Chapter 278
Xiang Yisen picked up a chopsticks dish and put it in Yu Qing's bowl, and sneered, "Don't be sentimental, we eat like this every day at home, we are not like you, who are paid high-level wages, but eat like pig food. "

Yu Qing's hair was black when she heard that, when did Xiang Yisen speak so sloppily?

She politely used the serving chopsticks to pick up some bacon and eggs into Xiang's father's bowl, "Dad, don't listen to his nonsense, we usually can't cook so many dishes, at most one meat and one vegetable."

After hearing Yu Qing's words, Father Xiang's mood improved a lot, and he explained to her: "We eat not bad in the capital, we can eat cornmeal and sweet potato noodles, but most of the time we still eat cornmeal and white noodles, occasionally a month. It will be stained with meat a few times."

Xiang Yisen glanced at him with complicated eyes, and then said hesitantly: "I think most of them eat sweet potato noodles and corn noodles, white noodles? I've seen if it's possible to see them during the New Year, and how many times a month? Every time Cook a big pot of vegetables with just one or two slices of meat, is that also called dipping meat?"

Yu Qing was quite surprised that her father-in-law lived in such a poor life in the capital, "How much does your father earn a month?"

Xiang Yisen looked at Father Xiang defiantly, "Ask him."

Father Xiang seemed to have gotten used to this way of talking between father and son, pushed the frame of his glasses, and said unhurriedly, "One hundred and five, and there are some other benefits every month."

"One hundred and fifty, which is equivalent to the salary of the two of us. The income is good."

The salary of the power station is already considered high, and Xiang's father is twice as much as theirs. She believes that other benefits should not be bad. How can they eat so badly?

Xiang's father said modestly: "The family has a heavy burden. There are still a few children in school."

Xiang Yisen sneered beside him, but he didn't say anything this time.

"Yimori hasn't told me about the family situation yet, Dad, how many younger brothers and sisters are there?" Yu Qing was also curious about how much burden the Xiang family had.

"A younger sister graduated from junior high school this year, and a younger brother is only four years old this year. I am your mother when I am not at home."

"Cough cough."

Xiang Yisen coughed for a while, and Xiang's father immediately changed his words, "It's usually your aunt who does the housework."

Yu Qing was even more puzzled, the burden of such a high salary for two children is not too heavy, "Auntie doesn't have a job?"

Father Xiang shook his head, "No, she also has her own job."

Yu Qing has a lot of brains, this is her father-in-law's housework, she doesn't want to ask more questions, so she hurriedly tells him to eat more vegetables.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law stopped asking questions, Xiang Yisen had something to say, "Qingqing, you don't know that boiled cabbage and pickles are usually eaten in their house. You don't have to wash the rice bowl after eating. Rinse and clean."

"Eating these vegetables without oil and water every day, how can a person's body bear it? It's harmful to health." Yu Qing looked at Father Xiang and advised.

But in my heart I feel sorry for Father Xiang, marrying such a daughter-in-law who doesn't know how to love others, is really living a life that is worse than death.

What is the purpose of working hard for several years while living the life of an ordinary worker with a gold collar salary?
Father Xiang nodded. He couldn't tell his daughter-in-law more about the bad things at home.You will understand it later.

This meal was the most delicious meal that Xiang's father had eaten after leaving the research institute.

Seeing that he ate deliciously, Yu Qing was glad that she had brought the bacon from home.

Thinking of the few chickens she bought today, she said to Xiang Yisen: "After lunch break, you remember to kill a hen, and we will stew chicken soup tonight."

Father Xiang only ate the bacon at noon, and heard that they were going to kill the chicken in the afternoon and hurriedly stopped him, "Save the chicken and eat it slowly. We only ate the meat at noon, so don't kill it in the afternoon."

He looked at the chickens in the chicken coop, which must have cost the children a year's worth of meat tickets.

"You're overthinking. We killed the chicken to entertain Grandma Qingqing, not for you." Xiang Yisen choked.

Why are these words so ugly? Yu Qing realized that Xiang Yisen was like a hedgehog covered in thorns after Xiang's father came, and his usual high-cold personality collapsed.

"Grandma?" Father Xiang looked at Yu Qing suspiciously.

Yu Qing just remembered that she hadn't told Father Xiang about this, so she hurriedly explained: "Well, we have a banquet on May [-]st, and I don't have any elders to take care of it, and some things are inconvenient, so my grandma came to help me arrange it in advance."

Thinking of seeing his grandma in the evening, Xiang's father sat upright and nodded, "Yes, yes, my grandma is here, we should treat her warmly."

Seeing that the father-in-law was not difficult to communicate with, Yu Qing was afraid that he would mind Xiang Yisen's words just now, so she smiled lightly and said, "Well, the stewed chicken soup is not all for my grandma, my father has suffered a lot these years, so he should make up for it. "

"You work hard, you should make up for it." Xiang's father felt warm for Yu Qing's ironing.

"That night our family will make love." It's good to have a reasonable father-in-law.

Seeing that they were getting along happily, Xiang Yisen got up to clean up the dishes, and Yu Qing quickly got up to help, and they went to the kitchen together with the dishes.

Father Xiang smiled and watched the young couple helping each other with housework, and he was more satisfied with Yu Qing who could change his son.

After tidying up the kitchen, Yu Qing packed up another bedroom on the second floor and made the bed. She planned to live in this room for her grandma for a few days.

One bedroom downstairs now lives in Father Xiang, and the other one is reserved for Ruan Zheng.

As for Xiang Yisen, he will either live at the construction site, or he will share a room with Ruan Zheng or Xiang's father these days.

When she tidied up the two bedrooms and returned to her bedroom, Xiang Yisen was already lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Yu Qing noticed the blue color in his eyes and didn't dare to wake him up. To tell the truth, she didn't sleep well last night, she yawned, and was picked up by Xiang Yisen as soon as she lay down.

Take a nap in the afternoon, and the time in the room is quiet.

After taking a nap, Xiang Yisen went to boil water to kill the chicken.Father Xiang sat in front of the living room drinking tea.

Seeing that he didn't have much to do, Yu Qing brought the tape recorder brought back in the morning to him, "Dad, if you're bored, you can listen to the radio."

"Yeah, did you buy this?" Xiang's father really didn't notice that there was a tape recorder at home.

"Well, Issori's dowry gift to me."

Yu Qing helped him plug it in and let him adjust the channel by himself.

And she herself entered the wing room while the father and son were not paying attention, and put out two boxes of apples that she bought online last time.Now there are elders at home, always prepare some snacks and fruits.

In the afternoon, I will go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some melon seed candies and glutinous rice sticks.

In fact, the elderly, like children, usually need to be coaxed.

Just like Father Xiang, if there were snacks and fruits at home just now, he would not be so dull when drinking tea.

Wait for Xiang Yisen to handle the chicken and stew it.It is already four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Comrade Xiang, let Dad watch the chicken stew on the stove. Let's go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy something, and then go to the train station to pick up my grandma."

"Okay." Xiang Yisen agreed without asking what she wanted to buy.

"Okay, I'm going to carry the bag."

 Today is limited to free, please vote for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, welcome to reward~
  Haha, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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