Chapter 294
Yu Qing went back to her room and entered the studio to take a battle shower, put on the one-piece suit she wore last time, and combed her hair with balls. The collagen on her face is now young and does not need to be modified at all. I put some lip gloss on my lips.

When she stepped on high heels and appeared on the first floor, she found that Xiang Yisen was already waiting for her at the door.

Grandma Ruan was sitting at the dining table, admiring her granddaughter's clothes, watching her go out with her bag, and hurriedly said, "Drive slowly, there are many people on the road."

"Grandma, I got it. Remember to remind Dad to have breakfast when he gets up."

"Well, grandma knows."

When the couple arrived at the construction site by car, Quan Jifeng and Secretary Qin had already been waiting for them at the construction site for a long time.

"Why are you two slower than us two old men?" As he spoke, Quan Jifeng turned his eyes around the two of them, seeing that their expressions were normal, he dismissed his redundant thoughts.

Xiang Yisen raised his wrist to look at the time, and argued, "We're not late."

"Yes, you're not late." Quan Jifeng helplessly greeted Secretary Qin to get in the car, "Old Qin, get in the car quickly."

The two leaders sat in the back seat, Xiang Yisen drove out of the construction site, and the car calmed down when it reached the main street.

Yu Qing turned her head and asked concerned: "Uncle Quan, Uncle Qin, have you had breakfast yet?"

Secretary Qin nodded, "Eat."

"Xiao Yu, where do you live now?" Quan Jifeng was still thinking about the bacon at Yu Qing's house.

"I live in Yijian. If you have time, the two leaders can come to my house to play." Looking at the road ahead, Yu Qing invited them without thinking too much.

Xiang Yisen frowned, and stared at the rearview mirror with dissatisfaction, two shameless old foxes!
Quan Jifeng raised his eyebrows, stared back provocatively, and suggested with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, we must go to your house to play when we have time."

Secretary Qin glanced at the rearview mirror, sat there motionless, and reminded Quan Jifeng: "We'll be fine after the meeting in the morning, and we have to go back in the afternoon."

Quan Jifeng frowned, and said impatiently: "After the meeting, how can there be a car to go back to the county? I want to go back to you. Anyway, I won't go back today. At worst, I'll go to Xiaoyu's house to play."

"If you don't go back, what's the point of me going back and walking the mountain road alone?"

"Then don't go back, let's all go to Xiao Yu's house to play." Quan Jifeng leaned forward slightly, and asked Yu Qing in front of him: "Xiao Yu, what do you think of my proposal?"

Yu Qing sneered: "Welcome, welcome, welcome anytime."

No matter how stupid she was, she could still hear the two leaders singing a double reed.

But why?

Her home is not a scenic spot, nor is it a palace compound. What is there for the leader to worry about?
"Then it's settled. I'll go directly to your house after the meeting." Quan Jifeng happily decided.

"Okay, welcome to my house as a guest."

The meeting is scheduled to be held in the school auditorium of No. [-] Middle School in the city.

When they arrived, there were already many jeeps like them parked beside them, as well as several cars.

At this time, the students should be in class, and the campus is very quiet except for outsiders like them.

Secretary Qin and Station Master Quan walked in front, and they would meet two or three acquaintances from time to time. They exchanged pleasantries in a low voice, as if they were afraid of disturbing the students in the classroom.

After entering the auditorium, everyone's speech returned to normal.

At the front is a row of rostrums, and below them are rows of seats. Although there are many people who came to the meeting today, they are still not as many as students.

Therefore, those who come to the meeting should try to sit in the front.

The location of the Lingjiang Hydropower Station is very biased, with the front and back being the locations of other hydropower stations of the brother unit.

This kind of large-scale meeting generally does not have the right to speak for the people below. Everyone mainly listens with their ears and takes meeting minutes.

Yu Qing felt quite bored, and couldn't figure out why the two leaders brought her here.

"Comrade Xiang, why did they bring the two of us here for this kind of meeting?"

Xiang Yisen glanced at the two leaders who were chatting with others, and said in a low voice, "They think we're too busy."

trouble making!

"Then let's go outside to get some air." The people sitting in the front and back were all smoking, and Yu Qing felt that her position was filled with smoke and it was difficult to breathe.

"it is good."

The two slipped out of the auditorium while the leader was not paying attention, and the air was finally fresh when they went out the gate.

The school auditorium is in a corner of the campus. Standing at the back door of the auditorium, you can still hear the voices of passers-by outside the fence, but it is a bit far away from the teaching building.

"Comrade Xiang, why did the higher-ups choose to hold the meeting in the school auditorium?"

"It should be that there are more people attending the meeting, and other places cannot accommodate so many people."

Xiang Yisen talked about his guess, pointed to the front of the auditorium, "The leaders are here."

Yu Qing followed the direction of his finger, just as they walked, a group of leaders in white shirts came.

"Let's go in."

The two entered the auditorium through the back door first.

"Where did you two go?" Quan Jifeng asked.

Before and after Yu Qing sat down, the smokers had finished their cigarettes, but the air was filled with the smell of smoke.

Xiang Yisen replied unhappily: "I went to the toilet."

Quan Jifeng didn't care about his tone, and handed over a stack of documents, "Look at it."

Yu Qing took Xiang Yisen's arm and leaned her head over, "Overview of the match factory."

Xiang Yisen glanced at it casually, and turned back. They were all the profiles of factories in urban areas. These factories have one thing in common, that is, they are all not profitable, and they are facing the dilemma of factory closures and layoffs.

"What does it mean?"

Yu Qing and Xiang Yisen looked at each other without saying anything.

Quan Jifeng leaned his head over, "What do you think?"

Yu Qing shook her head, "No idea, no idea at all!"

The leaders are here, and the meeting begins.

The summary of the first half year and the plan for the second half year made Yu Qing drowsy.

At the end is the key point. Many factories are facing bankruptcy and want to transform, and the higher-ups want to buy other units with good profits.

This stack of papers is undoubtedly a hot potato, and whoever picks it up must be prepared to be scalded.

Not only do you have to revitalize the factory, but there are also a large group of workers behind the factory waiting to be paid. You have to be fully responsible for the medical insurance, social security and other benefits of the employees.

Many factories may still have wage arrears.

After the whole meeting, few units were willing to make a move.

If the factory is sold alone, there may still be many units willing to buy it, but even the employees are packaged and given away, so that all those who are willing to shrink back.

Secretary Qin and Quan Jifeng might have known about the content of the meeting, and they didn't bring anyone from the station to attend, because they didn't plan to buy it.

They were also afraid that others would say that they underestimated the meeting, so the two old foxes temporarily arrested Yu Qing and his wife to gather the number of people.

After a lot of work, Yu Qing realized that she was just a tool person!
It is not easy to be a leader.

(End of this chapter)

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