Celestial Master Cultivation Diary

Chapter 117 116. Lin Youyou

Chapter 117 116. Lin Youyou

"Don't shake your hands! There's too much oil!"

"Put it in the pot...Ah!...It's okay, it's okay...it didn't get splashed...look at the pot, you idiot."

"Put the salt on... stop and go! That's sugar!!"

"The fire is too big!~ Make it smaller, yes... oh, you put out the fire! . . . "


The kitchen was in turmoil.

Li Zhe remembered that when Lin Youyou was cooking for the first time, he even made fun of her flustered appearance, and suddenly sighed that he was young.

His thoughts were clear before starting the fire, but when the fire started and the oil pan sizzled, he forgot everything.

After working in such a mess for nearly an hour, under the careful guidance of Chef Yu and the unremitting efforts of Chef Li, the two of them finally ate quick-frozen dumplings for dinner.


The lights in the living room illuminated the night, and the two sat shoulder to shoulder, each holding a small bowl, sitting on the sofa, watching soap operas and eating dumplings at the same time.

Xiao Nizi watched it very enthusiastically, and Li Zhe couldn't help sighing while looking at the dumplings in the bowl: "I didn't cook like this before. I used to fry eggs and fried rice, and it was still delicious."


Lin Youyou nodded again and again, watching the sweet love between the hero and heroine on TV, her eyes sparkled: "If you don't cook for a long time, you will be able to cook with your hands. It's okay ~ Just don't go into the kitchen again next time."


Xiaoyou turned her head to meet his gaze, giggled silly, took a dumpling and fed it: "Ah~ It's okay, Brother Li, after all... your dumplings are still delicious!"

"Thank you."

While eating the dumplings she fed, Li Zhe spoke slurred, his eyes drooped with his depressed mood, and stopped on those little feet that kept shaking because of happiness.

The buttocks moved, Li Zhe moved the distance closer, stretched out his toes and scratched her smooth and tender soles.

Then I got a look like looking mentally retarded.

Lin Youyou stared at the man in confusion: "Brother Li, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just tickle you."


Lin Youyou's eyes became more confused, and she shrank her feet in disgust: "Li Zhe, you are really naive now, do you know that!"

"Why did you suddenly call me by my name?"

"Because...because when you teach a child a lesson, you call him by his full name."

"Oh?" Li Zhe gave her a sideways glance, and nodded slightly, expressing that he remembered.

Xiao Nizi snorted, moved her feet to the other side, away from him, and continued watching TV.


After a meal of dumplings, there was a sour vinegar smell in the room, which slowly dissipated under the evening wind blowing through the window.

Li Zhe took a nap on the sofa, while arranging the outline, while watching Lin Youyou tidy up the dishes.

People really don't want to move when they are full.

It's so cool to be an uncle.

The sound of running water in the kitchen washed away his sleepy thoughts at night, Li Zhe turned his eyes away, staring at the figure in a daze.

In the small kitchen, Lin Youyou was quietly washing the dishes, the sponge squeaked in the white foam as it passed by.

Hearing the sound of footsteps from far to near, Xiao You didn't raise her head: "What's wrong?"

There was no response, and the tall body came up directly from behind, hugged her, and took over the work in her hands: "The wound should not be wet with water."

Lin Youyou leaned back, chuckled, and let the soft dry towel wipe gently on her hand: "Are you a pig? This Band-Aid is waterproof."

"Then I don't worry about it either."

Rubbing his fingertips on the somewhat limp Band-Aid, Li Zhe turned on the faucet again: "See, it's all wilted."

"There's no water in there."

"That's not allowed. You are not allowed to touch the water until the wound is healed, as I said."

Leaning quietly in his arms, Lin Youyou looked at the hands washing the dishes, and suddenly found that this man was stubborn, but also kind of inexplicably cute.

"Then I have to take a shower, right? You'll also touch water when you take a shower."

Li Zhe was silent for a while: "I can wash it for you."


After finishing the sentence, Li Zhe added another sentence: "I can still give you a bath."


Covering her face with her hands, Lin Youyou regretted why she started this topic.


Li Zhe washes the dishes very cleanly and neatly on weekdays, but today he washes them exceptionally slowly, with his arms gently rubbing against her soft body as the dishes are being wiped, and there are only a few small bowls in total. , washed abruptly for 10 minutes.

Just now, he still felt that he didn't wash it clean, and planned to wash it again, but was stopped by Lin Youyou repeatedly.

Draining the bowls and chopsticks and setting them up, Li Zhe wiped the dots of water around him: "Are you going out now? Are you going shopping?"

"I'll buy it tomorrow, I'm a little tired all of a sudden, and you haven't updated it today?"

Li Zhe's face turned bitter when he heard the words: "Isn't it, sir, you also come to remind me?"

"Yes, update quickly, or I will take the lead in securing the victory."


Her face turned red when she said the words, and Xiao Nizi realized something later, and suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the stalk coming out of her mouth.

No, something is very wrong.

Avoiding Li Zhe's increasingly strange eyes, Lin Youyou ran to the balcony to pack and dry the clothes, and explained falteringly: "I see you have been sorting out the outline today, you should work first, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

"Really not going?"

"I really don't want to go, I'll buy it tomorrow, I... I feel a little uncomfortable in my head, I want to take a shower and go to bed early."

"Okay." Li Zhe turned on the computer, and glanced at her again: "Then do you want me to help you take a bath?"


"I don't charge...it's so loud..." Li Zhe couldn't help muttering softly as he watched her leaving with a thud.

The keyboard rattled, and the sound of water flowed from the kitchen to the bathroom. Although the sounds were similar, they always sounded very different.

The sound of water in the bathroom seems to be more charming.

Agitated by the sound of water, Li Zhe simply fell into a daze.

He has been thinking for the past few days, thinking about what to write in the next book.

In fact, there are quite a lot of subjects he wants to try, but he is not sure about them.

To some extent, for Pujie, the best choice is to maintain the same subject matter, constantly absorb experience, strive for excellence, and strive to write a book that can be just enough.

But harem texts are too easy to step on thunder, and the writing is very tiring. I just finished writing here, and I have to rectify it when I receive reports on the other side. I struggle with the review every day, and I am exhausted.

He wants to change direction.

As for where this direction is, he has drawn up many drafts, but he is more or less dissatisfied.

Today, he suddenly had a new idea.

Rubbing his chin with his fingertips, Li Zhe looked at the faint light on the bathroom door, listened to the pattering sound, and planned to draw up a beginning.


"The phone keeps vibrating beside the pillow..."


 Thanks [Senior Rookie] for the 1500 coins!Thanks to [Du Hummingbird] for the 500 coins!Thanks to [Xunying] for the 333 coins!Boss atmosphere~

  I saw someone asking for a playlist, so I sorted out a few songs and picked them up from the relevant chapters of the work.

(End of this chapter)

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