Chapter 281
The middle-aged man selling meat gave her an extra look in surprise. Does anyone still like bones these days?

The uncles and aunts who come here to buy meat have tried their best not to want bones, but just want to cut some meat that is full of fat.

"Yes. Half a catty of pork ribs can buy a catty of meat tickets."

As he spoke, he picked out two ribs first, and then cut the pork belly below, which was about one and a half catties for her.

The two pork ribs were about two and a half catties, and the pork belly was just one and a half catties. The middle-aged man cut off a little fat and threw it on the scale. When he made up enough two and a half catties, he tied it tightly with straw and threw it on the chopping board in front of Yu Qing.

"There are two catties of meat tickets in total, plus one yuan and ninety cents."

Handing him the ticket and two yuan, and getting back a dime, Yu Qing put the meat at the bottom of the basket, and putting it on top would make the garlic moss full of oil.

After buying the meat, Yu Qing also wanted to buy some tofu. She had food coupons for coarse grains in her hand, so she could use them to buy tofu.

Mi Qianjin wanted to turn a blind eye, but walked away, but moved towards her after hesitating.

"Why did you come to the city again, when did you come, and where do you live now?"

Those who didn't know the tone and tone of the speech thought she belonged to him!
No matter how good his skin looks, it can't make her feel the slightest pity.

Yu Qing stared at him with mentally ill eyes, her attitude was the same as Xiang Yisen's in front of Xiang's father, unruly,
"Who are you? Whether this girl comes to the city or not is none of your business! As for where you live, I can't even tell you, an apprentice!"

Yu Qing didn't deliberately lower her voice, so that the people who lined up to buy vegetables next to her listened attentively.


The laughter and disdainful eyes of the people around him deeply stimulated him.


"Since that's the case, you're still coming together? How cheap!"

"..." Mi Qianjin was blocked and couldn't say a word, so he turned around and left.

Yu Qing looked at the stiff back of him leaving, and snorted coldly in her heart, meddling in his own business, she really thinks he is her own so-and-so!
There are also freshly dug garlic and scallions for sale in the market. After asking, I found out that it costs five cents a catty, which is too cheap!

It made Yu Qing wonder for a while that it was worthwhile for her to spend so much energy on growing vegetables?
The state-run farmer's market is that big, and the two of them wandered around, always bumping into each other. Yu Qing thought he was air the whole time. Tie kelp.

It was hard for Mi Qianjin not to pay attention to her. Looking at her big basket, he frowned slightly. That basket was not enough for her to eat in two days alone. What did she want to buy so many vegetables?
And, where does she live?
If she was with Xiang Yisen, Xiang Yisen hadn't been back to the dormitory of the Road Construction Machinery Factory during this time.

Too much ignorance made Mi Qianjin slightly upset.

Yu Qing didn't have time to pay attention to insignificant people, she raised her wrist to check the time after shopping, it was already 07:30.

All the vegetables in the basket weighed at least twenty catties, and the heaviest was the garlic moss.

When passing the sesame oil mill, she walked in.

"Comrade, how do you sell this sesame oil?"

"Eight cents to a catty, a catty of oil to a catty of fuel tickets."

"Then please weigh me a catty." Yu Qing carried out a used sesame oil bottle from under the basket, that is, from the studio, and gave it to the salesperson.

The salesperson took out the funnel and quickly filled it with a catty for her.

Yu Qing took the bottle and handed the ticket and money to the other party. Seeing that there was an oil press in the store, she asked casually, "Are you still helping people here?"

The salesperson didn't think much, took the money and replied casually: "Well, all the people from the nearby suburbs come to our place to extract oil."

"Do you need a ticket to press the oil?"

"No, just give me the money."

Yu Qing walked out of the market with a basket in one hand and an oil bottle in the other. The basket was a bit heavy, so she would take the bus back later.

Standing on the side of the road waiting for the car, an ox cart stopped on the side of the road. There were three large water buckets on it, and two men lifted the buckets down one by one.

Driven by curiosity, Yu Qing walked over to look into the buckets and found that all three buckets were filled with fish.There are grass carp and fat head fish.

"Are you here to sell fish?"

"Yes, comrade, do you want to buy fish?"

"Do you fish want a ticket?"

One of the men grinned and said, "No tickets are needed. These are wild fish in our village's reservoir, not mission fish in the pond. This time, we used a lot of fishing nets. If comrades have tickets, they can also count them. Just give it a discount."

Just don't need tickets, Yu Qing doesn't have enough tickets for herself, how can she have extra tickets?

Grass carp and fat head fish do not need a ticket of thirty-five cents for a catty, if there is a ticket, it is thirty cents for a catty.

When she was able to speak, a few aunts carrying baskets to buy vegetables surrounded her, and Yu Qing hurriedly asked the eldest brother to weigh a grass carp and a fat-headed fish for her.

"Comrade, how old do you want?"

Yu Qing stared at the fish in the bucket with bright eyes, "Choose two big ones." The wild fish in the reservoir should be delicious, at least they don't have the earthy smell of breeding in the pond.

The middle-aged man caught two big fish, tied them tightly with palm leaves through the gills, and hung them on the scale carried by another man.

The middle-aged man weighed himself, and seeing that the weight stopped falling, he said, "Two fish weigh 21 catties and 21 taels, and you count as [-] catties. The total is seven yuan and thirty-five cents."

There were a few gasps from the side.

Yu Qing knows the purchasing power of money in this era, but she doesn't feel sorry for it, money is a bastard, and she spends it when she earns it.

Compared with the money spent, she is more happy that the family can eat this kind of pure wild fish.

She paid seven dollars and thirty-five cents out of her purse.

The middle-aged man took the money and handed her the fish.

"Hold it, the fish is still struggling and it's a bit heavy."

Yu Qing took it. Although she was mentally prepared, it was really heavy. The most important thing was that the two palm leaves were a little painful in her hands. The two fish struggled twice from time to time, as if someone was pulling them hard. Same.

Standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus with a basket of twenty-odd catties of vegetables and two fishes of twenty-odd catties, Yu Qing was still a little worried about how to bring them home.

With the sound of brakes, the familiar old-fashioned jeep stopped in front of Yu Qing.

The car door opened, and Xiang Yisen's long legs stepped out first, followed by the whole person to get out of the car door.

Yu Qing's almond eyes were curved into beautiful arcs, and she asked happily, "Why are you here?"

The most important thing is why this car has not been returned to the public.

"I just went home and knew you were coming out. I probably guessed that you came here for a jog, and I would come here to buy vegetables by the way."

With a faint smile on the corner of Xiang Yisen's mouth, he took the two fish in her hand. The weight in his hand showed that the fish was not light. He squeezed her red hand distressedly, and asked: "If I don't come, how will you go home?"

"Take the bus." Yu Qing never admitted that she was worrying about this.

Watching him ruthlessly throw a pair of big fish into the sack in the trunk, he also stuffed the bamboo basket into the trunk.

Xiang Yisen didn't say much, and opened the car door for her, "Let's go."


Yu Qing happily got into the car, it's nice to have a husband!

(End of this chapter)

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