Chapter 296 Proposals
Re-electing the head of the family, since the person who separated the family can remember, it seems that this has never happened to the Hyuga clan.

There are also reasons why members of the clan do not allow them to check the dossiers. The branch ninjas have been ignorant for decades, and their goal in life is only to protect the clan, and they don't even know about the change of the clan head hundreds of years ago.

Not to mention the sub-family ninjas below, even some people in the main family have forgotten this matter. After all, not everyone has the time to look through files hundreds of years ago.

However, what happened today is indeed like a cluster of flames ignited in the Hyuga clan. I am afraid that the Hyuga clan will not be peaceful in the next period of time.

Unless they can get rid of the source of this trouble.
The First Elder and the Second Elder almost had the same idea in their hearts, and they never discussed it beforehand. Although this idea is crazy, it is indeed the best choice to set things right and bring the Hyuga Clan back to normal.

The two narrowed their eyes slightly, and looked at Hyuga Kiyomi's straight and slender back. They were of the same clan and both belonged to the clan. They shouldn't have such thoughts at first, but for the sake of the Hyuga clan's inheritance
"The murderous intent is too obvious, the two elders." Hinata Seiya said lightly, although she didn't roll her eyes, but being watched by her pair of pure white pupils, the first elder and second elder would unconsciously turn their heads to look away.

"Ninjas who have been through the battlefield can perceive your murderous aura; oh, it's sad to say that the ninjas of the clan have not even had the ability to hide their murderous aura until now."

After Hinata Kiyoya finished saying this, the members of the branch family who belonged to the four elders instantly rolled their eyes, then their muscles tightened and their bodies leaned forward slightly, like a cheetah about to prey. As long as Hinata Kiyoya gave an order, It will rush out and tear the First Elder and Second Elder into pieces.

Even Neiji Hinata, who was still young, clenched his fists slightly, intending to strike at any time.

As for the other branch families, in this case, they just lowered their heads slightly, and even the branch families of the two branches of the first elder and the second elder even looked at them suspiciously.

After seeing this scene, Hyuga Hyuzu sighed slightly in his heart, and the difference in people's hearts was immediately reflected. Even if the Hyuga clan followed the etiquette, the nature of ninjas who respected the strong in their bones could not be changed, and now the strong ones among the Hyuga clan The person is Hinata Kiyoya.

Stared at by a few pairs of white eyes with bursting meridians, the second elder Hinata Zongyun shouted angrily: "What do you want to do!?"

"Don't be nervous, Second Elder, they are different from you, they won't make a move until you make the next move."

After Hinata Kiyoya finished speaking, he tilted his head slightly and looked at the middlemost position of the five of them. The five branches of the clan were sitting in front of all the branch families in a slight semicircle, and Hinata Hyuzu, as the head of the clan, had always been in the middle Location.

"Hinata Kiyoya, you..."

The second elder angrily wanted to question Seiya Hinata, but she ignored her directly. This old guy representing the diehards, after the reform started, if he didn’t obey, he could only embrace the old-fashioned dogmatic rules and be classified together. into history.

"Patriarch, don't you want to say something?"

After hearing what Hinata Kiyoya said, everyone turned their attention to Hinata Hizuru. From just now until now, the patriarch did not say a word, as if he wanted to avoid it. Nizu was also a little disappointed.

say something.
Hyuga Hyuzu sighed slightly in his heart, then looked at Hyuga Kiyomi, and asked, "Qiyiya, why do you want to be the patriarch of the Hyuga clan?"

"Reform the Hyuga Clan."

Hyuga Seiya replied without hesitation: "Just like when the Warring States Period ended, the old Patriarch led the Hyuga Clan to join Konoha without hesitation, and today's ninja world is also showing signs of great changes. If the Hyuga Clan doesn't reform, hold The old-fashioned and useless etiquette can only face the same experience as the Uchiha clan in the end."

"The ninja clan that has been passed down for thousands of years, only our Hyuga clan has not undergone major changes; if there is no reform, when the crisis comes, do you have the awareness to protect the clan and lead by example?"

