Chapter 288
No dream all night, sleep until wake up naturally.

Stretched on the bed, it seemed that I heard the joints on my body cracking, "comfortable!"

Another day full of energy.

Go downstairs, stand in the yard and take a few deep breaths.

Hearing footsteps, looking sideways, Ruan Zheng came out of the kitchen, "Brother, why are you up so early?"

"Qingqing, let your elder brother go for a run with you, and let your elder brother do all the physical work, understand?" The upstairs window was wide open, and Grandma Ruan was lying on the window, looking at them lovingly.

"Uh, good morning, grandma." Yu Qing waved her hand with a smile. She thought she was the first to wake up, but she didn't expect her elder brother and grandma to be earlier than her.

"Aren't you going to wash up?" Ruan Zheng urged.

"it is good."

After washing, she boiled the porridge first, but when the family got up, she couldn't pour out the porridge cooked in the studio.

Before going out, "Grandma, there is porridge cooking on the stove, please take care of it."

"Understood, grandma will go down immediately."

Facing the morning breeze, the brothers and sisters left the yard and arrived at the main street where Yijian was located. The familiar jeep appeared on the deserted road in the early morning.

The car stopped by the side of the road, Xiang Yisen got out of the car, "Qingqing, brother."

Ruan Zheng smiled at him.

"Why did you come here so early?" Yu Qing greeted her with a chuckle.

"Aren't you planning to go to the oil press to get oil this morning, let's go together."

Yu Qing patted her forehead lightly, "I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me. Maybe I won't remember until I ran to the farmer's market."

Xiang Yisen lovingly rubbed the forehead she just patted.

Yu Qing turned her head to look at Ruan Zheng, who was standing boredly waiting for them with her hands in her pockets, her earlobes were completely red.

She patted his hand away, and began to fiddle with her in front of her elder brother, "The oil drum is still at home, you can drive back and load the oil drum. My elder brother and I will go to the farmer's market first."

"Okay." Xiang Yisen swept across the back of his red hand, and responded readily.

Before getting into the car, Yu Qing added, "Drive slowly, brother and I want to run a little longer."

"Hehe, okay." Xiang Yisen waved his hands to Ruan Zheng behind him, "Brother, I'll go back to the yard first."

Ruan Zheng smiled and nodded, "Be careful when driving."

After Xiang Yisen drove away, he said with a smile: "You two have a very good relationship."

Yu Qing smiled embarrassedly: "Whoever has a bad relationship will marry him."

"That's right. If he treats you badly in the future, remember to tell the elder brother, and the elder brother will teach him a lesson." Ruan Zheng imitated Xiang Yisen's movements and rubbed her head twice.

After hearing this, Yu Qing felt like drinking warm milk tea in the cold winter, warming her heart from her stomach. She smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, I guess if I pull a few brothers out, he will be scared Legs are weak, hehe"

"Ha ha."

When the brothers and sisters were approaching the farmer's market, Xiang Yisen chased after them.

He parked the car next to the market first, and the three of them walked in together carrying the oil drum.

The opening time of the oil workshop in the morning is synchronized with the farmers' market, so they are already open for business at this moment.

When the salesperson inside saw Yu Qing coming in, he pointed to the tin bucket in the corner, "That bucket is your oil, there are colanders and spoons there, you fill it yourself."

"Thank you."

Xiang Yisen pulled out the tin bucket and filled it with more than half of it, but there was still some oily residue at the bottom.

Most of the barrels of oil were filled into ten-jin white plastic barrels, and four and a half barrels were filled.This is obviously not fifty catties, put it on the ground scale, it is 43 catties.

After coming out of the oil workshop and passing by the vegetable market, Yu Qing bought some green vegetables and rice noodles by the way.

Putting the oil barrel in the trunk, Xiang Yisen asked Yu Qing, "Where are we going next? What else do you want to buy?"

"I'm going to get something from a friend."

"Then get in the car."

The alley where the car turned into Ergang's house was too narrow, and the car couldn't go any further.

"Just stop here, I'll walk in."

Xiang Yisen parked the car, not sure what she was going in for, and was about to say something.

Ruan Zheng, who was sitting in the back seat, asked first, "Qingqing, do you want me to accompany you in?"

Although he didn't know what was going on with Yu Qing going in, it didn't prevent him from showing his concern in front of her.

Yu Qing smiled and refused: "No, my friend doesn't like meeting strangers, you sit here and wait, I'll be out soon."

"Oh, I was abrupt."

"It's okay, brother."

Walking into the alley and turning two turns, Yu Qing knocked on the courtyard door of Ergang's house. She knocked several times, but no one answered. Just when she suspected that there was no one in the house, there was a "no, no, no" sound from inside. Small slightly husky voice.

"Who is it?"

This was followed by the sound of tugging on slippers.

"Who knocked on the door so early?"

"it's me."


The courtyard door was pulled open vigorously, and Er Gang stared at Yu Qing who was standing outside the door refreshed, a face that hadn't woken up immediately changed into a smile, "So it's Comrade Yu, please come in quickly .”

Yu Qing glanced at his face, paused when she touched the corner of her eyes, and quickly moved her eyes away, "I won't go in, do you have a basket at home?"

"Basket? Ah, yes." Er Gang was stunned. He knocked on the door early in the morning just to borrow a basket?
"Lend it to me first."


Er Gang turned around and brought the basket thrown in the yard to her, "Comrade Yu, what do you want the basket for?"

"It's useful." Yu Qing paused, and then said: "I have a batch of electric fans arriving in a while, can you eat them?"

"Fan?" Er Gang picked out his ears, thinking that he hadn't woken up and daydreaming, otherwise how could it be his turn for such a good thing?
A fan is an electrical appliance, an electrical appliance that has money but no place to buy it!
Especially in summer, it is a hot item that many people buy everywhere with money!

"Comrade Yu, are you talking about an electric fan?" Confirmed again in disbelief.

Seeing his expression, Yu Qing knew that he needed it urgently, so she cooperated with him and explained a little more clearly, "Well, there are three types of electric fans, desktop and floor-standing, and each type has one hundred units."

Er Gang's eyes widened, and his mouth was opened into an O shape, "So many?"

"Yes, can you eat it?"

"It's a bit difficult to eat." Er Gong wanted to say that he could eat it, but in the end he told the truth with a guilty conscience.

"That's it, let's talk about it later." Yu Qing lowered her head and frowned, she had to find another way to sell these electric fans.

Seeing that she turned around and wanted to leave, the second bar quickly jumped out of the threshold to stop her, "Don't go, Comrade Yu, we can discuss things, I can't eat [-] sets, but [-] sets is still no problem, you have to give it to you if you eat meat." Brother, save some broth to drink."

"I don't know when the goods will arrive yet, I just came to ask you, and I will come to you when the goods arrive." Speaking of this, Yu Qing glanced at him sharply, "I don't want anyone but you Does anyone know, understand?"

Er Gang was stunned and nodded hurriedly: "Understood. I won't tell anyone!"

 Explosion completed~
(End of this chapter)

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