Chapter 295 Two Old Foxes

The meeting did not achieve the expected results. The above gave everyone a buffer period of half a month to let everyone go back and hold a meeting to discuss and discuss.

Coming out of the school auditorium, Secretary Qin and Quan Jifeng walked quickly to the parking lot as if they were being chased by ghosts. During this time, someone wanted to talk to them, but they stopped them.

Sitting in the car, Quan Jifeng urged Xiang Yisen to drive away quickly.

When the car was heading out of the school, Yu Qing saw from the rearview mirror that the leaders who were standing on the stage behind were pulling a group of unit leaders outside the auditorium, what were they talking about?
Look at Quan Jifeng again, with a look of lingering fear, there is still something he doesn't understand.

These two are really thousand-year-old foxes, and they have to be awarded the best partner of the year!
After leaving the school gate, Yu Qing obviously felt that the two leaders had relaxed physically and mentally. She didn't know which scene was better between this trip to the campus and the on-the-spot exam back then?
The car was parked at the gate of the courtyard, looking at the fields outside the window during the whole season, and many of them were working in the fields.

"Xiao Yu, do you live here?"

When he got out of the car and looked at the not-so-new courtyard gate, he couldn't recover. He thought they lived in the Tongzi Building in the city center.

He used to live in this suburb.

Yu Qing pursed her lips and glanced at the yard. Hearing the sound of cocks crowing inside, she turned her head and said with a smile, "Well, I hope I didn't disappoint the two uncles. Let's go in."

"Okay, then let's go in and take a look at your home." Quan Jifeng was outside, basically Secretary Qin's endorsement.

"Qingqing, you are back." Grandma Ruan had just picked up two eggs from the chicken coop when she turned around and saw her granddaughter came back.

"Yes, Grandma."

"Huh, she's your grandma?" Quan Jifeng was slightly surprised, "You're so young."

"Hehe, I'm an old woman, how dare you say you are young." Grandma Ruan came over cheerfully, looked at the two strange men secretly, and asked, "Qingqing, these two are your leaders?"

"En." Yu Qing introduced: "This is Uncle Quan, the station master of our station, and this is Uncle Qin, the secretary of the station."

Secretary Qin smiled and nodded to Grandma Ruan.

Quan Jifeng stepped forward to shake hands, "Hello, eldest sister, you are not much older than us, and you are already a grandma. Those brats in our family have not yet found a partner. You are very lucky."

He knew Yu Qing's embarrassment when she came to the station, and now seeing Grandma Ruan's attire, he suspected that Yu Qing was trying to show off on purpose.

"Hello, both of you, sit in the room, please." Grandma Ruan handed two eggs to Yu Qing, and took the lead into the living room.

The decorated furniture in the room shocked the two leaders, especially the complete set of furniture, I don’t know what kind of wood it is made of, but it is very difficult to buy such a beautiful complete set of furniture in this era, and it is not something that can be bought with money.

The two were even more sure that Yu Qing's family background was unusual.

It was getting late, Yu Qing asked Xiang Yisen to accompany the two guests, and she went into the kitchen to cook lunch.

Wash the rice and cook the rice, and boil a pot of boiling water.

Carrying the kettle into the living room to fill up the two thermoses, he came out just in time to see Father Xiang coming in from the outside.

"Dad, you are back."

Father Xiang walked on the path in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, and swept the kettle in her hand, "Qingqing, this is boiling water."


Father Xiang heard the voices in the living room and Quan Jifeng's thunderous laughter, and felt a little familiar.

"A visitor at home?"

"Well, the two leaders from our station are here."

Father Xiang's footsteps stopped slightly, and he entered the living room at his usual leisurely pace.

Yu Qing didn't care about the affairs in the living room, she immediately started preparing the dishes when she entered the kitchen.There are guests at home today, and the dishes must not be sloppy.

Fortunately, there is still half of the braised pig's foot yesterday, and there are still a lot of fried fish pieces. If you add an egg, you will have a lot of three meat dishes. If you add two or three vegetarian dishes, it should be almost enough to entertain the two of them.

As soon as the dishes were prepared, Xiang Yisen rolled up his sleeves and came in.

He looked at the dishes she prepared, smiled lightly, and reminded: "I'll fry these dishes, and you cut a piece of bacon."

"Oh, these dishes are not enough?" Yu Qing asked casually.

Xiang Yisen stepped forward and held her face. This little woman is sometimes shrewd and sometimes a little confused, but he loves her very much.

Staring at her seductive peach-like lips, the Adam's apple under the chin rolled twice unconsciously.

Yu Qing, who still didn't know her own charm, asked gently: "What's wrong, my face is dirty?"


Xiang Yisen glanced outside the kitchen door, and saw that except for the voices in the living room, the yard was quiet as usual, and the voice was obviously lowered by more than one degree.

"We don't have time to get close these days, I think you're thinking too hard."


These words hit Yu Qing's heart directly, making her heart tingle and numb with electricity, and the excess current traveled all over her body, reaching her brain directly, making her mind go blank.

Feeling the heat on her face, Xiang Yisen chuckled softly, and before she could react, he lowered his head and sipped her lips, tasting her sweetness again, he was a little immersed in it.

Having tasted the sweetness of love, Yu Qing also longs for it these days, but what she longs for is not in this situation!

There are a lot of people at home!

What if Grandma Ruan or someone else came out and saw them?
She has no face to face people.

Xiang Yisen might have sensed her inattention, so he took a bite like punishment, deepening the kiss!

Feeling that, Yu Qing's face became even more flustered, and she pushed forward with a little force, Xiang Yisen let go of her with a muffled grunt.

"You want to murder your husband!"

Faced with this little woman, Xiang Yisen gritted his teeth at this moment, looked down, and now he was only wearing a shirt, without a coat to cover him, so he had no choice but to turn around and wash the pot to prepare for cooking.

Yu Qing quickly looked outside the door, and found no one breathed a sigh of relief, holding her cheek that could fry eggs, reminiscing about the aftertaste just now.

Seeing the back of the other party pretending to be strong, he couldn't help laughing out loud, "I didn't hurt you just now, did I?"

As he spoke, he deliberately tilted his head to look in front of him while standing three steps away from him.

Xiang Yisen's head was full of black lines, his face darkened, and he said threatening words lightly, "Qingqing, you are looking for death."

Yu Qing was threatened by him, she quickly shook her head, pouted and said aggrievedly: "I care about you."

Xiang Yisen is irritable in his heart, and a woman will go to the house to expose the tiles if she doesn't cook for three days.

He snorted noncommittally, and urged her, "Hurry up and cut the bacon."

Yu Qing didn't know why she had to prepare bacon, but she honestly cut a large plate of bacon without asking.

All the way to the dinner table, Quan Ji chewed the bacon with his plump mouth greasy, and said with a satisfied face: "Xiaoyu's bacon tastes good, it's different from other places. It's no exaggeration to say that eating this meal can make people feel happy." I satiated my hunger for months."

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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