Abandoned Women of the Age: Getting Rich by Spatial Warehouses

Chapter 272 Acquisition of Dried Bamboo Shoots

Chapter 272 Acquisition of Dried Bamboo Shoots
I didn't feel like working morning shifts and staying up late when I was young, but the disadvantages will show up when I get older.

It seems that I still have to listen to Xiang Yisen's request to submit an application to change departments early. It's not good for girls to stay up late, it's too affecting beauty.

Now that you're awake, get up and cook.

In fact, at home alone, Yu Qing always cooks with the rice cooker in the studio, and only cooks with a wood-fired stove in the kitchen outside to deceive others.

It is very difficult to cook meals for one person. If you don’t have to stick to the pot, you can simply cook a little more at one time, and then eat the same meals for the next few meals.

Although you can't change the taste for every meal, it is convenient and practical.

At noon, I fried fried chicken with pickled peppers and fried spinach. Both dishes had a lot of servings. After frying, I directly divided the amount for lunch, and put the rest in the studio kitchen for dinner.

The spicy and heavy taste whetted Yu Qing's appetite, and she was still unsatisfied after eating a bowl of rice, but she didn't dare to eat more.

The kitchen was almost cleaned up, and the anxious family members of the employees came in twos and threes with baskets.

Seeing Yu Qing's kitchen door opened wide, they all rushed in happily.

"Comrade Yu, you just woke up, have you eaten yet?"

"After eating, everyone sit down and take a rest. I'll go to the room over there to get a scale."

Yu Qing brought over the scales she had prepared earlier, checked the dried bamboo shoots and weighed them if there was no problem, and then calculated the money for them.

For this acquisition, she specially prepared a lot of change.

Zhu Mei also hurried over to help when she heard the commotion here.

Not to mention, driven by interests, the motivation is unlimited.

There are dozens of hundreds of households in a small residential area, so Yu Qing was kept busy for a few hours, collecting four to five hundred catties of dried bamboo shoots.

Including dried mushrooms, the dry goods collected this time were nearly [-] catties.

What is this concept?
Yu Qing paid nearly 400 yuan in cash for the purchase alone. The wages of their power plant employees are considered high, which is equivalent to the wages of [-] people.

On average, each household earns fifteen or sixteen yuan for nearly a week.Ordinary workers who work in factories in the city are only thirty or forty a month.

The only disadvantage is that there are not mountain products in every season.

After everyone delivered the goods and took the money and left, Yu Qing sat on the stool to rest. Her arms were numb due to heavy weighing all afternoon.

Zhu Mei helped her pour a glass of warm water for her, "You rest for a while, I will clean up these dried bamboo shoots for you."

Hundreds of catties of dried bamboo shoots were packed into ten sacks, and the open space in the kitchen was full.

Yu Qing took a sip of warm water, let out a sigh of relief, and asked, "Sister Zhu, you've been here to help this afternoon, and you haven't brought the dried bamboo shoots over yet."

"I'm not in a hurry, first seal your sacks." Zhu Mei found out the rope and tied the mouth of each sack tightly.

"Put these here, I'll pack them up later, you go and bring your dry goods over and weigh them."

"That's fine." Zhu Mei thought about it, bringing it up sooner or later, it doesn't make much difference if it's earlier or later.

On the way home, all she could think about was the money that Yu Qing sent out this afternoon. There was such a large pile of bills, and only a dozen or so bills were left after paying the bill.

I was a little worried for her in my heart, could her batch of goods be sold in the end?

If it can't be sold and it is thrown in the hands, it will be a thousand or a few hundred. How many years will it take to save so much?

The two families were only two steps away, and soon Zhu Mei brought her dried bamboo shoots over.

Yu Qing helped her weigh it, six catties of dried bamboo shoots and one and a half catties of dried mushrooms.

Six catties of dried bamboo shoots costs 12 yuan, and five yuan per catty of dried mushrooms costs seven yuan.The total is 19 yuan and fifty cents.

Yu Qing gave her two big union cards, and Zhu Mei wanted to find fifty cents, but she didn't have any change with her.

"Sister Zhu, fifty cents is fine. You helped me all afternoon, but I didn't treat you to dinner, so don't be polite to me."

"But...as much as you want, it's not easy for you to keep accounts like this."

"Sister Zhu helped me for a long time in the afternoon, why don't you have dinner at my house in the afternoon?"

"How can this be done? It's such a small thing for a neighbor to do me a favor. How can I ask you to treat me to dinner? Stop talking, you want to embarrass me."

"Yeah, it's easy for neighbors to help you. Don't mention the [-] cents, Zhu Mei. Otherwise, you just want to embarrass me."

At the end, the two looked at each other and smiled, neither saying anything.

When Zhu Mei came home, the two children had come back from school and were sitting at the table doing their homework. Ji Daming was sitting next to him and supervising them, and rice was cooking on the stove.

Seeing her coming back, Ji Daming just looked up at the basket in her hand, and asked, "Are you willing to come back?"

Zhu Mei sold the dried bamboo shoots for money today, she was happy and didn't care about his attitude, so she hummed lightly.

Seeing that she didn't plan to tell him in detail, Ji Daming asked again: "It took a week, how much did you sell those dry goods for?"

Zhu Mei put the basket on the corner of the wall, walked excitedly to the last side of the table and sat down, and took out two folded United Nations cards from her pocket.

He rolled up the money and said: "It was sold for 19 yuan and five. In the end, my sister Wumao Qing didn't let me change, which means that those dry goods were sold for a total of [-]. This summer, the children can each make an extra suit of clothes, and I can also save it. Some money."

Ji Daming was quite surprised to be able to sell it for so much money, "She bought it at such a high price, can she make money by reselling it?"

I still don't like Yu Qing's business in my heart.

This was also Zhu Mei's worry, but she didn't want to show it in front of men, so she put the money back into her pocket and said, "Miss Qing is a successful person, so don't worry about things you shouldn't worry about, besides , even if something happens, there is still a project worker at home, what are you afraid of?"

"The spring bamboo shoots are the last one. Tomorrow I will get up early and go up the mountain. The children's breakfast will be handed over to you. After eating breakfast, wait for them to go to school before you go to work."

"Understood." Ji Daming didn't speak sour words this time, but looked at the rice pot on the stove, "The rice is almost done, hurry up and prepare the dishes for tonight."

After sending Zhu Mei away, Yu Qing took all the sacks back to the studio. After a busy afternoon, she gained a lot, but it was really tiring.

She didn't want to boil hot water anymore, her arms were sore and sore, she locked the kitchen directly, walked to the door, looked at the next door, and heard a small voice, it should be Zhu Mei and his wife talking.

Yu Qing unlocked and entered her small living room, which was empty except for the sewing machine she bought during her engagement, which was placed in the living room.Nothing else, and the table was set back in the adjoining kitchen.

Thinking of something, she pushed her women's bicycle out of the studio and placed it against the corner.

Pushing open the bedroom door and drawing the small curtains, the light in the room suddenly dimmed.

He found a change of pajamas from the wooden box on the ground, and flashed into the studio.

After a busy afternoon, my whole body is not right, and I feel very uncomfortable.Yu Qing deliberately increased the temperature of the water heater. When the slightly higher hot water washed over her body, the pores of her whole body instantly opened, and even the exhaustion in her body was washed away.

(End of this chapter)

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