Chapter 287
in the kitchen.

When Xiang Yisen entered the kitchen, he saw Yu Qing standing in front of the stove cutting vegetables with her back to the door.He walked over and hugged her from behind, bowed his head and kissed her neck, "What dishes are you cooking tonight?"

Since becoming a partner, he feels that this home has become more and more like home.The warmth and sweetness made him addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

The itching from her neck made Yu Qing shrink her neck unconsciously, and said with a smile: "You come to cook tonight, and I will help you with the dishes."

"What dishes did you prepare?"

"I soaked some dried mushrooms and used them to stir-fry the meat. The garlic moss was boiled in boiling water for a while and torn into strips for cold dressing. I fried the fish. I picked a plate and put a little chopped pepper back into the pot. The stewed ribs at noon are still left Half a pot, and fried potato slices and cabbage, are these enough?"

"Enough." Xiang Yisen gnawed on her cheek again, then rolled up his sleeves and prepared to cook.

These meat dishes are all semi-cooked, and the green vegetables are easy to cook. Six dishes can be done in half an hour.

"The dishes are ready, let's wash our hands and get ready to eat."

After the dishes were served, Father Xiang came out of the bedroom slowly. After washing his hands, he sat at the dining table and waited for the meal.

Ruan was helping to serve the rice, when the snow-white and soft rice was placed in front of everyone.Chen Yuzhu swallowed his saliva reluctantly.

This meal is too extravagant, better than their family's New Year's Eve meal. It is impossible for her family to eat white rice during the New Year's Eve, so it has to be mixed with sorghum rice.

Yu Qing greeted Qiao Daming and his wife, "You two can pick what you want to eat. In order to take care of my dad's taste, this table contains less chili, so I don't know if it suits your appetite."

"We're not picky eaters. Uncle comes here rarely. We should take care of him."

Qiao Daming secretly looked at Xiang's father, just looking at the appearance, the father and son look very similar.In the past, I only heard others talking about Xiang Gong's life experience, but everyone didn't know his specific identity, so I could only follow others' opinions.

Father Xiang smiled at them: "Then eat more, don't be too polite."

Qiao Daming nodded cautiously.

Seeing that they couldn't let go in front of the elders, Yu Qing asked them with a smile, "You guys have finished talking about the certificates, when are you going to have a drink?"

"Oh, have you also received the certificate?" Grandma Ruan asked cooperatively.

Chen Yuzhu nodded, "Well, Yu Qing, you know that all the money in our hands has been used to buy a house. Recently, we are relatively short on money, so we don't plan to have a drink. We will send a wedding candy to our colleagues on April 26 as a formality. .”

"Then let me congratulate you first."

"Happy together."

Father Xiang ate a piece of fried fish and was full of praise, "Well, Qingqing, this fish tastes really good, it tastes crispy and chewy, and it tastes very appetizing with chili."

"Dad, as long as you like it."

"Well, it's very appetizing." Xiang's father finished the rice in the bowl, and put the bowl in front of Xiang Yisen with a 'snap', "Son, help Dad serve the rice."

Xiang Yisen glanced around, seeing that everyone was paying attention to him, he gave the old man a secret look, then stood up unhurriedly, holding a bowl to help him serve the meal.

Yu Qing watched their father and son compete, and thought it was funny, "Just as long as it suits your appetite, I fried this fish in a big pot, and it can last for a long time."

Father Xiang praised without hesitation: "Well, your cooking skills are much better than your aunt's. I haven't eaten such a delicious meal for a long time."

"Eat more if it tastes good." Xiang Yisen put the rice bowl in front of him.

Father Xiang took a mouthful of the rice and said, "Well, this rice tastes delicious and soft, but the rice my son helped serve is different."

Xiang Yisen gritted his teeth secretly.

After the meal, Qiao Daming and Chen Yuzhu bid farewell.

Yu Qing asked them: "Where are you staying tonight?"

