Chapter 291 The end of the war
Tsunade was lying powerlessly on the broken wooden man. At this time, only half of the wooden man's body was left, and the surrounding terrain was completely changed. Centered on the wooden man and the alien golem, there were three to four kilometers of trees and ground around him. , was set off a pit from deep to shallow.


When Tsunade heard someone coming to him with the instant body technique, he opened his eyes weakly and looked slightly relieved.
"It's you. I thought they hadn't given up. If you didn't come, I might be dead."

"What do you mean, can I still watch my most powerful subordinate die?"

Although he also said the same thing to Orochimaru, Scorpion, Sara, Caixiang and others, every time Hyuga Miku showed incomparable sincerity.

Afterwards, he put his hand on Tsunade's forehead, and healed Tsunade with Yang escape chakra to restore his energy.

Now Hinata Mirai's application of Yang Dun Chakra has broken away from the medical ninjutsu system, and is gradually moving closer to Yin Yang Dun.

After reaching the level of Liu Dao, Yin Yang Dun has the power of the creator.

Hyuga Miku said with a smile while he was treating: "This time your chakra is almost exhausted, and your appearance has not changed. It seems that genetic optimization has really changed your body age; but that moment just now is really dangerous. If it weren't for you With my spiritual body Chakra on her body, Konoha will choose the Sixth Hokage."

"It's not what you want."

After Tsunade recovered a little strength, he threw the fragments of the heretic golem in his hand to Hinata Mirai.

"Even if you do this, I won't be moved enough to return to Konoha, Princess Tsunade." Hinata Mirai narrowed his eyes and put away the fragments of the heretic golem. After he returns, he will study the method of cloning ten tails possibility.

Tsunade rolled his eyes when he heard this sentence, and then lay silently on the ground to receive treatment from Hinata Mirai. Two minutes later, under the treatment of Yang Dun Chakra, Tsunade had recovered as before. Yin seal marks have been filled.

After recovering, Tsunade sat up directly, waved to Hinata Mirai and said, "Okay, okay, you go, it's not good for others to see that I'm with you; next time I come to see Konoha, how much do I remember?" Bring some soju, don't forget."

"They are four kilometers away, so it is impossible to see here, but I do have something to do when I go back. I have worked hard today."

After Hyuga Miku finished speaking, he turned and left. He just wanted to understand the essence of Ten Tails.

After Hyuga Miku left, Tsunade sealed Chakra into the Hyakuho mark on his forehead, and then lay back and pretended to be weak.

After all, he just had a battle with Samsara Eye, so it doesn't make sense to fight more and more energetically.

"It's bad, I just forgot to let that guy put another spirit body and chakra into the curse seal." Tsunade suddenly thought of this question, among other things, it's really good to save his life at a critical moment.

Tsunade was under the threat of death just now. Fortunately, Hinata Miku controlled the spiritual body Chakra in the curse seal and saved her life. Otherwise, after she died, hundreds of Konoha ninjas who had not yet retreated would also die.

After a while, Hyuga Seiya, Yuhiko, Onogi and others came here. Hyuga Seiya discovered Tsunade early, so he rushed over.

"Master Tsunade."

Konoha ninjas such as Kiyoya Hinata and Konohi Kurenai quickly protected Tsunade, then took out a healing talisman from his arms, and used it directly for Tsunade.

"I'm fine, it's just that I've consumed too much chakra. I can't move for a while."

Tsunade is very weak, if Hinata Mirai is here, at least give her a nine.

Hinata Seiya lowered his head slightly, a strange flash of eyes flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared instantly, and said softly to Tsunade: "Master Tsunade, let's take a good rest first."

"Princess Slug, where's the enemy?" Onoki asked anxiously, complaining in his heart that these Konoha ninjas don't know how to ask important things, they just know how to shoot!
Tsunade replied weakly: "I have already left. After the psychic monster just disappeared, Nagato was picked up by another accomplice of his. Saying, Mr. Tianliang, why did you come?"

"I didn't know the situation just now"

Onoki was rarely able to speak with a lack of confidence. The shock wave of the battle just now, even he could hardly get close to it. Its power simply surpassed Gokage's
"Let's go back first, the other party still has a follower against Konoha, although their leader was stopped by me, but in order to be on the safe side, the troops must withdraw from the Land of Rain as soon as possible..."

Tsunade showed a state of being weak and trying to hold on. She is the best medical ninja in the ninja world and knows how to manifest various symptoms. After seeing it, Hinata Kiyoya hurried forward and put Tsunade on her back Woke up, but there was still a strange flash in his eyes.

Onoki widened his eyes and asked, "Princess Slug, Konoha wants to end the war?"

"It's powerless to continue the war." Tsunade lay on Hinata Kiyoya's back, and said in a slightly heavier tone: "If Mr. Liang Liang wants to continue, then it's up to him, but Konoha is ready to end this battlefield. "

"The Wartime Alliance is the Three Generations of Hokage"

"Then you go to the Third Hokage. In short, I will end this war as the Fifth Hokage."

After Tsunade finished speaking, he patted Hinata Kiyoya and asked her to take him back.

She was fine at first, but now she let a junior carry her on her back, Tsunade felt a little embarrassed in doing so, as Hokage, he deceived his subordinates
After Tsunade and Konoha Ninja left, Onogi couldn't help the anger in his heart, and directly crushed a rock in his hand.

Without the help of Konoha, how could their Yannin take revenge. This war lost nearly a thousand ninjas, as well as his son Huangtu.

Ohnoki also had a murderous intention towards Tsunade just now. Mu Dun, who inherited the first Hokage, showed strength just now, which is already somewhat close to the first Hokage in his impression. If Tsunade's strength continues to become stronger in the future, then Iwa What should I do.

However, the number of Konoha ninjas is several times that of their Iwanin, and many Konoha ninjas were on guard against them just now. If Onogi showed a little killing intent, then their Iwanin would definitely not have the upper hand.

These ninjas from Konoha are all the elites of Jōnin, and there are hundreds of Konoha ninjas not far away. No matter how radical Ohnoki's thoughts are, it is impossible to attack Tsunade now.

"Lord Tuying."

The rest of Iwanin gathered around Onogi, waiting for his order.

"Let's go back." Onoki put his hands behind his back and flew directly towards the Konoha camp. He wanted to take all Iwanin away. After returning to the village, he had to persuade Daimyo no matter what and vigorously develop his military strength.

If the daimyo doesn't allocate funds, then the border defense of the Land of Earth will not count on Iwanoshi Village.

In the space of the magic lamp, as soon as they saw the figure of the leader Payne, Jiaodu, Heihe Leiya and others immediately complained
"Boss, what are you doing? You tricked us there, where are you?"

Jiaodu said in a bad tone: "Time is money. If the time is over, I will not charge less money if the mission continues."

The phantom of Tiandao Payne said lightly: "There was a little accident, and the mission was cancelled."

"Hey, what is an accident, you know how long we waited"

Before the black hoe Lei Ya finished complaining, Tian Dao Payne canceled the magic lamp body technique.

After his consciousness returned to his body, the black hoe Lei Ya still kept complaining, saying something like 'damn leader' and 'I'll give you a thunderous funeral some other day'

"Hey, Kakuto, where are you going?"

"Go to the ground to offer a reward. Since the mission has been cancelled, it means it's all right." Kakuto said without looking back, and then walked towards the country of Sichuan.

The black hoe Lei Ya scratched his head and complained: "Really, it's just over, so can't we take a break? Wait for me, Jiaodu."

(End of this chapter)

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