Hinata Seiya's last words almost made it difficult for Hinata Hinata to answer. After he saw his nephew Neji who was squatting behind Hinata Seiya, he couldn't say the words in his heart. Even if he thought so, at this time in Hinata It was also difficult for Ning Ci to say it in front of him.

Besides, the main family should be responsible for the inheritance of Baiyan, while the branch family is to protect the branch family. However, after saying this, I am afraid that most of the branch family members will be disappointed with him as the patriarch.

With Hinata Kiyoya in front of him, if Nichizuki can't do it, the tribe will really be disappointed with him.

Hyuga Hyuzu didn't speak, but the elder on the side couldn't help but yelled: "The reason why the Hyuga Clan has been able to pass on for thousands of years is because of this system. Can you be responsible?"


Hinata Seiya said firmly: "If there is a problem, I, the initiator, will be the first to bear the brunt. Then I will risk my life to correct the mistake!"

"Nonsense, when the time comes."

"Qingya, if you become the patriarch, what will you do?"

Hyuga Hyuzu interrupted the words of the Great Elder, because he saw Hinata Seiya's determination. If the dispute continues, the Hyuga Clan may reproduce the situation of the Uchiha Clan today.

Although Hinata Kiyoya promised Tsunade a bloodless revolution, but wanting to be bloodless is not so easy, at least a few people will die; The family is on alert.

In any case, the matter of the Hyuga clan cannot affect other villagers. When necessary, Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, will also be dispatched.

Hyuga Seiya calmly said to Hyuga Hyuzu: "Cancelling the inheritance of secret arts, any clansman with white eyes can practice any physical skills of the Hyuga clan. The current Hyuga clan needs to strengthen their strength, rather than hold a few secret arts to save Until death; in the future, I will discuss this matter with all the clansmen regarding the old-fashioned class between the clan and branch clans, and as for the last point... I will gradually bring it up when the clansman's strength increases."

The abolition of the inheritance of secret arts and the abolition of the class between the main family and the sub-family, these two things alone, were enough to shock the people present, even the members of the sub-family who also belonged to the same line as the four elders, they never knew Hinata Kiyoya is this plan.

This... This is not a reform, it is clearly about to push the Hyuga clan to rebuild!

"Hinata Kiyoya, you..."


Hinata Seiya suddenly used the instant body technique to disappear in place, and in the next second, he appeared behind the First Elder and the Second Elder. At the same time, the two felt a slightly cold palm on their necks.

"You two, my tolerance for you is always limited. Although I promised Lord Wudaimu to reform without blood, I don't care if a few people die without threatening the village."

"I hope the two of you can remember that ninjas must use their strength to convince each other!"

After Hinata Seiya finished saying this, the blue chakra lighted up on the palm of her hand slightly. With her strength, she could break the necks of these two with just a little force.

She was raised as the heir of the clan since she was a child, and she has a relatively strong personality. She believes that only by controlling her own strength can she inherit the clan better; and the system between separation.

In the bottom of my heart, Hinata Kiyoya has always believed that if there is no obstacle from the system of the clan and the separation of families, maybe there will be another result between her and Hinata Mirai.

When this kind of idea came into being, Hinata Seiya later had the idea of ​​reform, and various changes in the ninja world later strengthened her idea.

Since you want to do it, then do it to the end, and no one can stop it!
this speed
Hyuga Hyuzu and the sub-family members below were slightly startled. The speed displayed by Hyuga Kiyomi almost exceeded their reaction. The clansmen who followed Hyuga Kiyomi on the battlefield were not surprised. They already knew the Fourth Elder With his strength, he still had vague expectations for the fourth elder's current actions.

If they do it, they will definitely follow.

The members of the sub-family who opened their eyes at the bottom are not only members of the four elders, but also members of the third elder and the first elder. It's just that they don't seem to plan to organize Hinata Kiyoya, but it's a bit like...Follow look.

Some tribesmen have already put their hands into the ninja bag behind their backs, either the Kunai or the signal flare, as if a conflict and clan change will occur in the next second.

"Enough, Kiyomi."

Hinata Hinata shouted in a deep voice, if he doesn't stand up again, I'm afraid there will be a bloody coup in his home.

"I have already realized your determination to want the head of the family, and you are quite popular among the clan, but it is also my responsibility to maintain the inheritance of the Hyuga clan, so let's have a duel between the two of us."

