Chapter 297 The New Patriarch
When Hinata Kiyoya was thirteen or fourteen years old, she independently completed the Jonin assessment. She would rather be seriously injured and sent to the hospital than to be separated from the family and guard to help her complete the task. When it was first spread in the village.

In the next few wars, each time Hinata Kiyoya took the initiative to ask the leader to use the battlefield to sharpen himself. At the same time, he would make military exploits every time, leading the members of the sub-family to make many military exploits for the Hyuga clan on the battlefield.

In peacetime, they will also take on some more dangerous tasks.

What Hinata Kiyoya said is correct, her strength is indeed honed on the battlefield, and when it comes to the exquisite proficiency of soft fist, she may not be inferior to Hinata Hizuru; It does not mean that Hinata Hyuzu has more than ten years of soft boxing experience than Hinata Kiyoya.

In terms of the number of battles, Hyuga Hinata can be counted on the fingers. Before becoming the patriarch, he participated in the second Ninja World War. However, at that time, many members of the sub-family were guarding the side. The merits of the battle were not small, and Hinata Kiyoya could not help Compare.

If Hyuga Rizu still had [-]% chance of winning before exposing the weight-bearing wristband, then after knowing the metal weight-bearing wristband, Hyuga Rizu felt that his chance of winning was less than [-]%, even adding the first elder and second elder would be useless .

Moreover, what Hinata Kiyoya said at the clan meeting, after being spread by other branch families, will definitely arouse the support of many branch families. centrifugal.

The Anbu members who were watching outside quickly noticed something was wrong. Many ninjas of the Hyuga Clan came out and walked in the same direction as if they had been summoned. However, Anbu couldn't go deep into the Hyuga Clan, so I don't know what they were planning to do. .

"Captain, what should we do now?"

The members of Anbu asked Kakashi, the white-haired masked ninja beside him, that the Hyuga clan had already shown signs of gathering ninja forces, and unlike the Uchiha clan, they did not have the habit of holding a clan meeting for everyone, which suddenly summoned so many clan members , If they don't investigate clearly, if something happens, they will be considered as dereliction of duty.

But it is impossible to go in and investigate directly. The families of Hinata, Inuzuka, and Yume are almost all forbidden areas of Anbu.

Kakashi took a look at it, then pointed to the Hokage rock wall, and said: "Take the equipment, let's go there, the people of the Hyuga clan seem to be gathering at the training ground behind."

With the help of equipment, you can see the movements of the Hyuga Clan clearly. After Kakashi and his team members came to the Hokage Rock Wall, more than [-] people had gathered in the training ground of the Hyuga Clan.

After looking at it, the members of the Anbu said in surprise: "Captain, are these all ninjas from the Hyuga clan? They are indeed the No. [-] clan in Konoha."

At this moment, Kakashi also revealed Sharingan. After observing carefully, he said, "The patriarch of the Hyuga clan is also there, and there is that woman. It seems that things here are not that simple. You should be more vigilant."

After the Uchiha incident, anyone who encounters the situation of the Hyuga Clan will be more vigilant. Although Tsunade knows Hyuga Kiyoya's plan, she can't tell Kakashi casually.

The branch ninjas of the Hyuga clan have almost arrived. Apart from the necessary clan guards and patrols, more than [-] people have gathered in this training ground, most of them are Chunin, and there are only more than [-] Jonin.

The background accumulated by this kind of big clan is not comparable to the kind of ninja who rises with the help of Naruto.

The clansmen of the sub-family are clearly divided, and almost all of Hyuga Seyya's lineage are ready to go to war. There are more than a hundred people gathered in the direction behind Hyuga Seyya; , then stand scattered on the other side.

Grouping and scattering, this is an obvious contrast between the two sides.

After almost all the members of the branch family arrived, Hyuga Hyuzu stood up and spoke out the agreement between him and Hyuga Kiyoya.

The other branch families were undoubtedly shocked when they heard this.

The re-election of the patriarch is indeed a rare and important event in the Hyuga clan, and there are keen sub-family members who have noticed that there is something wrong with the sub-family ninjas of Hyuga Kiyomi's line.

In the training ground, after Hyuga Hyuzu announced the incident, the third elder stepped aside, looked around, and finally stood beside Hyuga Soya, asking in a low voice
"You are also from the clan. Hinata Kiyomi intends to cancel the benefits of the clan, and you don't plan to stop it?" What kind of protection is Baiyan, this kind of excuse is to fool the separation of the family, and Baiyan's blood succession, even if he loses a pair or two, it is nothing Well, the eyes have a time limit, as long as the opponent does not reproduce on a large scale, there is no threat to Baiyan Xueji.

