Chapter 276
Yu Qing lay on the bed after taking a shower, still feeling a little guilty. During this period of time, she was so busy that she seemed to have forgotten to help Xiang Yisen clean up the upstairs room.

When the man goes back, he has to clean up the room. He won't be angry with her, will he?

Leaning against the head of the bed, when her hair was almost dry and about to go to sleep, the door was opened.

Xiang Yisen walked in in his pajamas.

Yu Qing widened her eyes and asked in surprise, "Why did you come down?"

Xiang Yisen stated the facts lightly: "There is dust everywhere upstairs, even on the bed. I can't sleep. I will squeeze in your place at night."

Yu Qing felt guilty for a moment, but when she realized that it was a single bed, she protested: "No, how can two people sleep in such a small bed? Go back to your upstairs and sleep."

Xiang Yisen would not go back honestly, he lifted the quilt and squeezed into the bed.

"Hey, let's sleep together tonight. We haven't seen me for a few days. Don't you miss me?"

Yu Qing's old face turned red in an instant, as soon as the man came up and hugged her, she just pinched and touched it here, she suspected that his coming back today was premeditated.

Yu Qing grabbed his flailing big hand, "Then you sleep well, let me rest for a few hours, and I have to go to work in the early morning."

Hearing this, Xiang Yisen's hand stopped, and he responded obediently: "Okay."

"Then you reach out and turn off the light."


The bedroom was pitch black in an instant, and there was only one street lamp far outside, so it can be said that you can't see your fingers inside and out.

Listening to each other's breathing, Yu Qing adjusted her sleeping position, trying to use the space as much as possible so that both of them could sleep more comfortably.

Xiang Yisen hugged her from behind, and he could feel the softness of her body through the fabric. There was no wife to hug these days, and it was boring to sleep at night.

Now that he finally hugged his wife again, how could he listen to her to sleep honestly, otherwise he wouldn't deliberately choose to come back in the afternoon, it would be easier to come back tomorrow.

The hands under the quilt soon began to fumble again.

"Hey, don't listen to me now, just ignore my words." There was an itch in Yu Qing's body, "Hehe, don't."

Xiang Yisen was too lazy to talk nonsense, he directly picked up the person and turned him over. The two immediately faced each other, breathing intertwined with each other.


As soon as Yu Qing made a sound, in the darkness, Xiang Yisen precisely aimed at her lips and kissed her, and the sound stopped abruptly.

All were swallowed into the stomach.

Soon several pieces of clothing were thrown out of the quilt
An hour later, Yu Qing lay on it, sweating all over her body, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Let go of me, I'm covered in sweat, let me go down and wipe myself off."

As soon as she opened her mouth, her voice was hoarse, and her throat was extremely dehydrated. Can you let her go down and drink?

"Want to drink water?"

Yu Qing gave a weak "hmm" and was held tightly by him, unable to move.

"Then I'll give you a drink."

Xiang Yisen exerted all his strength and the two turned around in an instant, and Yu Qing's exclamation was blocked in her throat before she could utter her voice.


For a moment, both of them were immersed in it, touching each other until death.

This time was different from the previous few times, it was a brand new attempt, and Ji Daming and his wife lived next door, so they didn't dare to make a big noise.

Everything is going on fiercely and quietly..
Too prickly!

When the wind stopped and the rain stopped again, Xiang Yisen turned on the light.

Yu Qing was already powerless to resist, like a fish dying of thirst, lying on the bed without the strength to move.

Xiang Yisen got up, put on some clothes, went to the bathroom, and came back with half a basin of hot water in his hand.

With a satisfied face, he gently picked up the water splash, washed his face, and then unscrewed the veil to help Yu Qing wipe her face and neck, all the way down. . .Wipe clean carefully.

Yu Qing didn't even have the strength to move her fingers now, so she could only close her eyes in embarrassment and let him do what she wanted.

Xiang Yisen helped her wipe her body, took a deep breath, and wiped the sweat from his forehead again.

Yu Qing closed her eyes and heard the sound of footsteps leaving. While she was relieved, waves of tiredness came over her. Before the man came back, she fell asleep.

"Sunny, sunny."

In a daze, she seemed to hear a man's call. After a while, her lips were pushed away, and a stream of warm water flowed into her mouth, and Yu Qing swallowed instinctively.

Xiang Yisen fed her half a glass of water before letting her lie down in peace. He glanced at the watch on his wrist and raised his eyebrows. It was already 10:30.


He rubbed his temples. In fact, he was also tired from this kind of work, which took a lot of time. He took off the clothes on his body, slowly lay down and hugged the person beside him, sighed contentedly, and closed his eyes to recharge his energy.

Yu Qing woke up again, the room was still invisible, she stabbed the person who was holding her tightly behind her, "What time is it?"

"Oops! I've asked for leave for you in the afternoon. Go to sleep peacefully. You don't have to go to work tonight."

After the words fell, Xiang Yisen hugged him even tighter, and even squeezed her.

Yu Qing opened her eyes in disbelief, and poked her elbow back again, "You snake embryo, so you had a plan when you came back today, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xiang Yisen frowned slightly in pain, told you earlier, would you still be defenseless against me?
I'm afraid he can't even get in this room.

"I forgot about it in a moment of pleasure."

"Can you forget this? I think you did it on purpose." Yu Qing snorted, and now that the two of them are in good standing, she can't do anything about him, so she can only talk about him.

"." Xiang Yisen.

"Comrade Xiang, please pull down the light rope."

"You want to get up?" Xiang Yisen turned on the light.

The light was suddenly turned on in the dark room, Yu Qing took a long time to get used to the bright light, and now she felt sweaty on her back, and wanted to wear pajamas to sleep.

"Well, where's my pajamas?"

Xiang Yisen coughed lightly and took her pajamas from the wooden box next to her.

He threw all the clothes on the ground at first, but picked them up and put them back on the wooden box later.

Yu Qing put on her pajamas and went to the bathroom again. She felt her throat was too dry and drank a glass of water before she lay down again. She nestled under Xiang Yisen's arms and couldn't fall asleep again for a while.

"Can't sleep?"


"How about we do something else?"

"Don't." Yu Qing rubbed her sore waist. The old bachelor who has been married for many years is really scary, and she can't afford to hurt it.

"You go to collect the two-month tickets tomorrow, and remember to go to the cafeteria to get our food back. I passed by the cafeteria today. I wanted to collect it, but I forgot to take the bag."


After breakfast the next day, Xiang Yisen went to the cafeteria to collect food for the two of them, and Yu Qing took the basket to the field to chop some cabbage and lettuce, ready to take them to the city.

When the food was brought back, some of it was kept at home, and some had to be taken to the city.

Xiang Yisen stuffed food, vegetables, bacon and three sacks of dried bamboo shoots into the trunk and back seat of the car.After locking the door and before getting into the car, Yu Qing took another bag and put two bundles of garlic and shallots.

"What else do you want to bring?" Xiang Yisen sat in the driver's seat and turned to ask Yu Qing.

Yu Qing shook her head, "No more, almost all of them are brought, let's go."

 Reward 1666 for LINLIN ~ Thank you for your support ~
  ~~At the same time, thank you for your reward~Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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