Chapter 298
The next day.

After Tianbao got enough sleep, she got up, put on her clothes hastily, and went out of the yard, walking towards Old Madam Gu's yard.

When walking to the door, there was only a creaking sound in the room, and the door was opened. Mrs. Gu was wearing a snow gauze brocade dress, and a set of emerald hair masks on her head, which made her look elegant and luxurious.

The old lady Gu who had just come out raised her head and saw her daughter coming, she immediately smiled like a flower, walked up to hold Tianbao's hand, and walked towards the old lady's courtyard.

the other side.

The old lady got up early, and the old man on the side also woke up. Both the old couple were thinking about their little granddaughter.

The old man thought about it, and couldn't help but said: "Madam, why don't we go and see our little granddaughter together?" He didn't feel at ease if he didn't check on his granddaughter.

When the old lady heard this, she also felt that she was going to take a look, and she didn't feel relieved if she didn't look at it. Just as she was about to nod, she heard a little maid shouting a few times outside the door.

"Slave to the third lady, please greet the young lady."

The old couple looked at each other, and the old lady quickly tidied up the lady and came out of the inner room.

The old man couldn't stay any longer, so he got up quickly, washed up and washed before going out.

Tian Bao followed Old Madam Gu, and after saying hello to the old lady, she saw the old lady coming out, so she also respectfully greeted her.

The old couple were very pleased.

After the ladies greeted them, the group went to have breakfast.

Tian Bao was sitting next to the old couple. She lowered her head and ate egg custard. When she raised her head, she just glanced at Mr. Gu from the corner of her eye. The other party hesitated to speak, and did not speak out several times.

Tian Bao felt strange, so he lowered his head to eat the egg custard in the bowl.

After eating, Tianbao went back to her yard and went straight to the East Wing.

In the wing room, there were two maidservants serving the injured woman. When Tianbao entered, she smelled the smell of blood all over the room. She frowned for a while, and ordered someone to open the window first to let out the air.

"Did you get hot last night?"

With her little hands behind her back, Tian Bao walked up to the woman and took a look, seeing her sleeping peacefully, it didn't affect much.

"Returning to Miss, I didn't have a fever last night, it's just that this girl slept extremely uneasy."

Tian Bao nodded, counting according to the time, Yue Moo was about to wake up, if she hadn't taken her medicine and drank her spiritual spring water, she wouldn't have recovered so quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking here, there was a muffled groan on the bed.

Tian Bao looked nervously, and found that the sleeping woman had woken up slowly, her palm-sized face was full of doubts, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes, she was very wary of everything around her.

"Don't be afraid, it's safe here."

Tian Bao saw the other party's fear, and couldn't help comforting her.

The woman seemed to be thinking back, looking at the strange environment in front of her, not the formidable and suffocating building in her memory.

She looked at the little girl standing by the bed, and suddenly trembled all over, but after looking carefully, she knew that the other party had saved her, and immediately struggled to get up, trying to kowtow to the benefactor, but was stopped by the benefactor.

"You don't need to be too polite, you should take care of yourself first."

Tianbao had another conversation with the woman, and after comforting her to sleep, she ordered the maidservants to take care of her, while she ran to her mother's yard.

As soon as Mr. Gu came out, Tian Bao ran into the yard and went straight to Mrs. Gu's room.


Tianbao entered the door happily, before she raised her head, she cried out sweetly, but after stepping in with her two feet, she saw a flash of sadness on her mother's face.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

She walked up to her mother carefully, stretched out her little hand to hug her, and when she got closer, she saw that her eyes were red.

"Mother is fine." Mrs. Gu took Tian Bao into her arms, preventing her daughter from seeing her red eyes.

Tianbao couldn't help frowning, could it be that Mr. Gu provoked her?Afterwards, she denied this idea. If she was provoked, it must be Mr. Gu who cried.

But why mother.
Suddenly Tianbao seemed to have remembered something, turned her head to look at her mother, and couldn't help but ask with concern: "Mother, could it be that something happened to the second brother?"

Except for the second brother, she couldn't think of any reason to make her mother red-eyed.

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Gu froze, biting her red lips lightly, trying to restrain her expression, not wanting to let...
"It's your second brother."

The old lady Gu stumbled and talked about the news about the second child of the Gu family.

It turned out that her second brother did not go out to do business as outsiders said, but went to serve the country loyally.

The second child of the Gu family aspired to become a general since he was a child. Seeing that the second child had this ambition, Mr. Gu was also training him in secret. However, the second child has been silent for so long that Mr. Gu has forgotten about it.

Gu's second wife got married and gave birth to a son. Suddenly, one day, he knelt down to worship Mr. Gu. His heart trembled, and he suddenly felt that his second child was about to say goodbye.

Mr. Gu was in a heavy heart, and after repeated questioning, the other party finally told the truth.

Gu Laoer joined the army, and Mr. Gu supported him, so he immediately helped Gu Laoer, sent him to the old house of Gu's family, and arranged for him to join the army.

In the past few years, Gu Lao Er has been on the battlefield, big and small, and Mr. Gu has been very clear about it.
Counting the timeline, it happened to be the time period when they first went to Fucheng, and it happened that Gu Lao Er disappeared at that time
But he was stopped by the old house all the time, and later Gu Erer was found, and he fell on the side of the cliff at that time, and his life was safe.

Later, he participated in several large and small battles, and he also had the honor of fighting in his body, and became a thousand households.

When Gu Laoer participated in the last battle, in order to protect the lives of all the soldiers, he entered the enemy camp alone and burned the enemy's food and grass, but was accidentally discovered by the enemy. In order not to let the enemy find out, he did not return to the camp , but draw the enemy away.

Unexpectedly, but unexpectedly.
In the end, although the man was rescued, he was seriously injured. The military doctors also rescued him overnight, but the medical treatment was lagging behind after all, so they sent someone to send Gu Laoer back to Shitou Village to be raised.

said to keep
Is this abandoned?
Tian Bao didn't know, this was something she had never been exposed to, but after hearing that the man was coming back, she didn't worry anymore.

"Mother, Tianbao has spiritual spring water and medicine, and the second brother is sure to be safe and sound!"

When the sad old lady Gu heard the words, she quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She almost forgot about her daughter's treasure.

In this case
"Girl, I'm afraid we have to go back earlier." If we count by the time, I'm afraid people will come back.

Tian Bao nodded, then remembered the purpose of her visit, turned her head to her mother and said, "Mother, the person in the east wing is awake."

"Later, mother will go to have a look, and find out the details of that man along the way."

If it is a poor woman, then they will take it back, if not... they can only let her leave on her own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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