Chapter 285

"Dad, Mom, let's have a good talk. Sit down first. If you have anything to discuss, let's discuss it. You, Yu Zhu, sit down too. Don't choke anymore. Let's talk calmly." Qiao Daming was really afraid that he would be the first The first time he came to the door, the Yue family fought because of this.

Chen Yuzhu snorted coldly, and sat down obediently.

Chen's father was also pushed on the chair by Chen's mother.

"Son-in-law, you can see that this is a big deal, but you have to be reasonable. Which family doesn't get a dowry for a daughter-in-law? Which one doesn't accept a dowry for a daughter? You'll laugh your ass off if you say it." Chen's mother found Qiao Daming It's easier to talk, and you can complain when you catch him.

Hearing this, Qiao Daming's face turned red and then turned pale, and he hesitated for a moment, "We can sit down and discuss this matter, there is no need to hurt our peace because of this."

"It has to be discussed." Mother Chen agreed.

"I have many brothers and sisters in my family. It is not easy for our parents to raise us. When we are adults, they will be old. They will be helpless to marry and start a family. I have been working for several years and have not saved any money. I am afraid that this dowry will not be much." Qiao Daming laid out his difficulties.

Of course, about buying a house, each of them understands their own family situation. The husband and wife have discussed it, so let's not talk about it for the time being.

Chen's mother didn't believe what he said at all, "You are their son, and they can't ignore you when you get married. As parents, you will always prepare a dowry gift for your son to marry."

His father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't believe him, and there was nothing he could do. The fact was that, Qiao Daming stayed at Chen's house for two hours, and when the two finally came out, Chen's mother took all of Qiao Daming's money.

If Chen Yuzhu didn't know that her parents had prepared for it, she might have searched her body clean, but she didn't expect that her parents are now so shameless that even the son-in-law who came to the door for the first time will not let go.

"Da Ming, you have been wronged."

Qiao Daming raised his wrist and looked at his empty wrist and smiled wryly: "It's okay, it's worth it to pass the test of your parents after giving up this little money."

When Chen Yuzhu saw his actions, his face was flushed red, it was too embarrassing today.

"It's a good thing you're wearing an electronic watch today. If it's a mechanical watch, you're not going to die."

"Let's go, stop blaming yourself."

The two left the match factory, Chen Yuzhu looked at the time, "It's already 04:30, shall we go to your house today?"

Qiao Daming thought of the big family in his family, who had to queue up for meals, and there were so many small people in the house, and they all went home at night, and they could bump into people every corner of the house.

He rubbed his temples with a headache, "We'd better go tomorrow, just in time for them to come home from get off work, there are so many people in the family that there is no place to sit, there is no need to squeeze at this time."

"I don't care, I just listen to your opinion. But if we don't go to your house, where should we go now?"

"How about we go find a project engineer? Let's see how the construction of the office building of the power station is progressing." Qiao Daming suggested.

"Okay, listen to you."

Yu Qing woke up in the afternoon, and rode her bicycle to the oil mill in the farmer's market. The camellia seeds picked up on the mountain last year had been piled up in the corner of the studio warehouse.

This time, she divided them into several times and transported them all to the oil mill, preparing to squeeze the oil out.

Grandma Ruan told her at noon that her elder brother Ruan Zheng was going back to the provincial capital tomorrow, and it was the train tomorrow afternoon, and she wanted to share some of the oil out of it for her elder brother to take back.

Then he kept a part of it for himself, and gave another part to Xiang's father to bring back to the capital.

Tea oil is known as oriental olive oil, especially the healthiest for the elderly.

"Have you pulled them all over?" the oil extractor asked as he looked at the sacks piled on the ground.

"Well, it's all here."

"That's the next name." The oil press master motioned Yu Qing to lift it together.

The two of them worked together to weigh four bags of camellia oleifera on the ground, and the oil extractor added weight to it, "Oh, there are two hundred and six catties, and there are quite a lot of tea seeds. The labor cost for oil extraction here is one hundred It costs two yuan per catty, and you will pay four yuan here based on two hundred catties."

Yu Qing asked: "Yes. Should I pay now?"

"Well, the oil will not be squeezed out for a while. The process is a bit complicated. Today we have to work an extra hour or two for your oil. If you have time, you can wait here. If you don't have time, come back tomorrow morning. .”

After the oil extractor finished speaking, the salesperson scribbled down a receipt and handed it over, "The oil extraction fee is four yuan in total."

Yu Qing took the bill and handed over four yuan.

"I still have something to do at home today, so I don't have time to wait here, comrade, I'll bring it up tomorrow morning."

"Okay, bring your own oil barrel tomorrow, we don't have oil barrels for you here." The salesperson reminded her.

"Okay, may I ask how much oil can be extracted from two hundred catties?" Yu Qing hurriedly explained in case they might misunderstand, "How big is the oil barrel that I need to prepare."

The oil extractor is not angry. People who come here to extract oil often ask such questions, "If 25 catties of tea seeds produce [-] catties of oil, the oil yield is high."

Yu Qing nodded, knowing that two hundred catties can only get fifty catties of oil at most.

Thinking of oil drums, she rode her bicycle to the supply and marketing cooperative again, and bought five white plastic drums ten catties each with industrial coupons.

And asked the salesperson for a rope to tie all the buckets together and hang them on the back seat of the bicycle.

Back in the yard, only Grandma Ruan and Father Xiang were at home.

"Grandma, where did brother go?"

Grandma Ruan sat under the eaves and listened to the radio while teasing the hens that were circling around her. When she saw Yu Qing came back, she smiled and said, "Your elder brother can't stay at home, so he followed Yisen to the construction site."

"Oh." Yu Qing glanced into the living room, where Father Xiang was sitting reading a newspaper, so she didn't go in to disturb him.

Grandma Ruan saw the white plastic bucket on the back of her bicycle and asked, "Why did you buy so many buckets? No one at home drinks."

Many people in this day and age buy this type of plastic barrel for bulk wine or oil.

"I got some tea seeds outside and came back to press the oil at the oil mill. I can pick them up tomorrow morning. This barrel is for tomorrow's oil."

Grandma Ruan was shocked, but she didn't show it, she just let out a faint oh, and threw food to the chickens beside her.

Yu Qing brought the oil barrel back to the kitchen, killed two fish at noon, 21 catties of fish, chopped into small pieces, and filled a large basin. Except for cooking some at noon, she marinated the rest.

It's ready to explode right now.

Turn on the electric stove, take out half a barrel of peanut oil from the studio, pour it into the pot, wait for the oil to heat up, and then carefully remove the fish pieces.

During the fish frying, she took out a few apples from the side room, washed them and served them to Grandma Ruan and Father Xiang.

Both of them were surprised by the big and red apple, "Where did such a beautiful apple come from?"

"I got it from a friend." Yu Qing smiled and didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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