But Hinata Seiya wanted to blatantly tear up the gap between the main family and the sub-family. According to her reform method, there would be no more main family in the future, and in the end it might be possible to attack the caged bird.

"If you don't choose to stop, keep watching." Hinata Somi smiled flatly, and said to the third elder of the Zong family: "Qing Mi is my proudest successor, I trust her."

"If she can think about the Zong family wholeheartedly, it is true."

The third elder of the Zong family said unwillingly, and then set his sights on the training ground. He hadn't done anything for nearly ten years, and now he can only pin his hopes on the patriarch and the other two elders.

On the training ground, Hyuga Seiya, Hyuga Hizuru and the other two clan elders were already standing in two opposite positions. This place was already close to the edge of Hokage Rock, so the area of ​​the training ground was not small.

Hinata Kiyoya has even relieved the weight on his legs, and said to Hinata Hyuzu with a calm face: "I thought that the Nichizu clan uncle would use other methods to deal with it, but I didn't expect to choose this one. I want to take back what I said before. , the clan uncle still has the heart to love the clansman."

"I just don't want what happened to the Uchiha clan to happen to the Hyuga Clan. My responsibility is to protect the clan. If I fail, then the Hyuga Clan will be handed over to you, everything."

Hinata Hizuru also put on a soft fist posture, the meridians on both sides of her cheeks burst out, and Hinata Seiya's cheeks also burst out the meridians, but she didn't put on a soft fist posture.

"Bagua·Kong Chop Palm."

After the First Elder and the Second Elder looked at each other, they used the combination of empty palms very tacitly, and the two of them used a lot of chakra, which made the empty palm more than a little bigger in terms of power and attack range.

The powerful chakra impact directly plowed the ground of the training ground into a gully several meters wide, but after the two of them used the empty palm split, Hyuga Kiyoya's figure disappeared directly in front of their eyes.

"What about people?"

The First Elder and the Second Elder quickly wanted to use their white eyes to look around and find Hinata Seiya, but before the two of them could turn their angle of view, they heard Hinata Hyuzu loudly reminded him
"Two elders, behind you!"

behind?So fast!

The two panicked, their white eyes instantly saw Hinata Seiya behind them, then they turned around with all their strength, and slammed Hinata Seiya's vital point with a palm.

Hinata Seiya glanced at the thoughts of the two, and she did not act immediately, otherwise the two would not be able to turn around.

Raising both palms, chakra surges.

The collision of the palms of the three people instantly produced a dull and loud noise, and the impact between the palms directly lifted up dust several meters from the ground, spreading away in all directions.

"Bagua · 64 palms!"

The two teamed up with a very tacit understanding and used 64 palms. After unfolding the field of gossip, the four hands attacked Xiang Ri Xiang Qingya's vital points all over his body as fast as lightning.

Seeing this, the branch family members couldn't help but exclaimed: "The first elder and the second elder actually joined hands to deal with the fourth elder, that's too much."

Another branch of the branch family who opened his eyes frowned and said: "Not only that, but the two elders are recruiting deadly hands. If one is not careful, the fourth elder will be hit in the internal organs. With the strength of the two elders, I am afraid..."

"This is too much!"

Whether it is appearance or fame, Hyuga Seiya is even more famous in the Hyuga clan than Hyuga Hyuzu, and the behavior of the first elder and the second elder two-on-one, bullying the younger, directly made many members of the sub-family look down on it.

Boom!bang bang bang.
The sound of fists and palms colliding was continuous. What shocked many members of the sub-family was that when Hinata Kiyomi faced the gossip 64 palms of the first elder and second elder, he did not dodge and retreat at all, but moved at a faster speed. , blocked all the acupressure attacks of the two of them.

Moreover, some sharp-eyed sect jounin also saw that the fourth elder seized the opportunity and ordered the two of them many times, because the speed was too fast, they couldn't remember it.

"Impossible, the two of us, how could we be inferior to a junior"

The two were hit by Hinata Kiyoya many times, but they felt very ashamed. How could they lose in front of so many clansmen.

The speed of Baguazhang was getting faster and faster, and there seemed to be countless phantoms in the palm speed between the three, but the first elder and the second elder suddenly noticed that Hinata Seiya's speed was a little slower, and in the last palm, there was even more A rare flaw.


The First Elder and the Second Elder opened their eyes wide and shouted, thinking that this opportunity must not be missed, and they respectively seized the rare gap in Hinata Seiya, and struck at her heart and head.