The guest house is still their own house, and the parents' house is probably impossible.

"I wanted to go to our own house, but we haven't cleaned up the house over there, and we haven't prepared the bedding, so let's live in the guest house first."

Yu Qing nodded, and wanted to say something else, Xiang Yisen came out with the key, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

They lived in the suburbs, and it was dark at night, so he was a little worried when the two of them went out.

Watching the car's taillights go away in the dark, Yu Qing closed the courtyard door and entered the living room, where Father Xiang sat on the sofa and listened to the radio.Grandma Ruan and Ruan Zheng were not seen.

"Where are my grandma and elder brother?"

Father Xiang snorted, "In the back room, your elder brother is going back tomorrow, your grandma may be telling him something."

Yu Qing looked at the closed door and nodded.She was a little tired after a busy day today. She didn't want to disturb Xiang's father listening to the radio, so she went upstairs directly.

After entering the studio, I took a hot shower, put a mask on my face, and then turned on the computer to complete the daily tasks, checking the order, packing and shipping.

To her surprise this time, all three antiques hanging in the shop were sold out.

If these three orders are sold, then she will get another 10,000+. This time, the transaction price of the five antiques will make up for the money for the decoration materials, and there will be more than 30 left.

From this point of view, her store currently sells nothing and does not sell antiques to make money.

The total turnover of clothing sales in the past few months is less than [-] yuan, and the money earned after excluding the cost is less than [-] yuan. Of course, after being reborn here, the goods in the warehouse are all earned, and there is no cost to say.

Dried bamboo shoots are sold online for more than [-] yuan per catty. It seems that the price is more than ten times different, but the prices in the two worlds are different, so it seems to be making money, but it is really just earning a little hard work to serve the majority of family members and workers.

Yu'ebao has recently received three 10,000+ credits, plus the original balance, the balance is sufficient.

In the future, if you want to make up for the money in Yu'e Bao, you can sell antiques, but unlike other commodities, antiques cannot be sold in large batches.

You can only sell one or two pieces when you are short of money.

In reality, except for the passbook that Xiang Yisen left with her, she only has a few thousand yuan in her hand. The reform has been implemented for two years, and maybe one day the city will follow suit and attract investment.

She must have enough funds in her hand to wait for the opportunity.

I thought a lot in my mind, and browsed the web casually with my hands, choosing products suitable for this era.

When her gaze passed by an electric fan, Yu Qing's eyes lit up, she patted her forehead, and tore off the mask on her face.After making clothing for several years, the inertial thinking in my mind always likes to focus on clothing.

If you want to ask what is the most difficult to buy now, of course it must be a product with high-tech content, such as electrical appliances.

The last time she went to a department store, she saw how ridiculously expensive electrical appliances are in this era. Ordinary rice cookers, which are almost obsolete in later generations, are still marked with sky-high prices today.

Yu Qing searched for electric fans. There are many old-fashioned nostalgic electric fans, and they all have iron blades in this era.

"This can be."

After May Day, the weather will gradually heat up, and electric fans will usher in a hot sale period.

Electric fan tickets are required to buy at supply and marketing cooperatives or department stores, but the black market does not. She thinks that Ergang must be very willing to accept this order.

According to my preference, I chose a retro floor fan, a desktop iron leaf fan, and an all-metal retro desktop fan.

Order 700 units for each item, and pay together after taking pictures, and the [-] yuan is gone.

After packing and delivering the goods, I came out of the studio. I looked at the time and it was already ten o'clock. I opened the door and took a look outside, and found that the lights upstairs and downstairs were turned off.

"Is this all asleep?"

Yu Qing tiptoed downstairs, went to the bathroom, washed her face with clean water, poured herself a glass of water, and went upstairs with it.

After entering the bedroom, she drank more than half of the glass. Although she didn't go to work today, she was very tired after running all day. She slapped lotion on her face and walked towards the bed unsteadily.

"Ah, I'm so tired. The bed is still comfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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