Chapter 282 Discussion
The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is very eye-catching, coupled with the jeeps that ordinary people cannot afford in this era, this scene has envied the eyes of many people.

Among them was Mi Qianjin who had just come out of the farmer's market by pushing a bicycle. Yu Qing's smile hurt his eyes, and at the same time she was unwilling to reconcile, and at the same time, she thought to herself, it was just a cheap beauty skin, an orphan girl, Not to mention that there is no help in a man's career, and the man needs to devote his energy to serving at night.

Looking at her tall and proud figure from a distance, he thought badly in his heart, he wondered how long Xiang Yisen could stand it after marriage.

Xiang Yisen and Yu Qing didn't know the other people's dirty thoughts behind them, when they passed by the state-run restaurant, Yu Qing got off the car and bought twenty big meat buns, a whole big paper bag.Seeing a basket of golden fried dough sticks next to the steamer, I also ordered ten.

Put these foods into the car, and the smell of steamed buns and deep-fried dough sticks instantly filled the whole space in the car.

After getting up in the morning and running all the way to buy vegetables at the vegetable market, her stomach growled when she smelled the aroma of the steamed buns, so she grabbed a steamed stuffed bun and took a bite unceremoniously.

"It's so delicious, so soft and fluffy, do you want to eat a pad first?"

Xiang Yisen glanced at her bulging cheeks, resisted the urge to reach out and pinch, and asked tentatively: "It's not convenient for me to drive, why don't you feed me?"

"Okay, you are the master." Yu Qing broke off the part she just bitten and put it into her mouth, and then broke a piece into Xiang Yisen's mouth.

"Is it tasty?"

"It's delicious. Of course my wife's feed is delicious." Xiang Yisen looked ahead and nodded in praise.

Yu Qing saw him talking sweet words in a serious manner, and her heart felt sour. There was a demon in her heart screaming to break his serious appearance of abstinence.

However, now that she was driving on the road, she couldn't be distracted, so she suppressed the urge to stir in her heart, and broke another piece of steamed stuffed bun into his mouth.

"Take another bite if it tastes good. I made white porridge at home. When I go home, grandma and the others may wake up. I can fry some pickles and eat."

"En." Xiang Yisen replied while chewing.

The way he eats casually and drives seriously makes Yu Qing's hands itch.

Xiang Yisen glanced at her, then looked ahead again, with a slight smile in his deep voice, "Why are you looking at me so seriously?"


Hearing his wife's praise, Xiang Yisen was in a happy mood, "Hehe, if you keep staring at me, the right side of my face will almost burn."

Yu Qing didn't hide her thoughts, narrowed her eyes slightly, broke off a bun and threw it into her mouth.

"Can my love burn you?"

"Your love can melt my body, especially my heart, into a puddle of water." Xiang Yisen didn't look at her dangerous eyes. Since getting married, love words to make his wife happy seem to automatically form in his mind Same.

"Haha, man, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, but I like it."

Yu Qingxin was pleased. The effect of this man talking love with a serious face can directly kill the effect of talking love with a smiley face.

Xiang Yisen enjoyed being fed by his wife, the two chatted and laughed all the way, and soon arrived home.

As soon as Yu Qing entered the courtyard with breakfast in hand, she saw Grandma Ruan releasing the remaining four chickens she bought yesterday.

"Grandma, why did you let the chicken out?"

Grandma Ruan turned her head and saw her coming back, and said with a smile: "They are all wilted in cages, let them play around, maybe they can lay a few eggs for me tomorrow."

"But." Yu Qing looked at the chickens running around in the vegetable field, "I plan to stew these chickens for grandma and dad to nourish your body while you are here, what should you do if you let them out to play wild?" ?”

Father Xiang raised his head from the newspaper, shook his head and said, "I don't need to make up."

Grandma Ruan glared at her granddaughter reproachfully, and said disapprovingly, "I am in very good health, so I don't need supplements every day, and I'm not a confinement wife, why do I eat chicken every day?"

All right, the two old people couldn't make sense, but she was in charge of the kitchen, and she killed and stewed as she wanted.

Seeing that Ruan Zheng was helping Xiang Yisen bring the fish in, Yu Qing said to everyone, "Let's not talk about this, everyone is hungry, let's have breakfast first."

Reheat the porridge made in the morning, put the buns and fried dough sticks into a big sea bowl and bring them to the dining table in the living room.Then I took some radish strips from the jar, fried them with oil, and put them on a plate.

Xiang Yisen helped to arrange the dishes and serve porridge for everyone.

Grandma Ruan glanced at the time, it was past eight o'clock, so she asked Xiang Yisen, "Isn't Yisen going to work today?"

Xiang Yisen served porridge for everyone, then sat down and replied: "There is nothing to do at the construction site recently, just go there every day."


Grandma Ruan looked at Father Xiang and said with a gentle smile, "Father-in-law, May Day is only a week away. What are your thoughts and opinions on the marriage of their two juniors? How do you want to arrange it?"

Father Xiang glanced at his son who had eaten breakfast silently, and sat upright, "If your grandma has any ideas, you can talk about it. Let's discuss how to go through this process."

Grandma Ruan looked around the newly decorated living room and asked Yu Qing, "Is this the wedding room you prepared?"

Yu Qing glanced at Xiang Yisen and nodded, that's right, the two of them decorated it together.

Grandma Ruan smiled: "The house is well decorated."

"That's right!" Xiang's father nodded as well. The outside looks unobtrusive, but there is a lot of space inside.

"I know that Qingqing works in the countryside, and our family lives in the provincial capital. It would be unrealistic to go to the provincial capital to meet relatives too far away."

Grandma Ruan paused for a moment, then said: "This is what I think. The power station where Qingqing works is regarded as her mother's home. This is your new house, of course it is her in-law's house. On May [-]st, Yisen set off from here to the power station to meet her relatives. Salute, what do you think of my father-in-law?"

The two old people still don't know that this yard belongs to Yu Qing, otherwise, Father Xiang would not agree.

However, it doesn't matter who owns the property, as long as the couple don't tell, neither of the two families will know.

Yu Qing felt that this was too troublesome, "Grandma, the power station is very far away, and it's not convenient to walk or take a car."

Ruan Zheng, the invisible man, spoke at this moment, "Don't worry about Qingqing, the wedding process has been agreed, I'll go back and talk to grandpa, he has a solution."

Yu Qing looked at him in astonishment, couldn't it be what she thought?
How could it be possible for Xiang Yisen to ask Yue's family to contribute to marrying a wife by himself, he hid behind and sat back and enjoyed the success, "Grandma's arrangement is very good, I will take care of the transportation for the marriage."

Ruan Zheng glanced at Xiang Yisen, didn't say anything, just do some things directly, there is no need to talk about it.

Seeing her grandson-in-law's responsibility, Grandma Ruan nodded with satisfaction, "Well, you just need to know what's going on in your mind. Our Ruan family has only had such a delicate girl for three generations. It's impossible to be too low-key when we marry a daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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