Chapter 296 So Generous

Yu Qing suddenly realized at this moment, is it because you are greedy for my bacon?
At the same time, he cast admiring glances at Xiang Yisen who often dealt with them, and her husband was the best at guessing the thoughts of these old foxes.

Xiang Yisen accepted her gaze and didn't show her any expression. He sat there and ate his meal slowly.But he groaned in his heart, he wrote down this grudge in his notebook, and he would not forgive her without compensation.

After seeing off the guests, Grandma Ruan and Father Xiang had both taken a lunch break, and Yu Qing came to Xiang Yisen's side and said with emotion: "I never thought that the two leaders would work under your father's command."

"It can be regarded as working together. They were only responsible for the security of the research institute at that time." Xiang Yisen corrected.

Yu Qing smiled, "Actually, Uncle Quan also knows my dad, but he doesn't know it yet."

"He knows your father?" Xiang Yisen wondered how Quan Jifeng met his old father-in-law who had never met before.

"En." Yu Qing told the details of their last trip to the provincial capital.

Xiang Yisen realized that they had been to the provincial capital last time.I became interested in this Lord Taishan in my heart, and an image of a middle-aged tough guy automatically formed in my mind.

After breakfast the next day, Xiang Yisen and Father Xiang went out together.

In less than two hours, Father Xiang brought back a cart full of briquettes, "Qingqing, where do you think these coals are stored?"

"Dad, where did you buy these coals?" Yu Qing asked the man on the cart to move the briquettes into the corner of the kitchen and put them away.

"It was decided by Kazumori. I am just responsible for bringing this comrade back."

"Oh, I know."

Yu Qing remembered that she had told Xiang Yisen about this two days ago, mainly because she was afraid that there would be no power to cook.

Father Xiang handed her the newly bought tongs, "This is for you, you watch him carry it, I'll go to the room to drink a glass of water."

"Thank you, Dad, go in and rest, just leave it to me." Yu Qing took it and let him go in to rest.

After the briquettes were moved and the comrades on the trailer were sent away, Yu Qing cleaned up the coal slag that had fallen all over the floor, and raised her wrist to look at the time. It was almost time to cook lunch again.

After washing his hands, he went into the house and took an apple out. He lay on the recliner under the eaves, squinting slightly at the cloudless sky, feeling a little out of sorts.


I took a bite of an apple, and being a cook at home every day is too much a test of one’s willpower. I want to give up on myself physically and mentally. How nice it is to just lie down and be a salted fish. I have something to eat and some clothes to wear. What?
In my mind, I don't allow myself to be decadent like this, reminding me from time to time that this is only a temporary comfort, don't let the inertia grow.

Just like the author who works hard to code words every day, thinking about code words in his mind, your task today has not been completed yet.Eyelids are already drooping, but hands are still struggling to swipe the phone
Just when Yu Qing was about to fall asleep, Grandma Ruan's voice sounded.

"Qingqing, if you want to sleep, go back to the room and sleep. Sleeping here is easy to catch cold."

As she said that, Grandma Ruan picked up the half-eaten apple on the ground, and said distressedly: "You child, you can fall asleep after eating an apple. Why did you go last night? Could it be that you didn't get enough sleep because you went to be a thief?" ?”

Yu Qing rubbed her face to make herself more energetic. It seems that this person can't be too comfortable, or else he would be too easy to slack off.

"Grandma, are you up?"

"Hey, I'm getting old, I'm sitting and wanting to sleep, I'm really lying on the bed but I can't fall asleep, I'm packing my luggage upstairs. Didn't you say that you're going back to the power station tomorrow, I'll go with you."

Yu Qing yawned, "Didn't you say to wait for Grandpa and the others here?"

"It's inconvenient for me to live here if you're not here. Besides, I followed you to the power station. Your father and the others will come to find me at the power station."

Yu Qing thought that no one would take care of her grandma here, so she didn't feel relieved, so she could always take care of her by her side, whether she followed her to the power station.

"Okay, let's go back together tomorrow."

As for Father Xiang, let Xiang Yisen take care of himself.

The wedding day is only a few days away, and it's time for the two of them to separate.

At noon, Xiang Yisen came back and gave Yu Qing a business license, which was a bit like a certificate of merit. The legal representative, main business, date and address had to be written by hand.

Yu Qing understood a little bit. Many documents in this era are written by hand, such as the high school graduation certificate last time.

"Why didn't you write about the main business?"

Looking at the license that only filled in the legal representative and date, can this main business be filled in by itself?
Xiang Yisen skillfully took over the task of her cooking, and said unhurriedly: "I don't know what your shop is going to sell, so I didn't fill it in. You decide what to sell, just fill it in."

"Can it still be like this?" Yu Qing looked at the business license a little excitedly, "The person who issued this certificate should be your acquaintance?"

"Well, a little friendship."

"No wonder."

Yu Qing excitedly raised the 'certificate' in her hand, "Next time I will find a photo frame to frame it, and when the store opens, I will hang it in the store."

From now on, it will be the treasure of her town store!

Xiang Yisen turned the dishes in the pot, turned around and asked with a smile, "Do you need my help?"

Yu Qing hugged his waist from behind, and put her cheek against his straight back, "No need, you are busy every day, I can handle this small matter by myself, I feel sorry for exhausting you."

After all, she kissed his spine through the clothes.

Xiang Yisen's back stiffened slightly, the corners of his lips raised slightly, he coughed twice, and said in a helpless tone: "Ahem. Qingqing, if you keep doing this, I'll treat the salt as sugar later."

"Hehe." Yu Qing let go first, and leaned on his back and chuckled, "I really hate you, I wish I could cling to you every day, but reality doesn't allow it."

After all, he poked his side waist with his finger.

"Oh, don't make trouble, I'm cooking." His whole body froze, Xiang Yisen's eyes were full of helplessness, his waist was full of itches, and this woman might not know it.

If it weren't for the elders at home, he would definitely carry her upstairs to punish her.

"After May [-]st, you remember to ask Brother Hua to go to the store to do the whitewashing." Yu Qing was really afraid that he would spoil the dishes, so she got down to business, "These days at the end of April, if I'm not around you, take care of your health and eat on time. Take good care of yourself."

"Understood, wife."

Yu Qing found out that the word "wife" came out of Xiang Yisen's mouth, and it sounded so sweet. What's the matter?

Hehe, usually this man can always say words of love inadvertently, she also wants to learn from him, and occasionally say a word or two to warm his heart.

She heard people say that marriage needs to be managed, and she thought that the interaction between the two of them could be regarded as one of the management.

"Do you really have enough money on you?"

"Enough, you have asked several times."

"is it?"

"Yeah." Xiang Yisen leaned into her ear and said softly, "I'm really rich. The old man gave me a thousand this time, which is enough for a banquet."

"Wow, that's quite generous."

However, not as generous as her grandparents and father!
(End of this chapter)

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