Chapter 275 The father-in-law is here
When Xiang Yisen came over again, he saw her squatting in the middle of the vegetable field, "Why are you staring at these seedlings?"

Yu Qing turned her head, pointed at these seedlings and said with a smile: "This is watermelon seedlings. There are three or four in some depressions. I want to dig out the extra ones, bring them to the city tomorrow, and plant them in the yard. In summer, there will be watermelons to eat." gone."

"If you plant it here, don't you still have watermelon in summer?"

"How can it be the same? This is superfluous. I will thin the seedlings when they grow up a bit. Too many trees in one depression will not work. It will lead to insufficient fertility and affect other plants.

Xiang Yisen pinched his nose, this...he really doesn't know.

"Then just dig it out and plant it in the yard, and I'll just be in charge of watering it."

Yu Qing dug out all the redundant ones, there were more than ten trees, and the new yard should be able to plant them.

When the two returned home, Zhu Mei was sitting in front of the building peeling bamboo shoots, with several baskets of bamboo shoots in front of her.

She saw Xiang Yisen greeted with a smile, "Xiang Gong, you came back in the afternoon?"

Xiang Yisen glanced at her indifferently, nodded slightly, put the basket in his hand in front of the kitchen door, opened the kitchen door and walked in.

Following behind, Yu Qing smiled helplessly at Zhu Mei, "Sister Zhu, is this what you have gained today?"

Knowing that Xiang Yisen treats people coldly, Zhu Mei didn't take it seriously at all. Hearing Yu Qing's question, she quickly peeled the bamboo shoots with her hands, and replied with a smile: "Well, this is the last spring bamboo shoots. Hurry up and pull back more, you may be an elder in a few days."

"That's right, then you should pay attention to safety when you go up the mountain."

"Well, everyone knows this."

Yu Qing smiled, and while Xiang Yisen was washing his hands in the kitchen, she opened the door of the small living room, went in and circled around the living room twice, and then came out with three sacks of dried bamboo shoots from the studio.

She was worried that Xiang Yisen would be suspicious when he heard that she was buying dried bamboo shoots in the residential area, but he didn't find any dried bamboo shoots at home. She put out three bags, so she didn't have to worry about his doubts. The three bags could fit in the car he drove back.

No more, no less, just right.

When Yu Qing returned to the kitchen, Xiang Yisen was already washing rice and cooking.

She raised her wrist to look at the time, "It's only five o'clock, it's better to cook earlier."

Xiang Yisen took a deep look at her back, "It's getting late, finish your dinner early, go to bed early, you don't have to go to work in the early morning."

"Oh." Yu Qing said lightly, found a basin, sat at the door of the kitchen, and tore off the garlic moss one by one from the garlic.

The garlic in the two ridges has pulled out a large bundle of garlic sprouts, which can be eaten for several meals.

After tearing the garlic, they tied the garlic and shallots into bundles and hung them to dry on the bamboo poles where the clothes were dried.

Zhu Mei was sitting on the ground in front of the building peeling bamboo shoots. Seeing her busy, she asked enviously, "How many garlic and shallots did you plant last year? Why are there so many garlic and shallots left this year?"

"It's not much, just a few ridges of each kind." Yu Qing dried the dust and patted the dust off her body.

Then sweep the floor by the kitchen door.

"This year I have to grow a little more, and next year I can harvest a lot of garlic and onions, and there are spices and parsley for stir-frying in summer."

"Sister Zhu, if you need to cook, take some back from me. I have enough for this year's cooking." Yu Qing put away the broom and ash bucket. She is still very generous to those who are close to her eyes.

"Thank you then, I will tell you if necessary."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. After drying, you can just take two bundles back."

Zhu Mei was not polite and thanked directly.

Yu Qing glanced at the garlic and scallions full of bamboo poles, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sister Zhu, I'm going to the city tomorrow, and I have to ask for two days off, plus the four days off, maybe I will go to the city this time. It’s been a long time here, these garlic and onions are drying outside, please take care of them for me. If they are dry, please take them in for me. I will leave you a kitchen key then.”

"Are you going to the city?"

"Well, my grandma is coming by train tomorrow, and I'm going to pick her up."

"Your grandma is here, so it's a good relationship." Zhu Mei was happy for her, she was about to get married, and the elders finally came to the family.

She promised: "Okay, I'll put it away for you when it's dry. As for the key to the kitchen, don't give me it. I'll put it in a sack and put it in the living room of my house. Why give me the key?" , I'm too lazy to keep it."

"That's fine, I'll trouble you, Sister Zhu."

"Neighbors, why are you being polite to me?"

Zhu Mei's personality is bold and generous, and she is also a good person. Yu Qing likes to deal with her.

When her two children finished their homework and came out to help her peel the bamboo shoots, Yu Qing grabbed a handful of candy for each of them.

For dinner, Xiang Yisen made fried cabbage and bacon with garlic moss pulled out in the afternoon. It tasted good.

Yu Qing only ate two pieces of bacon and refused to eat any more. She only ate garlic moss and cabbage, and the rest of the bowl of meat went into Xiang Yisen's stomach.

Yu Qing stared at his belly that was still flat after eating, not only sighed in her heart, man is really blessed, not only has he passed his mouth addiction, but also still has a good figure.

Not only in good shape but also in physical strength!
I'm really envious and jealous!
After eating, Xiang Yisen took out a house deed from his pocket, "You keep this, I forgot to give it to you last time."


Yu Qing took it and took a look, it was a facade house in the city.

"Is this the house you said you bought last time?"

"Well, we have a house in the city, and it's hard to find a house. It just so happens that the facade of the glass factory needs to be dealt with, so I bought it after I knew it."

After Xiang Yisen finished speaking, he thought for a while and said: "I still have a property in the capital, and the deed is in the hands of my mother in the capital. I will take it back and hand it over to you for safekeeping."

"Your mother?" Yu Qing heard him mention her family for the first time, "I haven't heard you mention it before."

Xiang Yisen pursed his lower lip and said, "Well, I not only have a mother, but also a father."

Yu Qing rolled her eyes indecently, you are a living person here, of course there will be mother and father, isn't this nonsense?

"My dad, he was in the city this morning." Xiang Yisen's voice was obviously much lower, showing a guilty conscience.

"Your father is here?" Yu Qing was taken aback by this news. Will this future father-in-law be easy to get along with?
"Well, I arrived in the morning after taking the train for several days and nights."

"In our new yard?"

"Yeah." Xiang Yisen scratched his nose, he didn't expect the old man to come back, and Grandma Yu Qing would also come.

This time, he might not have time to get close to his wife.

He came down early today to pick her up.

Yu Qing felt a little uneasy, "Is your dad easy to get along with? What's your personality like?"

Xiang Yisen thought for a while, "It's not difficult to get along with."

When he gets along with him, he is usually an angry old man.

"This is what I said, and what I said is equal to what I didn't say."

Yu Qing can't get any news from him for the time being, but she will know when she meets someone tomorrow.

She stood up and said, "I'll punish you to clean up the kitchen. You're covered in dirt. I'm going to take a shower first."

"Okay." Xiang Yisen resigned himself to boiling water, washing dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

 Good night ~ See you tomorrow ~
(End of this chapter)

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