farm group pamper girl

Chapter 300 Out of the City

Chapter 300 Out of the City
When Tianbao returned to her yard, the moon was already high, she squeezed the long hairpin in her arms, and remembered the awkwardness on the face of the fourth brother just now, a chubby face full of tangles.

Fourth brother, is he interested in other girls, right?
It should be because he cared, otherwise he wouldn't have given the hairpin!
The more she thought about it, the more Tianbao couldn't sit still, she immediately stood up and walked towards Mr. Gu's yard.

When he was approaching, he saw Mrs. Gu walking out of the courtyard.

"It's cold at night, so if there's something to do, send a maid to call mother. If it's freezing, what should I do?"

Mrs. Gu said caring words, she walked up to Tianbao and took Tianbao's hand, and walked towards her yard.

"Mother, I'm fine."

Tianbao sniffed her little nose, and with an unharmed expression, she talked with her mother.

It was getting colder, and the two of them didn't talk too much on the road, until after returning to Tianbao's house, Mrs. Gu took out a fire book and lit a candle, and Tianbao smiled honestly, and then expressed her concerns .

I said silently in my heart: I'm sorry, fourth brother!For your happiness, my little sister has no choice but to speak up!

Mrs. Gu was closing the fire folder in her hand, and when she heard her daughter's words, she almost lost the fire folder, and then her heart surged with joy.

"Good girl, do you think your fourth brother has someone in mind?"

Tian Bao nodded very firmly, and even carefully took out the evidence of the crime. Mrs. Gu took the hairpin and observed it carefully.

It was strange to see it, and I was really sure about my daughter's words.

The four sons have a favorite.

The old lady Gu smiled from ear to ear, and clapped her palms three times happily. After laughing, she remembered to ask her daughter, which family is the girl from?
It can't be blamed that she doesn't know.

After all, she must be familiar with letting Tianbao act as a middleman.

"Girl, tell mother, whose family is the girl from? After returning home, mother will send someone to inquire. If it doesn't work, I will settle it for your brother first. After he comes back from the examination, it is also very good to go to the woman's house to propose marriage. !"

Mrs. Gu thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Tianbao has no worries, she believes that mother is not the kind who looks down on others.

"Mother, it's sister Xia He!" Tian Bao said crisply.

The old lady Gu paused, and when she heard Xia He, she felt a little familiar, and then remembered, isn't this the little girl from the rouge shop?
She remembered that the little girl was a beautiful woman with a slender figure, but she was a little timid, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt uneasy, so she asked the little girl.

"Girl, that little girl Xia He is very frightened when she sees your fourth brother. Are you sure your fourth brother is being affectionate and not harmful?"

Can't blame her for thinking too much.

Mainly her four sons don't mention it.

Tianbao nodded resolutely, and told the things she had encountered before. Mrs. Gu nodded, and she left this matter to her!
"After we get back, mother will go and find out!" Mrs. Gu rubbed her hands excitedly.

"No, wait until the fourth child finishes the exam, and then get married directly!"

As soon as Mrs. Gu clapped her hands, she didn't want to wait any longer and just married her son!

Marry your son!
"Mother!" Tian Bao grabbed the old lady Gu who had made a decision in time, pouted her mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't act recklessly, if you run away in fright, fourth brother will cry!"

Tian Bao purposely kept a small face, but her heart was calmly put down.

It's best if mother doesn't mind, at least the parents have passed the test. As for Mr. Gu, let's not talk about it for now.

But I don't know who else is in Xia He's family.

The old lady Gu narrowed her eyes when she smiled, but she still decided to listen to her daughter first and not be too abrupt.

After the mother and daughter discussed it well, they asked Tian Bao to keep the hairpin away.

Mrs. Gu was packing a few clothes for Tianbao, but she didn't take too much away, because some clothes didn't fit Tianbao, so she put them here.

After simply packing up some clothes, Mrs. Gu left Tianbao's yard, and Tianbao couldn't hold on for a long time, and fell asleep early.

The next day.

Old man Gu got up early, and started to direct the loading carriage early in the morning. He ordered people to buy some food yesterday. After being discovered by old lady Gu, he quietly packed some with Tianbao.

After tidying up, Gu Lao Si and Gu Lao Qi, who belonged to Gu Ying's family, were at the door watching Mr. Gu and his party leave.

The Gu family sat in the big carriage in front, and the wounded woman was lying in the carriage behind, followed by a small carriage at the end.

Before leaving, Mr. Gu asked Uncle Gu to hand over the power of the family to his third daughter.

And the dark master continued to follow and protect Mr. Gu's family.

Tian Bao sat in the carriage, and Xiaopang sat under the small curtain beside him.

When the carriage came to a bustling city, it stopped suddenly. Tianbao got excited, opened the curtain of the small carriage, poked his head out to see the excitement outside.

Suddenly there was a sound of knocking and tapping in the distance, and she felt very lively listening to the movement. She was curious but did not forget to call for her mother.

"Mother! Listen to this sound!" Beating gongs and drums, it was quite lively.

The old lady Gu couldn't bear it anymore, and on a whim, she hurried forward and followed the little girl to look over, only to see a couple of wedding parties not far away, walking slowly.

There are already a lot of people in this busy city, and people stopped to watch the excitement, so the already congested roads were completely blocked.

The old lady Gu was still smiling, but when she caught a glimpse of a group of servants not far away, she frowned slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in her heart.

The old lady Gu pulled away and didn't continue to look at it. After all, she couldn't help but feel disgusted when she saw those servants, and she didn't want to look at it any more.

Tianbao was puzzled, but didn't ask any further questions. At this moment, she was interested in being attracted by the wedding procession in the distance.

The wedding procession that was getting closer and closer suddenly turned a corner, and Tian Bao was lying on the car window, a little disappointed, thinking that he could take a closer look, but
Just when Tianbao wanted to put down the small curtain in disappointment, she heard familiar gossip.

"Hey, let me tell you! It's such a grand occasion for Xia Mansion to marry a daughter today."

"Tch! Can't the show be too big? Do you see that the concubine of a family in Beijing dares to snatch the marriage of the concubine? Even the concubine was kicked out!"

"That's not right! Didn't the Xia Mansion say that this daughter-in-law escaped the marriage and eloped with someone?"

"What you said is wrong. My distant relative was on duty in the Xia Mansion. In fact, it was the mistress of the Xia Mansion. She wanted to marry the daughter-in-law to an old man as a follow-up, but the daughter-in-law didn't want to, so she ran away! Then the mistress of the Xia Mansion ran away! In fact, it is not the first daughter and the birth mother, but it was just carried up by the concubine's room."

After hearing the secrets of the Xia Mansion, everyone felt sobbing on their faces, and they all felt sympathy for Miss Xia in their hearts.

Everyone fell silent, and Tian Bao, who was listening vigorously, scratched his cheeks anxiously. Fortunately, the carriage also started slowly. Tian Bao had no choice but to imagine many endings by himself, which was a kind of fun.

Not long after, a group of people left the city gate, and a group of servants in the city were still looking for it, but after repeated searches to no avail, they felt that the other party was in danger, until later they found a woman in the dry well wearing the costume of the Taifu's maidservant. The servants who came to collect the corpse breathed a sigh of relief.

After receiving the corpse, he turned around and threw the corpse in the mass grave.

(End of this chapter)

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