Chapter 297 Returning to the Lingjiang River

Xiang's father stayed in the research institute for several years, and the work during this period can be said to be to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat.After a few years of suffering, my body is a bit overloaded.

He is taking this vacation to recuperate his body. Although it is impossible to maintain his body in a short period of time, at least he can adjust his body to the best condition.

So he came to Xiang Yisen, and he was the last one to wake up in the morning. Although waking up early can exercise his body, he wants to make up for sleep more.

The body is less than fifty, the temples are already graying.

Today's situation is a bit special, the in-law's grandma is going to the country hydropower station with her daughter-in-law, so Xiang's father deliberately got up earlier than usual.

After the family had breakfast, Xiang Yisen helped carry Yu Qing and Grandma Ruan's luggage downstairs.

"Qingqing, usually you are just a simple Oxford bag, why are you carrying so much luggage this time?"

A big luggage bag was filled by her, Xiang Yisen didn't know what she had packed, it was quite heavy to carry.

Hearing this, Yu Qing winked at him, smiled and said, "They are all things that will be used on the wedding day."

She packed a lot of items in the bag, including the suits that she helped Ruan Xiuhua and Ruan Zheng four brothers buy online last time.

Xiang Yisen felt sweet in his heart, he couldn't ask any more about the things the woman needed, so he loaded all the luggage into the car.

Father Xiang sent them out of the courtyard, and said to Grandma Ruan, "Grandma, don't go to the river when you get to their hydropower station. It's windy there, and we are prone to headaches when we are old."

"Dad, how do you know that the power station is very windy?" Yu Qing asked in surprise.

"I've spent time by the river before, so I know that."

"I will pay attention, thank you in-law for reminding me." Grandma Ruan responded with a smile, she was quite satisfied with this reasonable in-law, the only dissatisfaction might be his family.

After all, it is not a native family, and there are always some disadvantages.Fortunately, Qingqing doesn't have to live with them under the same roof.

Seeing that Xiang Yisen had packed his luggage, Xiang's father hurriedly opened the car door to let Grandma Ruan get in the car, "Grandma, please pay attention to your body when you arrive at the power station, and don't get tired."

"Okay, I will take care of myself. My father-in-law should also pay attention to rest at home and eat on time."

Father Xiang nodded and saw that they had all got into the car, standing on the steps outside the courtyard gate, and told Xiang Yisen who was sitting in the driver's seat, "Be careful when driving on the road, don't drive too fast."

Xiang Yisen frowned slightly, if Grandma Ruan was not in the car, he really wanted to kick the accelerator and drive away.

Yu Qing was like the mediator between their father and son, she smiled and waved, "Dad, we remember, we are leaving, goodbye."


Watching the car go away, Xiang's father stood at the gate of the courtyard for a long time before sighing, turned and entered the courtyard.

Yu Qing looked at the man who was driving seriously, and sighed in her heart. It seemed that he would not return the car until her family left after May Day.

However, it is indeed much more convenient to have a private car during this time.

Just like returning to the power station this time, if I didn't drive by myself, if I took the bus, would I still take Grandma Ruan to walk back to the power station when I arrived in the county?

The usual four-five-hour journey took two hours this time, and they arrived at the Lingjiang Hydropower Station around ten o'clock.

After getting out of the car, Grandma Ruan looked at the newly built two-story building, a little surprised, "Qingqing, this is where you live?"

"Well, the power station is newly built, and all the facilities are new. Now there are fewer employees in the power station, so each person can live in a small suite."

Xiang Yisen took the luggage down, pointed to the second floor and said with a smile, "Grandma, Qingqing lives on the first floor, and I live on the second floor."

"Oh, there is such a coincidence?" Grandma Ruan looked at the second floor and then at the first floor, and said a rare joke, "Could this be the so-called near-water tower first get the moon?"

Yu Qing opened the lock and heard Grandma Ruan's words, she laughed heartily: "Grandma, what you said is absolutely right, the two of us don't get the moon first."

Thinking back to the beginning, it took a lot of thought for her to have the cheek to invite him to join her as a partner.

However, in life, when you meet something you like, you must strive for it once, or you will leave regrets for life.

Xiang Yisen found that the neighbor next door was drawn out by the laughter, and in an instant, that face that was still full of expressions just now, the smile faded away, and it returned to its usual indifferent and indifferent expression.

"Sister Qing, are you back?" Zhu Mei opened the door and walked out.

"Sister Zhu, it's rare that you are at home today." Yu Qing waved her hand.

"I was making a thin quilt at home today, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The winter quilt I covered before was too thick, and it was a bit hot when I covered it. Children always like to kick the quilt."

Zhu Mei explained with a smile, noticing Grandma Ruan, her brows and eyes widened immediately, she opened her mouth and asked uncertainly, "Sister Qing, is this your grandma?"

"Yes, Sister Zhu, this is my grandma. She came here by car from the provincial capital to see me."

"Wow, you look so young and have a good temperament." What Zhu Mei didn't dare to say was that she looked like a big wife in the old society.

Yu Qing introduced to Grandma Ruan: "Grandma, this is my neighbor, Zhu Mei, and her lover is an employee of our power station."

"Miao Zan, my family, Qingqing, is living here these days, thank you for your care." Grandma Ruan knew that she was a neighbor, and immediately thanked her in a patriarchal manner.

Zhu Mei waved her hands cautiously, "Don't dare to act, dare not act, Sister Qing has been taking care of me during my stay here."

Several people exchanged pleasantries, Yu Qing was worried that Grandma Ruan was tired from the car, so she helped her into the house to rest.

While several people were standing outside the house talking, Xiang Yisen had already moved the luggage into the house, opened the kitchen door with the key, washed the kettle and prepared to boil water.

Yu Qing made the bed, asked Grandma Ruan to sit on the bed to rest, and quickly fetched water to wipe down the furniture in the room.

After changing the basin of water, I went up to the second floor again. I am ashamed to say that, both of them have proved that it was the first time she entered Xiang Yisen's house.

The furnishings in the house were much simpler than those below her. Except for a bed and a desk in the bedroom, the other rooms were vacant.

Yu Qing wiped the bed frame and desk. He hadn't slept in this bed for a long time, and she didn't know how much dust had accumulated on it. She removed all the bedding.

The sheets and quilts were all soaked in the big wooden basin, and the quilts were carried downstairs to dry on the clothes pole.

After boiling the water, Xiang Yisen came out with a hot water bottle, saw Yu Qing drying the bedding, and glanced at the big wooden basin, "Did you remove the bedding on top of me?"

For some reason, knowing that she washed the sheets and quilts for herself, I felt a sense of joy in my heart.

It's so weird.

Feeling like never before.

"Well, it's been a long time since you slept upstairs. I don't know how much dust has accumulated on the bed. I don't want to sleep in dust at night, so I washed it and it can be dried today."

Yu Qing turned her head and glanced at the thermos in his hand, "Grandma is resting inside, you go in and make her a cup of tea."

 Good night~babies~

(End of this chapter)

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