Chapter 299 Desire
"Okay, it doesn't cost money to use electricity here, and the voltage is more stable than in urban areas. I feel panicked if I don't use electrical appliances. Such a good resource is wasted."

Xiang Yisen smiled and said nothing.

Yu Qing remembered something and stood up, "You start the fire first, I'll go to the next door."

The door next door was ajar, Yu Qing knocked on the door, "Sister Zhu, are you there?"

"Yes, Sister Qing, just come in, why knock on the door." Zhu Mei's voice came from the back room.

Yu Qing pushed open the door and saw that there was no one in the small living room. She looked around the living room and found a sack in the corner, which should be her onions and garlic.

"Sister Zhu, I'm here to pick up my onions and garlic, please worry about this matter for me, thank you."

Zhu Meijin came out of the bedroom pulling on her shoes, and said with a smile, "This trivial matter is nothing to worry about. You are too polite to give me a hand. The sack in the corner is it. You can carry it yourself."

Yu Qing smiled, opened the sack and took out a bundle of onions and a bundle of garlic and put them on the ground, "Sister Zhu, I will cook these two bundles of coriander for you."

"Okay, thank you then." Zhu Mei was not polite.

"You're welcome, I'll go first." Yu Qing picked up the sack and walked out.

"Well, walk slowly."

After sending Yu Qing away, Zhu Mei put the two bundles of onion and garlic on the ground into the kitchen.After washing his hands, he went into the bedroom to waffle the quilt.

After lunch, Xiang Yisen drove back to the city, and Yu Qing sat with Grandma Ruan for a while before going to the second floor to take a nap.

The bedding in the bedroom on the second floor was all exposed to the sun, leaving only the bare boards in the room.I can't sleep here.

Yu Qing went straight into the studio, packaged and shipped the orders on the computer, felt drowsy and nestled on the sofa by herself, and fell asleep after a while.

Qiao Daming's house.

In fact, it is the same for the two of them who moved to which house, and the layout of the house is the same.

But Chen Yuzhu lived on the second floor, and the two of them went upstairs and downstairs. Now that Yu Qing lives on the first floor, she is very comfortable. Everything she does is more convenient than on the second floor. For example, to wash clothes, Yu Qing can move the tub to the flat in front of the building If it is on the second floor, you can only scrub in the cramped bathroom.So she moved into Qiao Daming's house.

Today counted as the wedding day of the two, Qiao Daming bought a lot of vegetables in the cafeteria, and at noon the two of them cooked four dishes and one soup together.

It's a celebration of their marriage.

"Actually, we can just eat casually for lunch, and make a big meal in the evening." Sitting at the table, Chen Yuzhu felt a little regretful looking at the dishes on the table. She felt that the evening was more ceremonial.

"It's the same at noon and night, anyway, it's going to be eaten into our stomachs."

Qiao Daming took out a bottle of red wine from the bedroom, "I also prepared this today."

Chen Yuzhu asked in surprise: "When did you buy this wine?"

"I asked my brother to buy it before." Qiao Daming said, picked up the enamel cups of the two on the table, rinsed them on the kitchen faucet, and put them on the table when he came back.

"Shall we drink something?"

Chen Yuzhu had heard of wine before, but he had never drank it. He wanted to try it, and nodded hurriedly, "Okay, I heard people say that this wine is sweet, but I have never drank it. I didn't expect that we would be lucky enough to taste it when we got married. it."

"Then you can drink more today and you'll be fine."

Qiao Daming opened the cork and poured half a cup into each mug.

"Take a sip and try."

Chen Yuzhu picked up the tea mug, took a sip carefully, smacked his lips and said, "It's really a bit sweet, but it's not as good as orange soda."

Qiao Daming put down the wine bottle, picked up the tea mug and took a sip. The alcohol was not strong enough, but it was more suitable for people like them who don't drink much.

"It tastes different from soda."

Chen Yuzhu picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of meat into Qiao Daming's bowl, "Eat some food before drinking, it's good for the stomach."

Qiao Daming glanced at his wife who was waiting for him to taste the dishes while biting her chopsticks, and smiled: "Okay, I'll try our Zhu'er's craftsmanship."

Qiao Daming picked up the chopsticks and picked up the oily dumpling meat in the bowl. As soon as the meat was in his mouth, his eyes lit up. The meat was stewed for a long time, and it was particularly tasty. With enough oil and water, it was easy to eat it in his mouth Very enjoyable.

"This meat is stewed badly. It's very delicious. You should try it too."

With that said, he also clipped a piece for her.


As soon as the meat was in his mouth, Chen Yuzhu squinted his eyes contentedly. He still had a good time cooking at home, but every time he ate in the cafeteria, the dishes were not satisfactory, and he felt a little indigestion after eating too much.

"Come and have a toast with us, to celebrate our wedding and a happy life in the future." Qiao Daming picked up the enamel jar.

Hearing this, Chen Yuzhu picked up his enamel jar and touched him, "Cheers, please treat me well in the future."

"Of course, you are my wife. If I don't treat you well, who will I treat well?"

"I remember what you said, let's do it!" Chen Yuzhu blushed and gulped it down, the astringency of the wine made her frown.

Qiao Daming hurriedly picked up a chopstick of potato shreds and put them in her bowl, "Hurry up and order."

Chen Yuzhu took a bite of the dish, and then he calmed down and said, "To be honest, this wine doesn't taste very good. Drinking it is not as good as drinking soda. Why is it so expensive?"

"Individuals have different preferences. For example, some people like to drink white, some like to drink red, and you prefer soft drinks for a reason."

"Well, but today is our big day, drinking red is a good metaphor."

Qiao Daming agreed very much, otherwise he would not have found a way to get this bottle of red wine.

The two chatted while eating, and inadvertently, Chen Yuzhu drank too much and became a little drunk.

"Da Ming, I'm a little dizzy. Please clean up the table. I'll go in and sleep for a while." Chen Yuzhu stood up supporting the table and found her body was a little weak. She stretched out her hand and said, "Da Ming, help me up."

Qiao Daming stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. Chen Yuzhu's long and beautiful eyes were filled with water mist, flowing like a clear spring in the morning, more vivid and lively than normal eyes.

She pouted her red lips and thumped him, "Damn it, I'm even more dizzy."

Qiao Daming hugged her soft body, wanting to say that he was the one who killed him, and the wolf blood in his body was about to boil.

"I'll help you in and lie down."

Chen Yuzhu wasn't really completely drunk, but a little bit drunk, plus she was a little allergic to alcohol and blushed too much, so outsiders looked as if she was completely drunk.

"Hmm~" He responded softly, leaning his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat beating like a drum, inexplicably felt that his face was almost cooked.

Qiao Daming helped her to walk into the bedroom. When they passed the bedroom door, for some unknown reason, the two of them crossed sideways and were bumped into by the door frame.

Chen Yuzhu could clearly feel the changes in his body, she was both ashamed and curious, and there was hope deep in her heart, although she didn't know what she was looking forward to, but there was an indescribable longing in her heart.

 Looking for a wave of monthly tickets and recommended tickets in the middle of the night~ My friends, are you there?

(End of this chapter)

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