Chapter 279 Grandma Comes
Watching Yu Qing run upstairs, Xiang Yisen and Xiang's father who was sitting in the yard gave instructions.

Yu Qing came down with a small leather bag, holding Xiang Yisen's arm, with an elegant smile on her bright face, "Let's go."

She turned her head and waved to Father Xiang again, "Dad, let's go first, there is chicken soup stewed on the stove, please pay attention."

"You go, I will pay attention."

The two drove to the supply and marketing cooperative first. In the food area on the first floor, Yu Qing bought a lot of melon seeds and peanut candies, as well as some glutinous rice sticks and chicken cakes.

Finally, I saw red dates, which was rare, "Comrade, how do you sell those red dates?"

"One piece and three catties, one catty of red dates and one catty of food stamps."

The grain stamps that the salesperson mentioned are actually coarse grain stamps, which can be used to buy pastries and snacks, and can be exchanged for coarse grains and beans, but rice and flour cannot be bought with this kind of grain stamps.

"Comrade, please help me weigh two catties."

"One person can only buy one catty with food." Red dates are a good thing, and they have been robbed long ago without the limit.

"Then help me weigh a catty."

Xiang Yisen's food is not on her.

She turned around, "Where's your grain?"

Xiang Yisen coughed lightly, "At home, I didn't bring it."

After paying the money, Yu Qing stared at the grain book and stamped a small stamp, and clicked her tongue, "Red dates are only one catty per month, and they will definitely be gone next month. Take your grain book and buy another one tomorrow." Jin, there are a lot of people in the family this month, so prepare more snacks to be prepared."


Xiang Yisen brought a large net bag of various snacks, and the two left the supply and marketing cooperative under the envy of other people in the supply and marketing cooperative.

He put the net bag on the back seat, closed the door, and sat back in front again.

Asked Yu Qing who was sitting in the passenger seat, "Let's go to the station now."

Yu Qing raised her wrist to look at the time, "It's already five o'clock, we arrived at the train station at about 05:30, and grandma will arrive almost half an hour later. Let's go, let's go to the station and wait."

And now they have nothing to buy, the most important thing is that she really wants to see Grandma Ruan.

Who can not want to love their elders?
The supply and marketing cooperative is not far from the train station, less than three kilometers, but the car cannot drive too fast. People cross the road from time to time, and there are cyclists riding in front.

Compared with later generations, compared with the traffic jams in the urban area at every turn, this is still very smooth.

This time the train was on time, the two waited at the station for half an hour, and picked up Grandma Ruan and Ruan Zheng smoothly.

From the flow of people getting off the train, Yu Qing spotted Grandma Ruan at a glance, carrying a small bag and walking in front, followed by Ruan Zheng, who was carrying luggage on both hands on his back.

The tall and heavy figure stands out from the crowd, and people can notice him at a glance.

Yu Qing tugged at Xiang Yisen's sleeve, and pointed to the tall figure slowly approaching in the crowd, "Over there, the one with the luggage is my eldest brother, and the one in front of him is my grandma. Come on, let's go there. "

"Grandma, brother!"

"Grandma, brother, I'm here!" Yu Qing waved to them happily, and then walked through the crowd.

Xiang Sen helplessly stepped forward to protect her. Fortunately, there were not many passengers getting off this train, and the two quickly walked through the crowd to Grandma Ruan.


"Grandma, you're finally here, I miss you so much." Yu Qing stepped forward to hug Grandma Ruan and jumped happily.

Grandma Ruan narrowed her eyes with a smile, and patted her on the back to comfort her, "Grandma misses you too."

Yu Qing caught sight of Ruan Zheng, who was behind grandma, looking at her with a smile, and she hurriedly shouted, "Brother, you've worked hard."

"It should be, no hard work."

After the excitement, Yu Qing introduced Xiang Yisen to the two of them.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Xiang Yisen took the luggage from Ruan Zheng's hand and walked out of the station together.

When he came to the parking lot and saw the old-fashioned jeep, Ruan Zheng raised his bushy eyebrows at Yu Qing.

Yu Qing smiled: "This is a car I borrowed from my unit, and I will use it for a few days temporarily."

Grandma Ruan smiled and looked at Xiang Yisen, who was packing luggage at the rear of the car, who was as tall and handsome as her eldest grandson, "It's really troublesome for Yisen."

Xiang Yisen closed the trunk, stepped forward with long legs and smiled, "Grandma, don't be polite to me, I am your grandson-in-law, and we will be a family from now on."

"Hehe, young people can talk." Grandma Ruan cheerfully got into the car with Xiang Yisen's support.

Everyone got in the car, and Xiang Yisen saw the tiredness on Grandma Ruan's brows from the rearview mirror, "Grandma, if you are tired, you can rely on Qingqing to sleep for a while, it will take some time to get home from here."

Ruan Zheng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked back at Grandma Ruan, and then glanced at Xiang Yisen with some deep meaning, but he didn't say anything.

Yu Qing asked Grandma Ruan to lean on her. Today's Xiang Yisen surprised her a bit. She thought that he always treated outsiders with a cold face.

I didn't expect to be tit-for-tat against Xiang's father, like a rebellious teenager.He was much more patient with Grandma Ruan, and at the station, he tried his best to greet Grandma Ruan with a smiling face.

If someone doesn't know him well, he will definitely think that he is a gentle and kind young man.

In less than an hour, the car stopped smoothly in front of the new courtyard. Almost as soon as the car stopped, the two courtyard doors were opened from the inside, and Father Xiang walked out of the courtyard with a smile.

"Yimmori, Qingqing, but you received your in-laws grandma?"

The grandma who was leaning on Yu Qing sat up straight and looked at Yu Qing with doubtful eyes.

Yu Qing stuck out her tongue, and introduced in a low voice: "It's Xiang Yisen's father. He heard that we got married on May [-]st and came here from the capital."

Grandma Ruan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she immediately seemed to be completely exhausted, she didn't need the help of her juniors, she opened the door and got out of the car.

When I got out of the car, I held the hand of Xiang's father who came up to meet me, "Oh! You are my father-in-law. I have admired you for a long time. I have heard the children talk about you a long time ago. It is a great honor to meet you this time."

Xiang Yisen turned his head and looked at the back seat in surprise.

Yu Qing pursed her lips and smiled lightly. Her grandma was also a living treasure. As for the mention of Father Xiang, she could only say that it might have been in a dream.

Grandma Ruan's voice was the southern accent of Wu Nong's soft language. Hearing that Father Xiang's ears felt comfortable, she also gave Xiang Yisen a look of approval.

"Grandma, I heard from the children that you will arrive in the afternoon. I have already made tea specially. Let's go in and drink some tea to rest. It's not good to sit on the train for more than ten hours."

"Okay, okay." Grandma Ruan followed Father Xiang into the yard, sized her up as she walked, and still kept praising: "My father-in-law, you gave birth to a good son. He is handsome, tall, and filial to his elders. It's a good match."

When Father Xiang heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched invisibly. He admitted that the boy was handsome and tall, but the word filial piety was a bit exaggerated.

His blood pressure soared because he was not angry because of the blessing of the Buddha, but no matter how bad his temper was, he was still his son. At this time, he could not tear down his son.

So he flattered the other party sincerely, "Qingqing is not bad, she is very good-looking and talented, our Xiang family is the top one, and Yisen is lucky to marry Qingqing."

"Haha, the two of them are the best match for men and women!" Grandma Ruan made a summary.

(End of this chapter)

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