Chapter 274

Quan Jifeng checked the graduation certificate, and the steel seal stamped on the photo would not be fake. He checked the date of issuance, April 1980, [-].

He handed the diploma to Secretary Qin who was sitting at the opposite desk.

Secretary Qin took it and looked down, "Did you go to the provincial capital on April [-]th?"

"Yes, I went to the provincial capital during that vacation, and just passed the graduation certificate."

"That's right, young people are motivated." Secretary Qin likes to be young and hard-working. "We will seriously consider your application, you just go back and wait for the news."

With that said, he returned the diploma to her.

"Then I'll thank the two leaders here first, and it's up to you to take care of my affairs." Yu Qing smiled innocently.

After leaving the leader's office, Yu Qing went to the archives room and asked the staff to change her education level.

When he came out of the file room and passed by Xiao Li's office, he turned around and walked in again.

Hearing footsteps, Xiao Li raised his head and saw her, and opened his mouth to ask, "Comrade Yu, is there anything else?"

Yu Qing looked at the steaming tea mug on the table and the newspaper in his hand, and sighed in her heart, this is the ideal pension job.

"I'm going to pick up the train tomorrow. I'll call Comrade Xiang in the city. You can borrow this number."

She forgot just now, she should have told Xiang Yisen about this in advance, so that he would be prepared.

"You can do whatever you want." Xiao Li signaled her to dial it herself. This is the station's phone number, and it was installed in his office for the convenience of the staff's family members.

Yu Qing dialed the phone, and after a few rings, the other person connected.

"Hello, who is it?"

A deep and magnetic voice came from the opposite side, it entered Yu Qing's ears, and went straight to her heart through her brain, making her feel happy.

"Comrade Xiang, it's me."

"Qingqing!" The other party was obviously pleasantly surprised.

Yu Qing glanced at Xiao Li who was sitting next to her, "Well, it's me."

Xiao Li stood up winkingly. Although he really wanted to hear the couple talk about love, he was still very sensible. He left the office and stood in the corridor looking into the distance.

"What's the matter with you calling?" Xiang Yisen knew in his heart that it was impossible for Yu Qing to go to the office to make a phone call just because of lovesickness, something must have happened.

"Tomorrow I have to ask for leave to go to the city."

"Ask for leave?"

"Yes, my grandma is coming by tomorrow's train, and I'm going to pick her up." Then he told him what he had just received from the old man.

"Well." Xiang Yisen seemed to hesitate for a while, and said: "I think so, you will wait at home tomorrow, and I will drive to pick you up, and then I will come to pick up grandma in the afternoon."

"Don't be so troublesome, right? It's not good for you to borrow a car from others and still owe favors." Rather than owe favors, she might as well go to the county town by bike, and then take a bus to the city.

Xiang Yisen comforted her, "It's okay, I'm borrowing from the government, and how many machines I help them repair every year, I can't count them over the years, I have to charge some interest. Don't worry, wait for me at home."

"Oh." Just as Yu Qing was about to say goodbye and hang up the phone, an unexpected voice came from the phone, "Qingqing, did you miss me?"

Yu Qing pursed her lips and smiled lightly, glanced outside the door, but didn't see Xiao Li, so she said softly but firmly, "I want to!"

"Hehe. Just think about it, wait for me at home."

"Okay, drive carefully on the road, don't drive too fast, and focus on safety."

"Well, wait for me at home."

"it is good."

The two hung up the phone, Yu Qing walked back, when passing by the cafeteria, she remembered the ticket that Fu Changan sent her yesterday, turned around and went to the back door of the cafeteria.

There happened to be a person here who was receiving food.

"Comrade Yu, come here to get the food?"

"Well, I just came from the office, come and see, do you have any extra bags here?" Yu Qing couldn't get the food without a bag in her hand, so she could only ask him if there were any extra bags here.

The warehouse manager of the cafeteria pointed to the person who just went out, "As soon as my bag is emptied, someone will take it, and the bag just emptied will be taken away by the person in front of you. Otherwise, you go back and get the bag, and I'll be there." Waiting for you here?"

Yu Qing thought for a while, and decided to wait for Xiang Yisen to come back tomorrow. He went to collect the ticket, and the two of them would collect it together.

"Forget it, thank you, for wasting your time, I'll come back tomorrow."


Yu Qing returned home and continued to sleep on the bed, thinking that Xiang Yisen, who was so indifferent, would ask her, did she miss him?

Thinking about some messy things in my mind, I fell asleep again after thinking about it.

After waking up again, it was after one o'clock in the afternoon. Yu Qing went to the studio to wash up, and ate yesterday's stir-fried chicken with pickled peppers and stir-fried spinach.

Looking at the cloudy weather outside, he picked up the hoe, picked up the basket and seeds, and went to the vegetable field again.

Yesterday I planted three-tenths of the land with peanuts, and the rest of the land was planted with beans.

There are still a few ridges of onion and garlic in the field for planting beans. We need to dig out these onions and garlic before planting beans.

The green onion leaves are almost finished, and the garlic leaves are also old, and the garlic moss has grown out.

Yu Qing dug out these ridges of onions and garlic, leveled the ground, and planted some beans, and then planted the land by herself, and had to re-soil, which really delayed things.

When I was tired during the period, I put it on the hoe and went to the vegetable field to observe the growth of vegetable seedlings and melon seedlings. Seeing that they were growing vigorously, I felt comforted in my heart, and then I seemed to be motivated again to do things.

Doing farm work is too tiring, it’s really not something people do. No wonder even farmers in hilly areas bought small-scale agricultural machinery later, plowing the ground, transplanting rice seedlings, and harvesting are all done by machinery.

When the last ridge was touched, there was already a red cloud on the top of the mountain to the west.

Inadvertently catching a glimpse of the figure coming out of the residential area, Yu Qing blinked, thinking she had made a mistake.

When someone came to her, she asked joyfully, "Why are you back today? Didn't you agree to pick me up tomorrow?"

"Knowing that you are busy, I came here to help." Xiang Yisen looked at her, and the smile on the corner of his mouth should not be too obvious.

Believe in your evil!
Yu Qing looked at the sky speechlessly, "I finished all my work, and you came back. Does this count as coming back to help?"

Xiang Yisen cheekily pointed at the messy onions and garlic thrown beside the vegetable field and said, "Isn't there still work to do? I will leave the work that requires strength to me."

The corner of Yu Qing's mouth twitched, "Okay, I'll let you pick this pile up."

This pile weighs almost a few dozen catties, and it is indeed hard work.

"I'll do the work for you, and you can go and rest." Xiang Yisen said.

Yu Qing refused: "I don't need you, I'll finish the last ridge soon, you clean up these onions and garlic and put them in the basket first."

Xiang Yisen obediently rolled up his sleeves to shake off the soil from the roots of the onions and garlic, and then put them into the basket.The whole basket is full and half is left.

"I'll bring this basket back first."

Yu Qing ignored her, planted her last row of beans, put the hoe on the side of the road, and entered the vegetable field.

(End of this chapter)

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