Chapter 271

The next morning, Zhu Mei cooked breakfast and woke the children up.

After washing, Ji Daming sat at the dining table and took out a stack of tickets from his pocket, "This is the ticket issued this month, you keep it. After breakfast, you go and get back the food for this month."

After Zhu Mei sent the children to wash up, she sat down and picked up the stack of tickets to check.

She counted a dozen of industrial coupons, half a foot of cloth labels, one catty of noodle tickets, thirty catties of rice tickets, half a catty of meat tickets, and a lot of food coupons of more than ten catties, and finally some tickets for buying daily necessities. .

This amount of food is not enough for their family of four to feed for a month, and they have to spend money to buy some high-priced food every month to keep them from starving for a month.

"There is no way for us to do this. We have to find a way to solve my job, so that my household registration can be converted from agricultural to non-farm, and my children can enjoy the benefits of urban residents."

Ji Daming took a sip of the porridge, glared at her angrily, and said in a very aggressive tone, "You think I don't want to, but it's not so easy at work. If it has something to do with it, I won't use it? I also miss the children It’s an urban hukou, so it’s easier to find a job in the future.”

At least both husband and wife have jobs, and the family's economic situation can be greatly improved. Besides, the children's household registration is still in the countryside. Doesn't he want to solve the children's household registration problem?

Zhu Mei sighed, "I don't understand what you're talking about. It's just that I'm trying to improve my life, but it's always not satisfactory. I hope I can sell more dried bamboo shoots this time."

Ji Daming paused while eating, "The next door really buys dried bamboo shoots?"


"She really dares to do it! It seems that she took what I said as a deaf ear." Ji Daming sneered in his heart. He is really stupid. He does not work hard and always thinks of crooked ways.

"What did you tell her?" Zhu Mei asked anxiously, her heart tightened.

"Didn't say anything?" How could Ji Daming say that he was humiliated by a woman.

"Mom, we finished washing our faces."

"Eat breakfast quickly after washing. After eating, take your younger brother to school. Don't hang around for fun on the way, especially by the dangerous pond. At school, you must listen to the teacher and take good care of your younger brother."

Being interrupted by the children, Zhu Mei didn't bother to ask the man, and took the trouble to tell the children the precautions for going to school every day.

There are not many family members in the power station. There are quite a few with children, but there are not many children with them, so the power station does not have an affiliated school.

If the children in the station want to go to school, they are usually placed in their hometown, while those who really stay with their parents in the station go to the elementary school in a nearby village, which is not too far away, five or six miles away.

It's okay if it's not windy or rainy, and it's not too strenuous to walk on the dirt road.

If it is windy and rainy to go to school, the children will really suffer. One step slips three times, one step is deep and the other is shallow. Walking on the dirt road in the country with difficulty, if one is not careful, they will fall all over the mud.

This is how children from the countryside come here in this era, and the parents don't feel sorry for them. It's just that the child came back from a fall, took a bath and changed clothes, and at most sent him there in person.

Ji Daming went to work in the factory after breakfast, and Zhu Mei took care of the children after breakfast and watched them go to school with their schoolbags on their backs.

She quickly took out a few cloth bags from home and went all the way to the cafeteria.

All kinds of tickets were issued yesterday. There must be a lot of people coming to the cafeteria to collect food today. Go early so you can get it early.

Sure enough, before arriving at the cafeteria, he found that there were already a dozen people lined up behind the cafeteria.

"From Daming's family, come quickly, you are finally here, everyone is waiting for you." Aunt Li beckoned to Zhu Mei.

"I just sent off my children to school, so I kept everyone waiting for a long time." Zhu Mei consciously stood at the end of the line.

"Has Comrade Yu come back?"

"I'm back. I saw her come out of the duty room this morning." The daughter-in-law of another worker in front of the line replied.

Zhu Mei followed suit and nodded, "I'm back, I came back yesterday evening."

Mrs. Li couldn't wait to ask: "Just come back, then did she say when to collect the dried bamboo shoots? And how much is the dried bamboo shoots?"

She pulled a lot of bamboo shoots and dried them in the sun this year. If they didn't collect them, their family wouldn't be able to eat so many.

"Accept." Zhu Mei was very excited when she mentioned this, and hurriedly told everyone the request that Yu Qing told her yesterday, "Don't worry, everyone, Sister Qing will start accepting at three o'clock in the afternoon. Just take the bamboo shoots that have been dried at home this year. She wants as long as the quality is acceptable. And the price is high, which is [-] cents more than the purchase station."

"Hiss! That's a good price."

"Where does Comrade Yu sell so many bamboo shoots? It's even higher than the price offered by the buying station." Someone raised a question.

Mrs. Li couldn't understand this kind of people who are prone to jealousy, so she yelled at her: "You don't care where they sell it, as long as you buy your bamboo shoots for real money, don't worry about the rest. If you offend her, the bamboo shoots will not be dry." Take it, you won't be able to sell it for a dime, and you will be responsible for all the hard work everyone has spent?"

The little daughter-in-law who raised the question was so stunned that she dared not do such an outrageous thing
Zhu Mei reminded everyone: "I made an agreement with her to deliver the goods at three o'clock in the afternoon. Don't go there early to wake her up. I am very tired after an early shift. Let her have a good sleep first and receive the goods in the afternoon. There will be no mistakes."

The main reason is that these old women have been waiting for a few days to sell the dried bamboo shoots. She is afraid that they will knock on the door in advance and disturb Yu Qing's rest.

After this matter was settled, everyone's attention was attracted by the food they were about to receive again.

Mrs. Li asked Zhu Mei: "Has your family survived the food this month?"

After Zhu Mei heard this, she smiled wryly: "Barely enough, anyway, part of our Daming's salary is allocated every month to buy high-priced food, and the rest has to be sent back to the parents at home. When the children are growing up, their nutrition must not be lost, and with the miscellaneous expenses at home, there is basically no money left for a month."

"Who didn't come here like this? It will be fine when the children grow up." Mrs. Li comforted. The wages of the employees in the station are high, but it is also difficult for a single worker to support a family. Unless it is a dual-career family, the economy may be much better.

For example, Comrade Yu Qing.

She herself is an employee of the unit, and the man she is looking for is also an employee. The food, benefits, and wages of the two are double. It is not difficult to imagine that there is no problem in solving food and clothing.

If the mountain goods in the mountains can really be sold for money, it will be a good deed for the family members in the station, at least part of the family burden can be relieved.

Yu Qing came home from get off work in the morning, ate breakfast, went to bed, and slept until almost one o'clock in the afternoon before waking up.

Five hours is not enough to get enough sleep, but it is also a lot of energy.

She yawned and touched the skin on her face. It was a bit rough. Staying up late still had a great impact on her body.

 There will be an explosion at the end of this month~

  At present, please ask for a wave of monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and rewards~

(End of this chapter)

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