Chapter 283 Meeting a Neighbor

"I heard from Qingqing that there is a cafeteria in the power station. At noon that day, I invited my colleagues to a banquet in the cafeteria. You go there in the morning and pick up your relatives after the banquet. You will arrange the banquet in the evening."

"Grandma, I will arrange this matter." Xiang Yisen promised.

Xiang's father also quickly assured, "Don't worry, my in-laws, grandma, we will take care of all these matters, and Qingqing will never be wronged."

On Yu Qing's side, the two parents happily discussed the marriage, while on the other side, Chen Yuzhu and Qiao Daming had a bit of trouble with their families.

Since the two of them came to the city to get the certificate last time, they went back to discuss it. Qiao Daming felt that Chen Yuzhu could not be wronged, at least he wanted to get the blessing of his family.

The two of them are a big string of brothers and sisters in the family, and they are all existences that their parents don't love and their mother doesn't love.

Buying a house and getting married don't have the energy and money to take care of them. If you want to live a good life, you can only rely on yourself.

They didn't make it to May Day for their wedding day, but chose April 26. Since their savings were pooled to buy a house, they didn't have much money to spend.

After discussion, it was decided not to serve wine.

Colleagues just send a wedding candy to let everyone know that they are married, and the parents and their families each bring gifts to go through the motions.

It was their turn to take a vacation today, and it was already twelve noon when they arrived in the city.

"Let's find a place to eat first." Chen Yuzhu said.

"Okay, where to eat?" Qiao Daming held a bag in his hand, which contained some dried bamboo shoots that he had dried himself these days, and was going to send them to the families of both parties.

"Last time I heard from Yu Qing that there are food stalls next to the gate of the park. Let's eat next to the park. It just so happens that the bus station is not far from the park."

"Let's go, after dinner, we'll go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some gifts."

The two came out of the bus station and walked for about half an hour before arriving at the entrance of the park. There were many mobile stalls in the side alleys next to them.

Qiao Daming saw at least ten mobile stalls, buying all kinds of snacks, pasta, etc. He looked at Chen Yuzhu and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Wonton, I haven't eaten for a long time." Chen Yuzhu sniffed, looking at the wonton stand in front of him, his eyes lit up.

"Then wontons." Qiao Daming pulled her to sit on the small bench in front of the booth, "Boss, here are two bowls of wontons."

Chen Yuzhu saw that the stall next to him was selling noodles, "Are you full with a bowl of wontons? Why don't you buy two pancakes instead."

Qiao Daming was warmed by the other party's caring words, squeezed her hand and said with a smile: "Enough, I just watched it, a bowl of wontons is quite a lot."

Soon the wontons came out, served in large bowls, and the portions were full.

After eating a bowl of noodles in a hurry in the morning, walking from the power station to the county town and then to the city by car, Chen Yuzhu was already hungry.

She couldn't wait to scoop up a big wonton and blew it into her mouth, "Ho ho! It's delicious. Daming, eat it quickly, it tastes good. It's a long-lost delicacy. I haven't eaten it since I went to the countryside." gone."

"Then eat more, but be careful not to burn it." Qiao Daming also took a sip, and it was really good.

"Yu Zhu, why are you here?"

An exclamation woke up the young couple immersed in delicious food, Chen Yuzhu raised his head and looked at the person who came, "Lili, I didn't expect such a coincidence that I ran into them here, come and sit quickly."

Later, she found that there was a gay man next to Cheng Lili, and she asked suspiciously, "Lili, who is this person?"

"Oh." Cheng Lili pulled the young man beside her, and introduced: "This is my partner, called Shou Xiaojun, an employee of the porcelain factory. This is my neighbor Chen Yuzhu, and this is..."

She looked at Qiao Daming, a very energetic young man, "Yu Zhu, I won't introduce you."

Chen Yuzhu pursed her lips and smiled shyly, "He is a colleague who works with me at the power station, but now it's me."

"Subject?" Cheng Lili couldn't wait to answer.

Chen Yuzhu shook his head, "No, it's my lover."

"What? Are you married?"

Qiao Daming coughed, "Cough, Comrade Cheng, Comrade Shou, it's rare to see each other today. If you have anything to do, sit down and talk slowly."

Cheng Lili sat down and held Chen Yuzhu's hand, and asked eagerly, "When did you get the certificate?"

"Just a while ago."

Qiao Daming smiled at Shou Xiaojun: "You guys haven't had lunch yet, so order what you want. I've met you by chance today, so I'll treat you."

Chen Yuzhu also reacted, "Yes, Lili, do you like to eat wontons? This wonton restaurant does a good job."

"It's our first time to meet you." Shou Xiaojun was embarrassed to ask his partner's friends to pay the bill, and scrambled to pay the bill.

Cheng Lili didn't care about the dispute between the two men, but told Chen Yuzhu about the bad things about her family.

"Your mother's colleague introduced a partner to your sister. A few days ago, your mother's colleague brought that man to your house to see him."

Chen Yuzhu hummed lightly, don't think it must be unsuitable, her sister's vision is very high, ordinary men can't get into her eyes.

"I saw that man about 25-[-]. He is about the same height as my brother-in-law. He looks good. I heard that he is an employee of a beverage factory."

"My elder sister must be disgusted that the benefits in the factory are not good, the wages are not high, and she doesn't work in a public institution. She won't be able to support her family in the future."

"You guessed it right, that sister of yours really said so. At that time, she took the man's face and left without eating."

Chen Yuzhu curled her lips, "I grew up together, and I know her virtues well. She doesn't even think about it, she is a 24-year-old girl, it would be nice if someone wants her, and she still wants to pick and choose as she did a few years ago, who will favor her?" Her stinky feet!"

"Your brother is married two years younger than her, and she's still choosing." Cheng Lili thought about all the things in their family, so she couldn't say anything more.

A shadow flashed in Chen Yuzhu's eyes. If her elder sister had married earlier, she would not have to go down to work in the valley just to compete with her for the small attic in the kitchen.

However, looking at Qiao Daming who was sitting next to him, he had to be thankful for his decision, otherwise he would not have known him.

Now the two are husband and wife, and they also bought their own house in the city, and they will have their own home in the future.

Thinking about it now, the temporary gains and losses are really nothing.

She let out a sigh of relief before she cared about Cheng Lili, "How are you doing now?"

"It's like that. Besides going to work every day, I still go to work. The efficiency of the match factory is even worse this year. My parents don't go to work now, and they are retiring early."

Speaking of this, Cheng Lili felt lucky for her, "Fortunately, you applied to be transferred to Lingjiang, otherwise, maybe before the end of the year, all the workers in the match factory will have to be laid off."

Chen Yuzhu and Qiao Daming looked at each other, both of them felt lucky. Fortunately, they applied for the hydropower station, otherwise they might be forced to lay off.

(End of this chapter)

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