the Fifth Hokage to awaken Mu Dun, so difficult to deal with."

"That's all for today, Nagato, even if you kill Tsunade, you probably won't have the strength to deal with the remaining ninja troops, and there are Onogi and a group of Konoha ninjas in the distance."

Konan was afraid that Nagato would be left behind by them. Although the ability of the Samsara Eye is extremely powerful, without Chakra, Nagato would not be able to exert much of the strength of the Samsara Eye.

Seeing that Nagato still didn't want to give up, Xiaonan took out Yahiko's dream to persuade

"Nagato, if something happens to you here, who will realize Yahiko's dream? Let's leave first. After this battle, Konoha will not dare to easily invade the Land of Rain again."

After hearing Yahiko's dream, Nagato's eyes relaxed, and then he said: "I understand, but first make sure that there are no pursuers."

After speaking, seeing Tsunade on the wooden dummy's head, Nagato condensed his chakra again, made the heretic golem raise its fist high, and slammed it at the wooden dummy.

This time the attack was different from the previous ones, even Tsunade sensed the danger, she quickly controlled the wooden man to fight back, and at the same time used the technique of wooden escape and ranking, condensing the mask of ghosts and gods in front of her to protect herself.

The impact was like a natural disaster, and it rushed to the surroundings instantly, and the huge roar was like a sign before the destruction of the world.

Even though they hid two kilometers away, Onoki and the others were still blown away by the hurricane generated by the impact. Before they were blown away uncontrollably, they thought, could this be the battle of the gods! ?
During the explosion, a puff of smoke burst out and then dissipated in an instant.

At this time, except for Hyuga Mirai in the distance, no one noticed that there was a person with wings in the air, and quickly flew away with another person in his arms.

"Really decisive"

Hyuga sighed in the future, probably because of Xiaonan's persuasion, otherwise Nagato, the guy with eyes above the top, probably wouldn't evacuate even if he died here.

Then, before the others could react, Hyuga Miku rushed towards the direction where Tsunade was lying on the ground.

The last blow of the heretic golem just now has made Tsunade lose the ability to continue fighting. Whether it is the curse-sealed sage mode or the Baihao state, all of them have disappeared. The safety of his subordinates is about to be dealt with.

 Nagato is a little stronger than Tsunade now, and Tsunade will definitely die if he fights again.

  I thought about Payne a few times before. In the case of information exposure, the chances of winning the six paths of Payne are indeed not great. Konoha Maru can single-handedly kill the hell way. the puppet.

  I don't think the combat power has been cut. I didn't think about cutting anyone's combat power when I wrote it.

(End of this chapter)

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