Chapter 261 Pregnancy

The salesperson snatched the skirt from Xiang Qin's hand, and kindly reminded them, "I see that your wife's face is pale, and there is no blood at all. For the sake of her health, you should take her to the hospital to check what's wrong?"

Mi Qianjin returned to his senses at this moment, and quickly thanked: "Thank you."

After thanking him, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly walked out of the department store with Xiang Qin in his arms.

Yu Qing, who was standing on the second floor, watched them leave, and breathed a sigh of relief, "If Mi Qianqian is not stupid, he would know to take that woman to the hospital."

"Are you concerned about them?" Xiang Yisen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yu Qing smelled the danger, and quickly quibbled, "Wrong! I am concerned about us. If they have any problems and blame me, then I will not be able to clean up even if I jump into the Yellow River."

Xiang Yisen didn't hold on to it, just hummed and dragged Yu Qing to the second floor.

"What else do we want to buy?" Yu Qing looked at several counters, but the prices were not cheap. The second floor was mainly clocks, electrical appliances and jewelry.

Xiang Yisen took her to the gold and silver jewelry counter, "Didn't you complain about the lack of two rings on the way here, it just so happens that they are sold here, you choose the two you like."

As he spoke, he signaled the salesperson to bring out all the gold rings.

Yu Qing looked at the plate of yellow rings and couldn't laugh or cry. In her previous life, she always imagined that a man who was loyal to her would wear a diamond ring for her.

Unexpectedly, this life came true, but the ring turned into vulgar gold.

She likes it so much!

"Sister, please bring out the men's ring."

"What kind of ring do I, a grown man, wear? Today I will buy it for you."

Xiang Yisen wanted to stop the salesman, but was stopped by Yu Qing, "Buy a pair of rings for marriage, you can treat it as if you gave me two, and I will give you one."

Yu Qing couldn't imagine the visual impact of wearing a ring on his slender fingers?
"Just buy it for you, I really don't need it." Xiang Yisen struggled.

Yu Qing chose a lily flower model and a ring model, and asked the salesperson to make an invoice.

"Have you chosen yet?"

She leaned over to him and chose a peace ring weighing more than 20 grams from the plate, "Or just this one, try it."

Xiang Yisen showed resistance all over his body, and put his hands behind his back.

Yu Qing ignored him, forcibly grabbed his hand, put the ring on his ring finger, and tilted her head left and right to admire it.

"Haha. It's very good, beautiful, and has the taste of a local tyrant! Especially the word "Ping An" is engraved in this boxy frame, which is worth a thousand gold."

Xiang Yisen rolled his eyes inwardly, "Put on this ring, I find that I exude the aura of a nouveau riche all over my body."

"Ha ha."

As soon as he said these words, Yu Qing and the salesperson burst into laughter.

Yu Qing asked the salesperson to quickly issue an invoice, and based on this sentence, they wanted the ring.

The salesperson issued the ticket, and Xiang Yisen rushed to pay together, "Give it to me, I'll go and pay together."

Yu Qing shook her head: "No, I agreed to buy this ring for you, so I should pay for it, and you are not allowed to snatch it from me."

After the two bought the ring, they went to the electrical appliance counter. Yu Qing was taken aback by the price of electrical appliances in this era. An old-fashioned rice cooker was still imported, and it cost two to three hundred!

An electric fan costs one hundred and seventy-eight, let alone a TV, which needs to be ordered.

"Comrade Xiang, now that the reform and opening up is under way, should we open a household appliance factory to specialize in household appliances? You see, the prices of these household appliances on the market are really ridiculously expensive, and they are really not available to ordinary families."

It was meant as a joke, but Xiang Yisen went over his head and said seriously, "This industry can consider it."

After shopping around the department store, I found that the ones I wanted to buy were too expensive, and the others were unnecessary.The two of them moved to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy daily necessities.

Mi Qianjin went through untold hardships, and finally carried Xiang Qin to the hospital. After a round of checkups, there was nothing wrong with him, and he was in good health.

Finally, the doctor in the emergency department asked them: "Are you a couple?"

Mi Qianqian nodded, "Yes."

"How long have you been married?"

"Less than half a year."

"Then go to the obstetrics and gynecology department."

Xiang Qin's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, "Doctor, what do you mean?"

The doctor looked at her and said ambiguously, "I can't rule out this possibility, it's best to go for an examination, and you can feel more at ease."

Mi Qianjin supported Xiang Qin, and the couple went to the obstetrics and gynecology department anxiously, and took a pregnancy test, it was true!

Mi Qianjin looked at the test report, feeling dizzy, "Qin'er, is this true? I have been a son for more than [-] years, and I am finally going to be a father?"

Xiang Qin caressed her stomach in a complicated mood, "The doctor said it all, is there still a lie?"

She hasn't played enough, how could she be pregnant?
This sudden arrival of a child, how will she take care of it?

She really can't take care of children!

Unlike Mi Qianjin, who was full of joy, Xiang Qin didn't know whether to be more worried or more happy, anyway, he just felt that this child was dispensable.

After leaving the hospital, Mi Qianjin rode a bicycle with Xiang Qin to Xiang's house with great excitement. When mother Xiang heard the good news that her daughter was pregnant, she couldn't help but stepped forward to support her daughter and let her enter the hospital. sit down and rest.

It's stewing chicken soup again, and peeling apples again, serving her comfortably.

After all these things were done, Mother Xiang had time to sit down and ask about the details, "Why did you think of going to the hospital for an examination today? Is there something uncomfortable?"

When Xiang Qin thought of this incident, she became excited, so frightened that Mi Qianjin hurriedly comforted her: "Don't get excited, put your mind at ease, those are irrelevant people, what do you care about with them, don't get mad at your body, You still have a baby in your womb."

Xiang Qin waved Mi Qianjin's hand to give her a smooth hand, and said aggrievedly: "What is an insignificant person, that is your ex-wife!"

"What? Ex-wife?"

After Xiang Qin finished speaking, Mother Xiang was the first to get excited. She thought she was wrong, what did Qinqin say just now?

Mi Qianjin felt uneasy in his heart, but his face remained calm, he just pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Mother Xiang looked at her daughter, who was shedding tears of grievance, and then at her son-in-law, who sat aside with a cold face and said nothing.

Finally, considering her daughter's body, she stared at Mi Qianjin and asked, "What's going on? Didn't you say that you were never married, why did you come up with another ex-wife now?"

"She's not an ex-wife, but an adopted daughter of our family." Mi Qianjin has never obtained a certificate with Yu Qing, nor has he slept in the same bed. He will never admit the relationship between the two.

"If it's just an adopted daughter, then our family, Qinqin, wouldn't call her ex-wife, she's not a troublesome person!" Mother Xiang chose to believe in her daughter.

"She is really just our adopted daughter. It's just that when I was a child, my parents wanted her to be my child bride, but I never agreed. Later, when I grew up, I came out to break through. You all know what happened afterwards."

Mother Xiang glanced at her daughter and asked Mi Qianjin: "Really?"

"Not really!"

 Chapter [-] in [-]~
  Thank you ~~ Zhizhi is a reward for the unknown 1666, and I will add more for you~
(End of this chapter)

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