Chapter 292 Destroying Your Image
"Where are we going now?"

Walking out of the diesel engine factory and standing on the curb, Chen Yuzhu didn't know where to go.

"There is no car to go back today, why don't we go and play with Xiang Gong?" Qiao Daming suggested.

Chen Yuzhu had black lines all over his face, so he had to remind him, "They have guests at home, so they don't have time to entertain us."

"Then where are we going, or should we clean up the house?"

"That's a good idea." Chen Yuzhu was a little excited. She wanted to have her own home more than anyone else, and it was a waste of money to live in a hostel every time she came to the city.

Yijian Yu's new courtyard here.

Ruan Zheng was going to leave by train in the afternoon, after lunch, Yu Qing ignored his morning break and helped him pack his luggage for the provincial capital.

"Sister, there are too many things, I only have two hands and can't carry so much." Ruan Zheng looked at the luggage on the ground, and couldn't help but want to help his forehead.

There are two barrels of camellia oil on the ground, according to his sister, one barrel at his house and one barrel at his second uncle's house.Two cans of congealed lard, a bag of apples, and a marinated pig's foot were all taken to my second uncle's house.

Originally there was only a small bag of change of clothes, but now it has become such a big pile that he can't even lift it with four arms.

Grandma Ruan sat on the sofa, covering her mouth and chuckling: "Qingqing, your elder brother can't mention so much, so don't embarrass him. Otherwise, his tall and handsome image will be shattered, and many girls in the provincial capital will be disappointed."

Ruan Zheng's eyes were full of helplessness: "Grandma."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore." Grandma Ruan waved her hand, sat aside and looked at them with her lips pursed and a chuckle, what would she do?
"Why don't you put these things in another big bag?" Xiang's father suggested.

"Comrade Xiang, go to the wing and get a sack."

The jars containing lard are transparent plastic jars, which are not afraid of being damaged. These things can be packed in sacks.

When Ruan Zheng heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, he stroked his forehead, really didn't know what to say?
Grandma Ruan couldn't help laughing when she saw her eldest grandson's expression, "Qingqing is a good idea."

Ruan Zheng kept protesting, but no one paid any attention to him. Before getting into the car, he was still struggling, "Sister, there are too many things."

Yu Qing pressed her down directly, "Brother, you are a big man, and it is no problem for you to mention this little thing."

Xiang Yisen drove Ruan Zheng to the train station. Standing on the platform, Yu Qing waved to Ruan Zheng, "Brother, call ahead when you come over in a few days, so I can pick you up at the station."

"No, next time I know where you live, we can just go there." Ruan Zheng told them while sitting by the window: "Grandma is here, please take care of me, and you have to take care of yourself."

"Well, I will."

"The train is about to leave, you guys go back." Ruan was rushing people, he was not used to saying goodbye.

After sending Ruan Zheng away, the two came out of the train station. Yu Qing sat in the passenger seat and asked with a smile, "How many days have you borrowed this car? Why haven't you returned it? If we like it, we will work hard to earn money to buy one." car."

"It's good that you have such ambition, and I will work hard for it." Xiang Yisen's eyes were full of yearning, every man wanted to own a car of his own.

"Then work hard now."

"Huh?" Xiang Yisen didn't understand.

Seeing his ignorant look, Yu Qing really wanted to squeeze a few times, "Take me to the front house you bought and have a look. If you can go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to ask if you can apply for a personal industrial and commercial business license."

The policy of reform and opening has been issued long ago, and the people below have been influenced by the inherent thinking that self-employment is a shameful industry, so so far no one in the city has gone to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to apply.

Originally, she wanted to wait for someone to apply for a business license, so she went to join in the fun.

Now she doesn't think so, instead of waiting stupidly, it's better to take the initiative!

Xiang Yisen asked in surprise, "Do you want to open a shop?"

"Well, there is an idea, my dear, do you support me?"

Xiang Yisen started the car, glanced at her, turned his head and drove the car out of the parking lot, and then said: "I support you, as long as you are not afraid of being tired."

He hoped that she would do nothing and wait for him to come home every day.

"What's so tiring, there are employees doing things, and it's not something that I have to personally do." Yu Qing said it lightly on purpose, because she was afraid that this man would oppose her.

Xiang Yisen turned his head and glanced at her, then looked forward again, and asked with a light smile, "Then, Boss Yu, have you thought about what to sell?"

"Temporarily confidential! Hehe."

The facade of the glass factory has two floors, with a total area of ​​more than 300 square meters. It is not a frame structure, but a brick-concrete structure.

The brick-concrete structure has many disadvantages. The most basic facade has many pillars, and many places cannot be dismantled during decoration.

This not only affects the beauty of the store, but also affects the light of the store and blocks the line of sight.

But most of the buildings in this era are like this, so we can't ask too much.

"This floor is a terrazzo floor, but the walls have turned yellow. Comrade Xiang, if you have time, ask Brother Hua to help us clean it."

Xiang Yisen responded, and asked again: "Are there any areas that need to be repaired? You mark it out, and I will let him do it all at once."

"it is good."

In fact, there is nothing much to install in this shop. The floor does not need to be re-paved, only the walls are left. She uses this shop to temporarily sell the electric fans that her group bought online.

The requirements for selling electrical appliances are not as high as that of clothing.

Of course, all of this requires a business license to be implemented normally.

After seeing the shop, Yu Qing knew it well, and the two rushed home.

Yu Qing sat in the car and asked the man who was driving, "Is there any pressure on you for this wedding?"

"No, no matter how much pressure there is, I will marry you home." The man said firmly.

"Haha, I like to hear your rhetoric." Yu Qing loves the way this man talks about love seriously.

The corner of Xiang Yisen's mouth raised slightly, he didn't say it, but he really liked seeing her laughing.

"You gave me all your money, do you still have money?" Yu Qing took out the passbook he had given from her small purse and handed it to him.

"You accept what is given to you, I still have money."



Yu Qing stared at the passbook in her hand for a while, then raised her head and caught a glimpse of this bank beside the road, "Comrade Xiang, stop the car."

"What's the matter?" Xiang Yisen slowly drove the car to the side of the road, and waited until the car came to a complete stop before asking, "What's the matter?"

"Well, wait for me in the car for a few minutes." Yu Qing opened the car door and got out of the car, trotting into the nearby bank.

It is said to be a bank, but it is actually as big as two doors, and there are iron bars on the high counter.It is not like the comfortable and luxurious decoration of banks in later generations.

In front of the counter was a young girl in overalls saving money. Yu Qing consciously lined up one meter away. There were two windows at the counter, but only one was open to the public.

 1666 added more rewards for "Being far away and never forgetting"~Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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