Chapter 262
Xiang Qin was only suspicious, and did not have conclusive evidence, so she was a little shaken when she heard Mi Qian's convincing words.

Then he changed the subject and talked about Xiang Yisen's marriage.

"He's married? Did he admit it himself?" Xiang Mu's face was a little ugly.

"Well, that woman is..." Xiang Qin glanced at Mi Qianjin, "it's his family's adopted daughter." Thinking about it, she really didn't want to be reconciled. At the beginning, she was still thinking about how to marry her, but now she doesn't have to worry about it at all. I found a wealthy son-in-law early on.

Mi Qianjin glanced at their mother and daughter, lowered his eyes and thought about his own thoughts.

Xiang's mother's expression was a little astonished, she didn't expect such a coincidence to happen in the world, "Well, I have to ask your father to call and tell the capital about this, your grandpa must not know about it when he comes back, He needs to know about it."

She dared to hide the important matter of the child's marriage from her elders. She didn't know what to say about this little uncle.

Xiang Yisen didn't know that there were unimportant people who were dissatisfied with his marriage.

The two bought a lot of things from the supply and marketing cooperative, and after moving back to the new yard, he urged Yu Qing to take the bag and go with him.

"Haven't the things already been bought? Are you still going out?"

"Go out again."

Xiang Yisen picked up Yu Qing's Oxford bag, and dragged her out of the yard again.

It wasn't until she reached the place that Yu Qing realized what he was trying to do by pulling her out.

Although she had been prepared for a long time, but at this moment, she felt a little complicated in her heart.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, it was time to go to work, and there were fewer people from the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage than in the morning.

There were two new couples in front of them. Yu Qing watched the first couple get their certificates, and distributed a handful of candy to everyone, making everyone feel happy.

"You pulled me over in a hurry, we didn't even prepare the wedding candy."

Xiang Yisen patted her Oxford bag, "It's ready."

Yu Qing looked at him in surprise, and teased: "That's ok, Comrade Xiang, I didn't realize that you are still a good and careful comrade."

A smile flashed across Xiang Yisen's eyes, and then he stared at the couple in front of him, observing what procedures they had to go through for registration.

When it was the turn of the couple in front, Yu Qing took a curious look at the man and woman in front.

The two should be married for the second time, both men and women are in their 30s or 40s.

Yu Qing didn't expect that there were second marriages in this era, but what made her even more unexpected was their conversation.

The staff asked the two of them to fill out the form. The woman may have a low education level or something.

After the man filled out the form, the woman asked the man to fill it out for her.

Guess what the man said?
He said: "How can I do this kind of thing for you? You should fill it out yourself. Otherwise, when the divorce comes, you will still slander and say that I forced you to apply for the certificate."

Look what the hell is this talking about?
Yu Qing stood in the back and was stunned!

There are still people who want to divorce before they are married, so why are they still married?

"You don't even want to fill out a form. After that, when you get married, don't expect me to wash your clothes and cook for you." The woman stared blankly.

The man didn't care, and said in a pissed way: "It doesn't matter to wash and cook, as long as I sleep at night."


Many people at the scene burst into laughter.

Yu Qing couldn't help laughing out loud. Even if the couple got married, it was foreseeable that their married life in the future was likely to be a mess.

When it was their turn, everything went smoothly. After filling out the form, the staff confirmed their identities and the certificates issued by the unit were all right, and they filled in the materials and issued the certificates.

When the staff asked them to take two group photos, Yu Qing still wanted to take out the group photos in her wallet.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Yisen took out the prepared one from his pocket and handed it over.

Yu Qing looked at the exact same photo in her wallet, and stabbed him, "Did you premeditate?"

He had prepared the photos so early on, wasn't it premeditated?
Xiang Yisen blinked at her, but didn't say much.

After successfully obtaining the certificate, Xiang Yisen took out the wedding candy that he had prepared earlier, and each person had a lot of it.It can be said that everyone was shocked.

Where did this local tyrant come from, such an expensive high-end candy, actually throwing out a lot of it.

What a prodigal man!

Yu Qing was also surprised by him, a big man who usually looked indifferent and alienated, unexpectedly distributed happy candies to everyone today, and had a tendency to mingle with everyone.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, what her girlfriends said before, married men will change, is it true?

All Xiang Yisen at the registration office delivered the candy without distinction, and when the candy was distributed, amidst congratulations, Yu Qing was pulled out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Standing by the road, Xiang Yisen wiped his sweat and handed the Oxford bag to Yu Qing, "Let's go back."

Yu Qing took the bag, saw that sweat was really protruding from his forehead, and said in amazement: "You don't sweat all over because of the wedding candy, do you?"

Unexpectedly, Xiang Yisen nodded, with a look of lingering fear, "The newlyweds who come to register are easy to deal with, but the aunts and elder sisters at the marriage registration office are too difficult to deal with."

It can be said that during the whole process of his distribution of wedding candies, those aunts and elder sisters were giving him ideological education classes.

Yu Qing was very happy when she heard the words, and she didn't let him go even if she didn't mention him.

Aunts would say to men: "When you are married, you are the pillar of the family. Whether your wife and children dress well and live well depends entirely on your ability. You must respect, love and share with your wife."

But to her: "When you get married, you are no longer a little girl. You are the only one to take care of the house. If a man goes out, he is not neatly dressed, and his face is not energetic. From this, you can see whether you are virtuous or not. A woman has to manage the house with care." road"

Yu Qing must admire these aunts who can really talk, maybe they have to repeat it countless times every day.People have to admire their dedication to work.

Xiang Yisen straddled the bicycle with his long legs to support the ground, turned his head and urged: "Come on, today is also our wedding day, let's go to the farmer's market to buy some good vegetables and go home, let's celebrate tonight."

Yu Qing kissed the little red book in her hand, then carefully packed it into her bag, sat on the back seat and wrapped her arms around his waist, "Let's go."

There must be a sense of ritual in life. From some small things, we can see that although Xiang Yisen usually shows others with a cold face, he is actually a person who loves life very much in his heart.

If he loves life, he knows how to make progress. If he really doesn't care about anything, she will feel afraid.

It was already afternoon, and in fact, there were not many vegetables sold in the state-run farmers' market. The two went around and bought only a chicken, a crucian carp weighing half a catty, and two handfuls of wilted vegetables.Pork and beef are not available so late, and it is possible to buy them in the morning.

When he got home, Xiang Yisen turned on the electric stove to boil water without Yu Qing's urging, rolled up his sleeves and killed the chicken.

Seeing his posture, Yu Qing hurriedly put the bag back on the sofa in the living room, ran out of the kitchen, filled a bowl with half a bowl of water, put some salt in it, brought it out and put it on the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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