Chapter 277 First Impression
Xiang Yisen checked the condition of the car, and Yu Qing saw that his lips were a bit dry, so she handed over the military water bottle in her hand.

"You've been busy for so long, you haven't had any water yet, do you want some?"

Xiang Yisen really felt that his throat was a little dry, so he took the kettle and filled it halfway.

When the car started, Yu Qing tried to recall in her mind, what else did she forget to bring?

"Comrade Xiang, dad and grandma are here, do you want to bring the tape recorder?"

"Huh?" Xiang Yisen paused.

Yu Qing explained: "I'm afraid that the two old people will be bored staying at home, and there is a tape recorder to pass the lonely time."

She hasn't turned on the tape recorder much, and it's left here to collect dust.

Xiang Yisen looked back at the stuffed back seat and the trunk, "Are you sure it can fit in the back?"

"The tape recorder is not heavy, I can hold it in my arms."

"That's fine." Xiang Yisen turned off the engine, opened the door and got out of the car. After a while, he unlocked the lock and took out the radio.

He opened the door of the passenger seat and put the tape recorder on Yu Qing's lap, "Is it okay to put it on your lap?"

Although the weight is not heavy, the road is not easy to walk during the driving process.

Yu Qing also felt the weight, "Wait, I'll go down first."

After Yu Qing got out of the car, she asked Xiang Yisen to put the tape recorder under the seat, and then she sat up. The tape recorder was sandwiched between the seat and her legs, so that no matter how bumpy the road was, it would be fine.

Xiang Yisen swept his gaze across the back seat, and said with a helpless smile: "If others don't know, they think we're moving."

"Hehe, this is impossible."

When the car drove out of the power plant area, the road conditions were not so good.

"It's still a long journey, take a break first." Xiang Yisen in the car noticed Yu Qing's face, although there was a charming look that had been nourished by love affairs, the look of exhaustion could not be concealed between the brows.

"Not for the time being." Yu Qing shook her head. She had slept enough last night, but she always felt very tired, as if her body hadn't recovered.

Thinking of the man's physical strength, she was deeply worried about her own body.

When the car passed by a village again, Yu Qing asked Xiang Yisen to stop.

Xiang Yisen stepped on the brake and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Let's get out of the car and ask to see if there are chickens for sale in the village."

"Buy chicken?" Xiang Yisen rolled his eyes and stared at her face, um, it's a good idea.

Yu Qing misunderstood him and thought she was greedy, and explained: "Well, my father and my grandma are here, and there are not many meat tickets at home, so we should bring a few more chickens back from the countryside."

"Okay, you stay in the car, I'll go down and ask."

The car started up again, and a large chicken cage had been hung behind the car, containing five hens and a rooster.

Driving all the way, in addition to the roar of the car, you can also faintly hear the crowing of chickens at the rear of the car.

When they arrived in the county, the road conditions were much better, and Yu Qing fell asleep under the hypnosis of the two voices.

Xiang Yisen didn't make a sound to disturb, but slowed down the speed of the car, drove steadily all the way, stepped on the brake again, and Yu Qing leisurely opened her eyes.


She rubbed her eyes and saw the familiar courtyard door, "Finally home."

"Well, get out of the car."

Xiang Yisen got off the car and began to move things to the gate of the courtyard.

Just as Yu Qing was about to knock on the door, the courtyard door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man who looked seventy percent similar to Xiang Yisen stood at the door. If he took off the black-rimmed glasses, he might look alike.

This unexpected way of meeting made both of them stunned on the spot.

Xiang Yisen came over with a sack and looked at their condition, "Old man, this is your daughter-in-law, don't you recognize her? Don't stand at the door blocking the way, come here and help me."

A smile appeared on Yu Qing's face, "Dad"

Father Xiang forced a smile, nodded to her, and walked out of the courtyard to help Xiang Yisen carry the goods.

"." Yu Qing's smile froze. Is he satisfied with her or not?

Watching the two men who were about the same height moving the goods together, Yu Qing put the tape recorder back in the living room first, and then packed the dishes that were brought in into the kitchen.

Father Xiang helped carry in the last bag of dried bamboo shoots, and followed his son out of the yard.

"This is your wife?"

"Hmm." Xiang Yisen stared at him, "What? You're not satisfied? It's useless even if you're not, as long as I'm satisfied."

Xiang's father, who didn't express an opinion, was choked to death. He didn't dare to have an opinion, he just asked casually.

Then he thought of the bacon and chicken cages he had just moved in, and his expression eased, "Okay, as long as you are satisfied."

Xiang Yisen closed the car door and entered the yard. Seeing the wet vegetable fields on both sides, he turned his head and raised an eyebrow at Father Xiang, "Did you water this morning?"

"Hmm." Father Xiang hummed lightly.He just couldn't bear to watch the vegetable seedlings they planted so hard dry out.

Xiang Yisen went into the kitchen and came out after a while. With a handful of melon seedlings in his hand, he handed the melon seedlings to Father Xiang, "This is a watermelon seedling. Qingqing is cooking. Please help me plant these."

"What about you?" Father Xiang's heart choked. Could this kid be more polite to him?
"Of course I'm helping my wife cook together."

That natural tone made Xiang's father so angry that he almost had a heart attack. This kid married a wife and forgot his father!

in the kitchen.

Yu Qing had just washed the rice, when she saw Xiang Yisen coming in, she asked, "What did you say to your father in the yard?"

"It's nothing, I asked him to help plant watermelon seedlings." Xiang Yisen rolled up his sleeves and asked with a smile, "What are you going to do for lunch today?"

"There is still a lot of garlic moss left from yesterday. Use it to fry bacon for Dad to taste. Then use the shallots dug out yesterday to smash and fry an egg, and fry potato shreds and lettuce leaves. Are four dishes enough? ?”

"Enough." His father's food in the capital was not as good as his four dishes.

Xiang Yisen washed the bacon with his hands, while Yu Qing picked vegetables and peeled shallots.

After Xiang's father planted the melon seedlings and watered them once, he could smell the smell of meat all over the yard, and after a while, the smell of eggs was again. For someone who has eaten bland clear water noodles all day since getting off the train, it is undoubtedly a treat. Very tempting.

The two of them worked together, and the rice on the other electric stove was cooked, and Yu Qing on the electric stove here had already fried the last lettuce leaf.

Yu Qing thought that the electricity in this period was not connected to the Internet, and some places often had power outages, so she asked, "Comrade Xiang, do you often have power outages in the city?"

"Occasionally, what's the matter?" Xiang Yisen put the dishes on the tray, and turned to look at her after hearing this.

"We have to find a way to get some firewood or briquettes back, otherwise if the power goes out, we won't be able to cook and heat water."

"Well, let's eat first."

Father Xiang sat at the dining table, watched the dishes being served, and swallowed without a trace, it was so delicious!

"Dad, let's eat. I don't know if you are used to these dishes." Yu Qing put a bowl of white rice in front of him.

"I'm not picky, so I can eat whatever I have. You don't have to make so many delicious things for me." Father Xiang said politely.

He has no objection to his daughter-in-law's appearance. He is a newcomer and treats people and things well, but he doesn't know what his real temperament is?

(End of this chapter)

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