Hyuga Hyuzu said in a solemn voice, "I don't want to see the clansmen fight each other because of this, and the Hyuga clan shouldn't have bloody civil strife, so let the dispute end between you and me."

After hearing the words, Hyuga Seiya slightly flattened his palm, and then a member of the sub-family below secretly pulled his hand out of the ninja bag.

"Uncle Rizu Clan means, the duel between you and me?"

"That's right, strength is also one aspect of judging the patriarch. In this way, the disputes can also be minimized. I will tell all the clansmen about this in the name of the patriarch. Qingya, what do you think?"

Hinata Hinata said solemnly

"Although it's a bit childish. However, I agree." After Hyuga Kiyoya finished speaking, he slowly stood up from the side of the First Elder and the Second Elder, and then continued: "Uncle Hyuga Clan has not been on the battlefield for a long time, although the soft boxing experience It’s rich, but Kiyoya might be suspected of taking advantage of it, how about this.”

"Uncle Hyuga Clan together with First Elder and Second Elder, as long as Kiyomi appears to be defeated, whether it is to become a branch or to die for the Hyuga Clan, it is according to the Patriarch's will."

When Hinata Kiyoya said these words, he slowly rolled up the exercise clothes on his body, and slowly untied the bandages, revealing the metallic wristbands inside.

The wristband was about a few millimeters thick at first glance, and the color looked neither gold nor iron. After Hinata Kiyoya took it off, he threw it directly on the ground.

After a loud noise, the wooden board on the ground was directly smashed into a pothole, and the metal wrist guard fell under the floor. At the same time, the cracks around the floor gradually spread to the surroundings.

You must know that the Hyuga family is not short of money. The wooden boards on the ground in Hyuga Hyuzu’s house are basically the best in the country of fire, but now a pothole was smashed out by a wrist guard in Hinata Kiyoya’s hand. Listen to the sound just now Muffled sound, this wrist brace weighs at least a few hundred catties.

These two wristbands were made by Soya Hinata with the help of a master from the country of craftsmanship, and the metals used are also very rare; Followed up to learn.

"Let's make this decision, Third Elder, you."

Hinata Seiya took off the metal wristband and wrapped the strap back, and turned his head to ask the third elder.

The third elder of the clan is one of the few indisputable people in the clan, but he is also a person who defends the ancient class of the clan. If there is another person added, Hinata Kiyoya will be sure.

"Ahem..., the old man hasn't done it for a long time, I'm afraid it's not suitable for fighting..."

The third elder of the Zong family coughed twice and said, he really hasn't done anything for a long time, and has been in charge of other affairs of the Hyuga clan. If he goes up, if he is not careful, he may be beaten to death.

Hyuga Hyuzu said: "Two hours later, the first training ground in the clan."

"According to what the patriarch said."

After finishing speaking, Hyuga Seiya walked outside, and then Hyuga Neiji and many branch families also got up, and left here with Hyuga Seiya, among them were not only the branch families of Hyuga Kiyoya, but also others Families of several lines.

"How dare she, how dare!! Patriarch, we should..."

"That's enough, Second Elder, use your white eyes to look at the surrounding situation."

Hinata Hinata sighed and interrupted Hinata Soya's incompetent shouting. If he didn't narrow the situation just now, the subsequent things would not be under his control.


After Hyuga Soya stopped talking with Hizuzu, he opened his eyes, and then he saw a lot of clansmen gathered around him, and they were all wearing ninja vests, dressed in wartime.

If Hyuga Hyuzu didn't speak just now, then here
"Go back and prepare, First Elder, Second Elder." After Hinata Hidezu finished speaking, he went back to the house. He wanted to make arrangements for his family.

After Hyuga Hyuzu left, the third elder got up and came to the pothole on the floor, and picked up the wrist guard inside, but when he took it, he also felt his hand sink.

The third elder of the Zong family sized him up solemnly, and then said to the other two: "Lead stones and thunder stones are mixed, one less than five hundred catties."

Wearing a wristband of this weight, coupled with Hinata Kiyoya's many military exploits on the battlefield, the strength of the opponent may have exceeded their imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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