Chapter 284 Seeing Parents Dispute
"What about these laid-off workers? Where can they go?" Chen Yuzhu thought about her family, her parents' positions had already been given to her elder brother and younger brother, and they had already retired.

When the elder brother and younger brother are laid off, his parents may make trouble for her, and just thinking about it will give her a headache!
"Those who are related can be transferred to other units, and those who are not related can only be laid off to make a living by themselves." At this time, Shou Xiaojun replied.

In fact, the performance of their porcelain factory has not been good in the past two years. He heard some rumors that it seems that two workshops will be closed this year.At that time, this group of employees still don't know how to arrange it?

If there is no way out, they can only be forced to lay off.

However, their procurement department is still safe for the time being, but they don't know how many years they can last.

Cheng Lili didn't want to continue this heavy topic, so she changed the subject and asked, "Yu Zhu, are you planning to go home after dinner?"

"Well, we got rid of the certificate. I haven't brought Daming home yet. This time I came to the city to meet the parents and family members of both parties."

"Then we'll go back together later."

"We have to go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some gifts first."

"Then go shopping first, Xiaojun and I will go to the park for a stroll."

When they went to meet their parents for the first time, Cheng Lili belatedly realized that she was not good at participating.

Four people respectively.

Qiao Daming took Chen Yuzhu straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Chen Yuzhu divided the tickets of the two into two, and first bought half a catty of candy with half of the sugar ticket, and bought two catties of dried noodles and one catty of rice sticks with the grain ticket.After finally getting together two cans of milk powder tickets, the supply and marketing cooperative had no milk powder, so the two could only buy malted milk.

"Buy a can of malted milk first, and buy another can before going to your house."

Chen Yuzhu put another milk powder ticket in his wallet, and now that he bought it and brought it to her house, don't even think about bringing it up again.

"Bought both tickets, all for the health of father-in-law and mother-in-law, isn't one can missing?"

"It's okay, we have a bowl of water, and the two families buy exactly the same gift."

Qiao Daming looked at her amusedly, "Okay, it's up to you." Anyway, it's just a matter of heart to take as many things as you want.

The two bought gifts and arrived at the match factory. It was already past two o'clock, and this time was the rush hour for work.

"Yu Zhu came back to see your parents? Hey! This is to bring a partner back, and bought a lot of gifts."

"Well, Uncle Ma, you're at work."

"En." Uncle Ma forced a smile, no one knows the pain in his heart.

"Ah, Erya, you brought your partner back."

"Yes, third aunt, are you going to work?"

"Well, I'm going to work, your mother should be at home at this time, go back quickly."

All the way through the factory area, Chen Yuzhu rubbed his cheeks, "Hey! My face is frozen from laughing."

Qiao Daming pressed his cheek twice, "I won't give in too much."

Chen's family lives in the family building of the match factory, which is a two-story red brick building, and her family lives on the first floor.

The two walked to the row of buildings in their house, and saw Chen's mother sitting in front of the door doing something from a distance.

When I got closer, I realized that I was peeling fresh broad beans, "Mom."

Mother Chen looked up and found Chen Yuzhu, she frowned and asked, "Why are you back? Is it a holiday at the station?"

Qiao Daming stepped forward and shouted respectfully: "Mom, I am your son-in-law. My name is Qiao Daming, and I work in the same unit as Yu Zhu."

"What?!" Chen's mother looked at Qiao Daming in shock. He was quite energetic, tall and good-looking. These days, she was worrying about the eldest daughter's marriage. Why did the second daughter bring such a king fry!
"Mom, he is your second son-in-law." Chen Yuzhu snatched the enamel basin that Chen's mother put on her lap.

"Ah, oh, come in and sit down."

Mother Chen called the two of them into the house and poured Qiao Daming a glass of water, "Sit down first, I'll call the old man back. He's chatting with people in the back row."

After all, people went out.

After the people left, Qiao Daming said with a smile, "Your mother is quite straightforward."

"Hehe." Chen Yuzhu was noncommittal, and poured himself a glass of water.

Not long after, there were footsteps outside, the light at the door dimmed, and Chen's father and mother entered the house one after the other.

Qiao Daming stood up and called out politely, "Dad."

Father Chen pressed his hand to let him sit, then sat opposite him, and looked at the young man in front of him, he looked pretty good.

"Tell me, what's going on with you two?"

There was no joy or anger on the other party's expression, and Qiao Daming didn't know what Chen's father's temperament was, so he turned to look at Chen Yuzhu.

Chen Yuzhu coughed lightly, and then spoke slowly, telling about the relationship between himself and Qiao Daming and the evidence.

"So, you're just here to let us know when you're back? Hmm!" Father Chen has big eyes, a little protruding, and the stare of the eyes is a bit majestic as a patriarch.

"Dad" Qiao Daming was speechless, the two of them didn't come back to let the parents watch over him, anyway, it was their fault for being juniors.

Chen Yuzhu bit the bullet and asked: "Dad, are you dissatisfied with this person from Daming? Or are you dissatisfied that we have never met your eyes?"

"What do you think?" Father Chen glared at the disappointing girl.

"What am I talking about? Anyway, we have now obtained proof and are legally married."

"You..." Father Chen stood up angrily.

Chen's mother hurriedly pressed Chen's father on the chair, "You father and daughter can't talk well if you have something to say, and you can't change it when you speak."

Then, she looked at Qiao Daming, and said with a smile on her face, "The father and daughter have always gotten along like this. Don't mind the son-in-law. Although you have already obtained the certificate, there must be three media and six employments. This process has to go through anyway." , lest others gossip about my daughter."

Qiao Daming nodded in embarrassment, he can't say anything now, let's see their attitude first.

"Free love is popular now, and your set of three matchmakers and six hires is no longer feasible in this day and age." Chen Yuzhu continued without fear of death: "Besides, he gave a dowry, and you will prepare a dowry for me?"

"How do you talk, you dead child?" Chen's mother thumped her, "You have no matchmaker and no employment, are you not afraid of other people's gossip?"

"Who would know if you don't tell me?" Chen Yuzhu showed the aura he had used to hate Yu Qing, "If you want to use me in exchange for money to subsidize your son, just say so, don't say it so high-sounding."

"You have the ability to say that again!" Chen's father stood up again, pointing at Chen Yuzhu's nose, "Raising you since childhood, is it for nothing?"

"Am I wrong? You forced me to drop out of school and do housework at home before I even graduated from elementary school, to take care of your big family. Didn't you just want to save some money for your son?"

Chen's mother was a little embarrassed to be talking about the central matter in front of outsiders, and she slapped Chen Yuzhu again, "How do you talk, you dead child?"

"How do I talk, I'm telling the truth! At the beginning, it was said that it is useless for a girl to read more books. When she grows up, she still has to marry and have children, and take care of a large family. Learning housework will be beneficial to me in the future. benefit."

Chen's father became angry from embarrassment: "Shut up! I think you were born with a rebellious bone!"

(End of this chapter)

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