Chapter 293 The leader is here
It may be the first time for a young girl to save money, and she is a little apprehensive about leaving after finishing the process.

She took the passbook and read it again and again, "Brother, is this all right?"

"Yes, you saved ten yuan, and the number printed on the passbook is ten yuan, so that's all right."

"Brother, your bank won't move out after a while." Finally, the girl still asked worriedly.

"No." What the bank comrade didn't say is that there are other business departments that can withdraw money after moving away.

When the girl got out of the way, Yu Qing stepped forward to hand over the passbook, and took out the wallet from Xiaopi.

The bank comrade opened the passbook and glanced at it, and asked, "What business do you handle?"

"Save money."

Yu Qing glanced sideways and did not leave, she was still standing aside and seriously looking at her girl, she didn't care to take out the foreign exchange earned in the provincial capital from her wallet.

2000 yuan is not too much, and she is useless for one of them. Putting it in her hand and pressing the wallet, it is better to deposit the foreign exchange in the bank and hand it over to the public.

"Deposit foreign exchange?" The bank comrades took a bunch of colorful bills in surprise, checked them carefully, and found that they were not fake.

The girl standing next to her gasped, and when she saw Yu Qing looking at her again, she quickly covered her mouth.

"No, you help me exchange it into rm coins and deposit them directly into the booklet."

Deposits are fast, wait for it to be done.Yu Qing actually heard the girl next to her let out a sigh of relief, and she looked at the girl in surprise.

The young girl smiled embarrassedly, and explained with a blushing face: "I am a little worried about depositing my money in this bank. I am afraid that they will move away and find no one, and the money will be wasted. Now seeing you have such a large sum of money If you dare to exist here, I am relieved."

Yu Qing didn't expect anyone to think this way, so she raised the passbook in her hand amusedly, "The bank on this passbook can accept deposits and withdrawals all over the city, so you don't have to come to this business department, so this bank has moved away. Don't panic either."

"Really?" The young girl's eyes lit up, and she was relieved now.


Poor girl, maybe the bank comrades didn't make it clear to her, and she is frightened here.

After getting into the car, Xiang Yisen glanced at her bag, "Withdraw money?"

"No, save money."


"I deposited the foreign exchange from last time."

Xiang Yisen glanced at her in surprise, he didn't expect that she would put the money into his pocketbook.

The car soon stopped outside the courtyard gate.

Xiang Yisen got out of the car and opened the door for her, "Qingqing, it's still early, you can take a nap when you get back."

"Aren't you going in?" Yu Qing saw that he hadn't pulled out the key.

"I have to go to the construction site and come back for dinner at night."

"Okay, you drive slowly."


Seeing her enter the courtyard gate, Xiang Yisen drove to the construction site.

As soon as his car drove into the construction site, Lu Jinzhong ran down from the second floor of the board room and ran to his car, "Brother Sen, the leaders are here."

"Who?" Xiang Yisen got out of the car and locked the door.

"Secretary Qin and Station Master Quan are here, and they are sitting in the office drinking tea now."

Xiang Yisen walked to the second floor of the prefabricated house as soon as he heard it, "Did they come here to say something?"

Lu Jinzhong shook his head, "No."

On the second floor, you can hear voices coming from the office. Xiang Yisen walked in, "Uncle Qin, Uncle Quan, why are you free to come here today?"

"We're here for a meeting in the city, and we stopped by to see the progress of the project." Quan Jifeng saw him coming back from the outside without his helmet on, "Are you going out?"

"En." Xiang Yisen walked to his desk, picked up the tea mug and poured a cup of hot water before sitting down, without explaining his itinerary plan.

Quan Jifeng waited for a while, only to find that he was drinking tea in a leisurely manner, and scolded with a smile: "Your boy is getting more and more difficult to discipline now."

Secretary Qin sat upright, coughed lightly and asked, "Xiaoyu is in the city?"


It was impossible for the two leaders to ask Yu Qing's whereabouts inexplicably, and Xiang Yisen looked at them suspiciously.

"We're going to the municipal meeting tomorrow, you ask Xiao Yu to go with us."

Xiang Yisen emphasized, "She is on vacation now."

Secretary Qin nodded, "I know, it takes only one morning to go to the meeting, and it won't delay her for a long time. What are you in a hurry for?"

"Why don't you go with us tomorrow?" Quan Jifeng kindly suggested.

Looking at him with a smile on his face.Xiang Yisen cursed secretly, old fox!
He didn't object aloud, it was a tacit consent to follow tomorrow.

"I heard from Lu Jinzhong that you haven't lived on the construction site during this time, where do you live if you don't live on the construction site?"

Xiang Yisen hecked twice, "Anyway, I won't sleep on the main road."

Seeing that he refused to say more, Quan Jifeng sneered, "Are you still afraid that Secretary Qin and I will come to your house for dinner?"

Secretary Qin gave the old boy a sneaky look. You have ideas but I don't. Don't drag me into the water!

Xiang Yisen rolled his eyes, then looked at Quan Jifeng again, but didn't say anything.

When it was off-duty time, nothing happened on the construction site. With Lu Jinzhong watching at night, Xiang Yisen slipped away in peace.

Standing on the second floor and watching the jeep leave in the dust, Quan Jifeng scolded unwillingly: "Sentimental boy, are you really worried that we will go to his house for dinner?"

Secretary Qin spat at him, "You can go if you want, but don't involve me. I don't have a habit of disturbing newlyweds."

"They have to wait until May Day for the banquet, Secretary Qin."

Secretary Qin smiled, pursed his lips, and was too lazy to argue with the old boy. When he was young, the old boy would go out of business before marrying his younger siblings.

Besides, that kid Issori, he knew at a glance that he was not an honest one, a boring fox, would he let the meat hanging from his mouth hang there?
How can it be?

At 05:30 in the morning, it was still dawn in Yicheng in early summer, and Xiang Yisen accompanied Yu Qing out of the courtyard.

Ruan Zheng returned to the provincial capital yesterday, and a bedroom on the first floor was vacant. He just didn't go back to the construction site last night and slept directly on the first floor.

There are no people on the street in the early morning. Occasionally, you can see sanitation workers doing their work. On the deserted street, you can only hear the sound of sweeping the floor.

The air in the early morning is filled with thin mist, with the wind blowing on the face head-on, there is still a touch of coolness.

The two jogged to the farmer's market, bought some vegetables and rushed back.

"Let's eat outside today, and bring back some for Dad and Grandma after we finish eating."

Passing by the state-run restaurant, Yu Qing was attracted by the smell inside, and couldn't move anymore.I bought rice noodles yesterday morning. I originally planned to cook rice noodles at home for breakfast this morning.

The plan was disrupted by the two leaders again. If I want to accompany them to a meeting today, I must arrive early, and there is no time to cook breakfast at home.

"Then eat here." Xiang Yisen didn't care.

After breakfast, they packed two servings of rice noodles, and the two hurried home.

Grandma Ruan watched as her granddaughter hurried upstairs, "You don't have to go to work, what are you doing in such a rush?"

"Grandma, we have to accompany the leader to a meeting this morning, time is running out." The voice disappeared, and the same figure also disappeared at the stairs on the second floor.

"Grandma, I'll go get ready too."

"Are you going too?"

"Well, breakfast is on the dining table, you have to remember to eat it."

"Oh, okay, you don't have to worry at home."

 Another wave of monthly tickets and recommended tickets has been harvested today~ Add updates to monthly tickets and recommended tickets~Thank you for your support~

(End of this chapter)

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