Chapter 289 Daily Life
Coming out of the alley, Yu Qing put the goods received in the studio this morning into a basket, carried them out, and turned the last corner, Xiang Yisen, who was standing next to the car, spotted her at first sight.

Then Ruan Zheng saw her coming out with a basket, and followed Xiang Yisen's steps towards her.

"Get out so soon?"

Xiang Yisen asked with concern, and reached out to take her basket, but Ruan Zheng grabbed it first.

Yu Qing was empty, "Brother, this basket is a bit heavy."

"It's okay." Ruan Zheng was carrying the basket, of course he saw the things in the basket.


When did their family Qingqing have such a great ability, and after a while after going in, they got two big pig's feet and half a basket of suet.

Xiang Yisen glanced at this tall and tall uncle with a funny face, stepped forward and held Yu Qing's little hand, "What did you buy?"

As for why she knew she had bought something, it was because she often took out some uncommon or difficult to buy things, so Xiang Yisen took it for granted that she had her own way.

Yu Qing smiled lightly and said, "Look for yourself."

Xiang Yisen looked at the basket in the uncle's hand, was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, and said nothing.

Open the car door and let her sit on it, close the car door, and see that Ruan Zheng has already put the basket in the trunk.

He walked to the other side of the car and got into the driver's seat. He waited for Ruan Zheng to get in the car before driving away.

Passing by the state-run restaurant, I bought some steamed buns and fried dough sticks. After returning home and the family had breakfast, Xiang Yisen went to the construction site.

"Qingqing, what can I do for you?" Grandma Ruan went to the kitchen and was taken aback when she saw the pig's knuckles and suet in the basket. You don’t eat meat anymore, do you?”

"Grandma, I can't do without meat for two years."

Grandma Ruan pointed at the basket and hated that iron could not be made into steel, and she was reluctant to scold loudly: "I can't do it, you still buy so much meat at once, and you borrow meat tickets from your colleagues to pay back, good girl."

Yu Qing was slightly stunned, and then she understood the meaning of what grandma just said, "Ah, grandma, you misunderstood, there is no meat ticket for this meat today, I bought it from a friend."

Grandma Ruan's expression tightened: "It's useless, you still have such a friend?"


"It's fine if you don't borrow meat tickets from your friends." Grandma Ruan felt relieved.

Yu Qing also heaved a sigh of relief, she bought a lot of meat this time, luckily she only brought out two pork legs and suet, not the ribs and pork belly.

"Do you want to deal with these two pig feet now?"

"Well, I'm going to clean up and marinate the pig's feet."

"Then let your elder brother handle it for you." After finishing speaking, Grandma Ruan shouted out the door: "Ruan Zheng, come and help your sister with work."

Ruan was packing her luggage when she heard her grandma come out of the bedroom, "Grandma, what's wrong?"

"Come here and help your sister scrape off the skin of these two pig's feet."

"Wait a minute, I'll take off this coat." Ruan Zheng turned around helplessly, took off his coat and threw it back on the bed.

With the help of her eldest brother, Yu Qing smiled and washed the suet and cut it into small pieces. She will boil the oil later.

Seeing this, Grandma Ruan plugged in the electric stove, and when the pot was hot, she asked Yu Qing to pour the cut oil into the pot. She watched by the electric stove, flipping it from time to time.

"Qingqing, when will you eat so much oil?"

I only brought back forty catties of camellia oil today, and these two pieces of suet must weigh at least ten catties.

"I don't know, grandma, is it convenient for you to eat oil in the provincial capital?" Yu Qing asked.

"We're okay. The family's gas tickets are barely enough every month, and your grandpa's gas tickets are a little more." Grandma Ruan thought that the gas tickets of several people in her family added up to three or four catties each month, which was more expensive than others. There are many more people who go to work and eat with their families.

"Vegetables fried without oil are not good. This time when the elder brother returns, he will bring back two barrels of tea oil, and bring back a can of lard after it is boiled."

"You keep this oil for yourself. Don't worry about us. We have a lot of benefits every month. There is no shortage of food or clothing. You just need to take care of yourself."

Grandma Ruan has been here for two days and she has seen her granddaughter's tricks. She is a carefree person, and the oil that comes out of frying a bowl of vegetables can be used for cooking for their family for a day.

Meals for these two days were either fish or meat, or chicken and eggs.

I haven't finished eating the fish yet, and I bought pig's feet here, and when I bought it, there were two big front feet.

How many times has she made money with some money on hand?
Thinking about their married life, she was so worried about Xiang Yisen!

"Grandma, don't worry about me. I'm living a good life now. You can keep it as a tribute to your elders. This lard will be cooled and condensed in the jar in the afternoon, and you don't have to worry about pouring it out on the road. Let my elder brother bring it back, vegetables fried in meat oil are more delicious than those fried in vegetable oil."

Grandma Ruan listened with a smile, "Okay, tell grandma if you have no money on hand."

"it is good."

Ruan Zheng, who was squatting under the faucet in the yard scraping the pig's feet, felt very relieved. He recognized this sister halfway, at least she was grateful.

Father Xiang went back to the bedroom after dinner, changed his clothes and came out, and saw the three of them busy.

"Grandma, you are very busy."

"Father-in-law, we'll be done in a while. If you're bored, just listen to the radio."

"No need, the three of you are busy, grandma, Qingqing, I'll go for a walk." Father Xiang stood at the kitchen door, secretly inhaling the aroma of the oil.

"Oh, yes, Dad, remember to come back before lunch." Yu Qing told him.

"Yeah. I know."

Father Xiang turned and left, and smiled at Ruan Zhengshi when he passed by.

Grandma Ruan turned her head to look outside the door, couldn't help the gossip in her heart, and asked in a low voice: "Qingqing, what's the situation at your father-in-law's house? I've always been curious but embarrassed to ask, why didn't your mother-in-law come over this time?"

"I'm not very clear. I heard Yisen say that his parents divorced because of that period. His mother remarried not long after to avoid getting involved. His father also remarried a few years ago. I found a second-married woman and gave birth to a younger brother, who is about the same age as Beibei, only a few years old."

Grandma Ruan didn't expect this to happen, "Then his family's relationship is quite complicated, and it's quite sad that the husband and wife can't share weal and woe."

Yu Qing is not good at talking about the right and wrong of her elders, but she still needs to explain some things, "How can I put it this way, Issori was not sent to the countryside in those years, but is now living in a factory in this small city, thanks to his mother's help." .”

"Is that so?" Grandma Ruan shuddered when she thought of a handsome young man like Yisen who worked in the fields under the sun every day. "Maybe she has her own considerations."

Whether or not this topic was brought up, Grandma Ruan talked about another matter, "Qingqing, we must prepare a dowry on our woman's side when we get married. What have you prepared here?"

 Reward 1666 for 'Baby Piggy' ~Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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