For the sake of the clan, for the inheritance of the Hyuga clan, it is better for this kind of alien to die!
On the faces of the same clan, there appeared a very ugly ferocious and murderous intent. In the hearts of the first elder and the second elder, it was already a shame that the Hyuga clan, which had been passed down for thousands of years, rebelled against Hyuga Miku. This was influenced by Hyuga Miku and wanted to subvert Seiya Hyuga, inherited from the clan, must not be left behind!
Seeing that Hinata Kiyoya was about to be injured, the branch ninja who belonged to Hinata Seiya couldn't help but clenched his fists, and almost couldn't help but wanted to rush up.

The fight between the three of them suddenly stopped, as if time had stopped.

At the last moment, Hinata Kiyoya suddenly doubled the speed of his attack, and directly touched the acupuncture points on the shoulders of the First Elder and the Second Elder.

The severe pain in the chest and the slack in spirit directly made the First Elder and the Second Elder forget the idea of ​​continuing to attack. At this time, they even didn't understand. It was clearly a dangerous situation for Hinata Seiya just now, how could the situation turn around all of a sudden? ?
And what about their techniques, why didn't they work?

"Are you wondering why the empty palm didn't hit? Why can't you even see this clearly with your eyes open?"

Hinata Seiya said calmly, while helping the two of them roll up the clothes on their arms.

"So that's how it is, as expected of the Fourth Elder." After seeing this scene, the sharp-eyed sect members around them all figured out what happened just now.

There are four or five acupuncture points left on the arms of the First Elder and the Second Elder, but the acupuncture points are very remote. If you don't tap the acupuncture point on the shoulder, these acupuncture points on the arms will be meaningless.

It was the last blow that made the First Elder and Second Elder reap the consequences. The empty-handed Chakra was blocked back and injured his internal organs.

Hinata Kiyoya slapped the two of them again, and the onlookers could see clearly that the slap of the Fourth Elder directly destroyed the inner organs of the First Elder and the Second Elder. I can't live for a few days.

Although the cannibalism of the same clan made some people feel uncomfortable, but thinking that the first elder and the second elder were merciless when they attacked Hinata Kiyoya just now, others didn't think about it any more. Kiyoya didn't dare to make the slightest movement under the eyes of many branch ninjas.

Once they make a move, it may turn into the end of family strife.

The strength of these two people is probably not as good as that of Jonin. After Hyuga Kiyoya knocked them into the air, he ignored them and turned to Hyuga Hyuzu.

"I thought the clan uncle would make a move together."

Hyuga Hyuzu replied: "Even if we are together, I am afraid that we are not your opponent, Kiyomi, and how can the patriarch besiege the same clan with others."

After speaking, Hyuga Hyuzu rushed towards Hyuga Kiyomi, his body was at its peak, even though he had little experience in fighting, his soft fist moves and chakra volume far surpassed both the First Elder and the Second Elder.

Moreover, Hyuga Hyuzu's soft fist style is very similar to his identity. The almost rigid soft fist moves are not small, but for Hinata Seiya, they are very easy to deal with.

Speed, strength, chakra and soft fist moves, no matter which one, Hinata Kiyoya is stronger than Hinata Hizuru. After knowing Hinata Hidetsu's strength, he gradually used his full strength.

With one palm, Hyuga Hyuzu's palms were sent flying, and then a kick was kicked on his lower abdomen, sending Hyuga Hyuzu flying more than ten meters away.

After he forced himself to stand up with pain, Hinata Kiyomi quickly used Eight Diagrams Kong Chop Palm again. The physical skill she used alone was more powerful than the joint efforts of the First Elder and Second Elder just now.

"Back to the days!"

Hyuga Hyuzu hastily turned around, and used the back of the sky several meters in size.

However, Hinata Kiyoya's empty palm split had a very strong impact, even if Hinata Hyuzu hurriedly used Huitian, he still couldn't resist the chakra impact of empty palm split.

With a loud bang, Hinata Hinata's back to the sky was broken, and the whole person couldn't even control his figure, and was knocked tens of meters away by a huge force.

After more than a minute, Hyuga Hidetsu reluctantly supported his aching body and slowly stood up.

Looking at the palm containing chakra in front of him, as long as the opponent uses a little force, he can smash his head, Hinata Hizuru sighed in his heart very disappointed, it seems that he really doesn't have the ability to be the patriarch.

"From now on, you will be the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Kiyoya."

(End of this chapter)

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