farm group pamper girl

Chapter 299 Leaving Beijing

Chapter 299 Leaving Beijing

After the mother and daughter reached a consensus, they began to split up.

Mrs. Gu is responsible for finding out about the woman, and Tianbao is responsible for making the two elders happy, because today is also what Mr. Gu said about going home.

Tianbao arrived at her grandmother's yard with ease, and as soon as she got closer, she heard the sound of the teacup breaking, which made her twitch.

She stabilized her mind, and just as Xiaopang was about to walk in, she was stopped by the maid standing aside.

Tianbao looked up, and saw a sweet-looking maidservant, wearing a pink maidservant dress, but the fabric was more delicate than ordinary maidservants.

It is not difficult to see that the maid in front of her is a celebrity beside her grandmother.

"My sister, what happened?"

She raised her chubby face and looked at the maidservant in front of her. Her brows and eyes were lively, as if she was ignorant of the world, she pointed to the room and asked the maidservant in front of her.

Looked strange.

"Miss, the old lady has orders, no one is allowed to come near."

Tianbao nodded obediently, looked around for a small stone pier, sat directly on the ground, raised her head to look at the woman with a pitiful look, and there was a warm smile on Xiaopang's face, as if she didn't care. Care about the same.

The maid who was standing there frowned, a trace of indifference flashed across her pretty face, she stepped forward and knelt down to persuade Tianbao to go back, but Tianbao sat stubbornly where she was, and even asked the maid to busy herself The only thing is, don't worry about her.

Just as the maid was about to say something, she heard the sound of the door behind her, and her expression suddenly changed, showing a wronged look.

Tian Bao clicked her tongue in her heart, this maidservant is really clever, she thought she didn't hear.

Thinking of the sweet baby here, she quietly pinched herself with her small hands, but after pinching for a long time, she couldn't pinch the flesh, and felt disappointed.

Wear too much.

She was annoyed in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. After hearing the sound of footsteps, the servant girl stood up and let out with her head lowered, while Tian Bao lowered her head.

After the old lady came out, she saw her granddaughter sitting on a rock in the cold wind, her heart sank slightly, her face was displeased, and before she could speak, the little granddaughter raised her head .

There was a mist under his eyes, and his eyes were red. He opened his mouth but didn't say a word.

Tianbao's series of operations made the maid beside her frown slightly, and before she could make the next move, this little girl took the lead!
My heart is slightly displeased.

"Old lady, isn't the lady frozen? Quickly let the young lady enter the room!"

The maid took a step forward, walked to the old lady, looked at Tianbao sitting on the rock, frowned, worried in her heart, and couldn't help but suggest aloud.

Upon hearing this, the old lady rushed forward to hug her granddaughter, but the maidservant at the side got there first.

"Old lady, let the slaves come!"

When the maid said this, she was about to reach out to hug Tianbao, but Tianbao suddenly got up and hid.

I saw Tianbao standing up, soft and weak, with tears rolling in her eyes, she couldn't bear it, but she also bowed to her grandmother in a regular manner.

"Grandmother and granddaughter came here to bid farewell, unexpectedly they didn't even enter the door"

A three-year-old little girl, her fair and tender face was covered with tears, she was sobbing so much that she could hardly take care of herself.

When Mr. Gu came out, he saw this kind of scene.

His heart throbbed, and he walked forward quickly, holding Tianbao in his arms, his sharp eyes swept away, and only fell on the maidservant.

Frowning for a moment, his face was slightly cold and he didn't say a word.

His mother would never bully Tianbao, it was too late to love her, how could she make her cry, only
The old lady was very clear. Seeing her third son come out, her expression calmed down, and she asked her third son to carry her granddaughter into the house to keep warm. As soon as they left, Old Madam Gu changed her face.

She looked at the big servant girl standing beside her with a calm expression, stared at it for a moment, and then said: "Hongluan, I just went home to visit my relatives for a few days, why did you come back and change?"

The old lady looked coldly at the clothes on the maidservant's body. She had given them to her, but she had always been reluctant to wear them, but now she was willing.

She looked up, and when she saw the emerald green hairpin in the maid's bun, she understood a little.

But he didn't say anything, and only said a few words that were neither serious nor serious before returning to the house.

the other side.

Tianbao told the whole story. After listening to Mr. Gu, his face was gloomy and terrifying, but he was still holding back his anger and couldn't vent it.

As soon as the old lady entered, Mr. Gu couldn't help but say it.

The old lady sat aside with a sullen face, her expression was unclear, but she still expressed her doubts: "I'm afraid Hongluan has a second heart."

A big servant girl has two minds?

How fatal is this?

If not found.
Tian Bao didn't dare to think about the consequences.

But everything in front of me has not yet reached a conclusion. These are all Mrs. Gu's suspicions, but she still secretly told Patriarch Gu about this matter.

But it is a foregone conclusion that Mr. Gu will go home.

Now seeing that girl Hongluan is unknown, in order to avoid long nights and dreams.In the evening, Mr. Gu brought the whole family back to the mansion.

As for the little maidservants bought by Tianbao, they will stay in the old house for training first, and they will come to Tianbao's side when they are older.

And the injured woman also returned to Gu's house with Mr. Gu and the others.

After Mrs. Gu's many clichés, she knew that the woman in front of her was a maidservant of the Taifu's mansion. She had just entered the mansion for half a month, and was assigned to be on duty next to the Taifu's young girl as soon as she entered the mansion.

Yesterday, she was beaten by her mother-in-law in an alley blocked by her mother-in-law because she reminded her that the wind was strong. Fortunately, she was so lucky that she ran out desperately and met the Gu family.
The woman is grateful for the Gu family's life-saving grace and is willing to follow the Gu family back to the countryside.

And Mr. Gu's investigation has also been obtained, which is exactly the same as what the woman said, the only difference is that she is the only survivor, and the other women who made this murderous hand.
All have nothing to live.

Mr. Gu just put the evidence away, and he didn't know if it would be useful in the future, but now he knows that even if the evidence is revealed, it will be useless, because the Taifu is the prince's teacher and belongs to the princeling party.

Now that the emperor's health is becoming more and more unfavorable, the prince's ambitions are well known and not concealed, which makes the prince's followers swell up.

After the Gu family returned home, Mr. Gu called everyone together.

"Tomorrow, we will set off to go back to Shitou Village. The fourth and seventh sons will study here, as well as Sister Ying's family. You are good at running the shop. If you need anything, your parents will arrange it for you."

There was a big family when we came, but there were only three people when we returned.

There was reluctance in Gu Laosi's eyes. He was reluctant to part with his younger sister. He reached out and rubbed the top of her head, and then remembered the hairpin in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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