Chapter 263 A Man's Words Have Ghosts
She reminded him: "Chicken blood, catch the chicken blood later, don't waste it. In fact, it's on fire here. Next time I come over, I'll bring some bacon from the power station. It won't save you from wanting to eat it here. "

"Let's put those bacon in the power station for you to eat. I usually eat at the construction site here. Now that the house is finished, I will only come back to sleep at night at most." Xiang Yisen didn't want to cook by himself .

"I can't eat too much meat, it's easy to get fat." Yu Qing was a little bit worried, she didn't know if her current body was fat-prone, so she didn't dare to eat more meat.

Xiang Yisen took a look at the woman who was squatting on the ground watching him kill a chicken, his eyes flicked across her buttocks and chest, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Eat what you want, no matter what you become, I like it."

what!A man's mouth is a ghost!
Yu Qing rolled her eyes indecently, only a ghost would believe your words.

Seeing her roll her eyes, Xiang Yisen felt cute, and asked with a chuckle, "What do you want to do with this chicken?"

Thinking of her weak body, Yu Qing thought for a while and said, "Let's make soup."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and walked to the kitchen, "I'm going to prepare the ingredients for the stew."

The young ginseng bought back last time can finally come in handy.

Get your casserole from your new purchases, clean it straight under the tap, and set it aside for later use.

Then clean the green vegetables bought in the afternoon and put them aside.

Let the crucian carp be braised in soy sauce, prepare the ginger and garlic, and boil the water on the electric stove.

Yu Qing turned off the power and left the kitchen with the kettle.

"The water is boiling, quickly scald the chicken."

After running all afternoon, Yu Qing sweated a lot, and her body felt a little sticky, but it was too inconvenient to use a kettle to boil hot water for a bath.

"It would be great if we could install a water heater in our bathroom."

"Water heater?" Xiang Yisen listened to her while working. This was the first time he had heard of a water heater.

"It's a machine that can heat hot water."

Yu Qing made a random explanation, but stuck out her tongue behind her back, so dangerous!

However, there is no water heater for sale now, so she can make a simple one by herself.

"Comrade Xiang, how about we make a water heater ourselves?"

"How to do it?" Xiang Yisen became interested, and his hands-on ability was his strong point.

"Find a tin bucket, it should be bigger, at least it should be able to hold a person's shower water."

"Is the barrel okay?"

"." What should Yu Qing say, "It depends on what kind of oil drum it is. It's best to be unused and new. Otherwise, it won't be cleaned well, and the water will smell of oil."

"Oh, I see, and more."

"Well, we fixed the tin bucket on the wall, then installed a water inlet, a water outlet, and fixed an electric stove under the tin bucket. When using hot water, first turn on the electric stove to heat the water, and wait for the water to heat up. It can be turned off. Install a shower head in the bathroom and connect it to the water outlet of the tin bucket.”

So, like this, Yu Qing explained the general principle of the water heater.Xiang Yisen probably knew how to do it more practically.

After the chicken was stewed, Yu Qing collected the sheets, quilt covers and quilt pillows that were drying in the yard.

The sun is about to set, and it's time to absorb the night dew again.

After putting these into the cabinet, Yu Qing didn't know why she walked around the yard. Seeing that the backyard was still empty, she thought about what to plant?
"What are you thinking about?"

Xiang Yisen embraced her waist from behind.

Yu Qing pointed to the open space in the backyard, "I planted some pumpkins here in the morning, but I think the gaps are too large. What else can be planted in these open spaces. How about planting some sweet potatoes?"

"It's up to you." The corner of Xiang Yisen's mouth twitched, thinking that she was thinking about some major life event, but unexpectedly she was only thinking about farming.

"Then when I come next time, bring some sweet potato seedlings to plant."

"What's so interesting about this backyard, there are mosquitoes standing here, let's go back to the house." Xiang Yisen walked forward with his arms around her.

Yu Qing was speechless, the afterglow of the sun was hanging in the sky outside, and even if it was dark, the mosquitoes hadn't come out this month.

"Oh, don't hug her so tightly. I ran all day today and my whole body is sweaty. Don't you dislike her?"

"You are my wife now, what do I dislike? In my eyes, every part of your body is fragrant."

Yu Qing blushed, why didn't she see that he was boring before?
To distract him, she struggled with what might interest him.

"Did you just kill the chickens in the yard and wash it down?"

"I rinsed it three times with water and it was absolutely clean."

"I want to take a bath, please help me to boil hot water."

Xiang Yisen raised his head from her neck, "The electric stove is stewing chicken soup, and the wood stove has no firewood at home."

Yu Qing pinched him, "There is a stove in the wing room, there are so many electric stove wires, you can install another one."

After her reminder, Xiang Yisen remembered that there was indeed another one in the wing room, "All right."

Anyway, they are justified now, she will not try to escape his palm tonight.

Xiang Yisen is worthy of being a senior mechanical engineer in the city. He can finish a small electric stove in a few minutes, plug in the electricity and boil water.

Yu Qing went upstairs to look for a change of clothes for the two of them.

After finding the clothes, she put a set of pajamas that she had prepared in his hands, "I will wear them after I take a shower, and I am not allowed to sleep naked."

"Okay." Xiang Yisen didn't expect that his wife would prepare pajamas for him on the first day of their wedding.

"I'll wash it first, and you should pay attention to ordering the chicken soup on the stove." Yu Qing looked at the casserole that was gushing with hot water, and worriedly warned her.

After entering the bathroom, Yu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, her tense body relaxed, and her scalp felt numb from being stared at by his fiery eyes outside.

She knows what it means to pull the certificate, and she is mentally prepared, but when things come to an end, it is impossible not to be nervous for the first time in her life!
Advanced Studio washed her hair, and then came out to take a shower with the hot water in the bucket. It is impossible to say how dirty it is to take a shower every day, but at this moment, Yu Qing didn't want to speed up.

No matter how long she lingered, she would finish washing, Yu Qing came out of the shower, and Xiang Yisen casually glanced over, which made her nervous back tighten.

See the hell!

Why was she so nervous facing him today?

"Have you finished washing?"

"Well, you go and wash."

Yu Qing took out all the changed clothes inside and threw them into the basin in the yard.

After Xiang Yisen entered the bathroom, Yu Qing dried her hair as much as possible, and after finishing her hair, she sat on the bed and started washing clothes.

The clothes on her side haven't finished washing yet, but Xiang Yisen has already finished washing them.

"Bring the clothes you changed, I just washed them together."

"No, I'll do it myself." Then he turned on the faucet and soaked his clothes with water.

Seeing him doing it himself, Yu Qing was relieved, forgiving that she had never washed other people's clothes besides her own, she felt a little uncomfortable.

 Xiang Yisen: "We're all talking about certificates. Where's your monthly pass and recommendation ticket? Vote here quickly as a congratulatory gift."

(End of this chapter)

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