Abandoned Women of the Age: Getting Rich by Spatial Warehouses

Chapter 300 It's Too Difficult For Her

Chapter 300 It's Too Difficult For Her

Qiao Daming gasped, "Zhu'er, it's terrible, you will kill me."

He suddenly felt that it was good to be stuck here.

The four eyes meet, cough cough.
"Da Ming, you poked me." As he spoke, Chen Yuzhu twisted his body a few times.What's with the inexplicable sense of accomplishment in my heart as I watched the man gasp in drunken eyes?

Qiao Daming turned his face away, his embarrassment was clearly evident in front of his woman, at this moment she was blushing from the face to the neck, he was afraid he couldn't help it.

"Ahem, no, why am I guilty?" They are now a newlywed couple with a certificate, what are they afraid of?

Hold each other's head and kiss fiercely.

"Zhu'er, today is our wedding day, I'm not polite, I really can't help it."

Chen Yuzhu was dizzy, squinting his eyes and said: "My back hurts because of the crowded door frame, hurry up and talk about it later."

"Well, you inhale and swallow your stomach. Mmm~" Qiao Daming uttered a long syllable comfortably.

The two finally squeezed out from the door frame, Qiao Daming hugged his wife and did not let go.

These days, I miss him so much, otherwise, the two of them wouldn't be able to help themselves to kissing each other in the mountains and forests.


He lowered his head and gnawed on the opponent's face, mouth, and neck.

"Hey, Daming, my shoe fell off."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take you to rest."

He had longed for her long ago, how could he compromise for just shoes.

When Yu Qing woke up from her afternoon nap, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Slept for an hour, hey, what should I do if I don't want to get up?"

Yu Qing lay on the sofa and stretched, but she just didn't want to get up.

It took another quarter of an hour on the sofa to reluctantly get up, turn on the computer and browse the web, and bought a lot of wedding supplies.

I bought ten electric hobs, and I also bought a lot of electric stove wires, and put them in the studio, and I will give them away when I have a chance.

Cooking at home is a big problem for her, so she bought a four-liter old-fashioned rice cooker and took it out later.

Cooking fumes are heavy, which is not good for the respiratory tract, lungs, and skin. Buy five old-fashioned range hoods. Except for your own use, the rest will be stored in the studio, which may be used in the future.

I bought a lot of melon seeds, candy and peanuts, and I will use them to entertain guests on May Day.

As for being discovered, how is it possible?

My family didn't know what I saved when I first came here, and they wouldn't doubt it when she took it out.And Xiang Yisen, who knew himself well, was in the city and left on the day of receiving the bride. Even if he saw these things, he would think they were prepared by grandma and dad.

On the day of the wedding, who would ask questions about such a trivial matter, and they would never think of asking this after May Day.

I bought a lot of products, and I couldn’t think of what was missing for a while. I didn’t want to embarrass myself and try my best to think about it. I turned off the computer and found that there was nothing to do in the studio, so I flashed it out.

Coming down from upstairs, Grandma Ruan had already woken up and was sitting on the porch chatting with Zhu Mei.

"Grandma, you're up."

The two who were chatting turned their heads, Grandma Ruan looked at her and smiled and said, "Well, I'm chatting with niece Zhu Mei, Qingqing, what do you go to work for?"

"I'm going to middle school tomorrow, and I'm going to work at eight o'clock."

"Oh, what are you going to do at home this afternoon?"

Yu Qing glanced at the clear sky and said, "I've been out for so many days, and I don't know what's wrong with the vegetable field. I'm going to water and fertilize the vegetable field in the afternoon."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhu Mei and asked with a smile, "What is Miss Zhu going to do this afternoon?"

"Some time ago, I ran up the mountain every day, and I haven't seen the vegetable field for a long time. I am going to water and weed in the afternoon."

"Then we will go together." Grandma Ruan said with a smile.

Zhu Mei chuckled softly: "Grandma Ruan, sister Qing and I don't share the same vegetable field. She was the first to open up wasteland. Let alone the location I'm looking for, it's only a few steps away from this residential area. My The vegetable field is far away, almost to the foot of the mountain."

"Really?" Grandma Ruan turned to look at Yu Qing lovingly, and smiled complacently, "Then our family, Qingqing, is really smart, she can think ahead of others in everything and take the first opportunity, yes, she is indeed the daughter of our Ruan family. "

The two listened to Grandma Ruan's boast but laughed in silence.

Grandma Ruan changed into a pair of old cloth shoes and rushed to carry the hoe. Yu Qing had no choice but to carry the bucket and lead the way.

Zhu Mei followed Grandma Ruan, and the group of three walked to the vegetable field.

As soon as they turned around their building, at the back of the building, Yu Qing saw Sister Pan. She was probably sweeping the floor with a broom.

"Girl Qing, when did you come back?" Sister Pan came over when she saw her.

Yu Qing happily asked: "I came back in the morning, Big Sister Pan hasn't gone to work until four o'clock, why are you sweeping the floor here?"

"I have something to do in the afternoon, so I'll do the cleaning first." Sister Pan noticed Grandma Ruan and asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

"This is my grandma. She came to the power station with me this morning. She hasn't been familiar with it yet." Yu Qing introduced to Grandma Ruan, "Grandma, this is Sister Pan from the Environmental Sanitation Department. Worked with me and took great care of me.”

Grandma Ruan put down her hoe, went up to hold Sister Pan's hand, and said a lot of words of thanks.

Elder Sister Pan felt a little embarrassed when she heard that, she blushed a lot, she really didn't help Yu Qing, how did she get into Grandma Ruan's mouth, she wondered if she saved Qing girl's life.

She was so guilty that she had to break free from Grandma Ruan's hand, and pulled Yu Qing to hide beside her.

"Qing girl, come here."

"Sister Pan, what's the matter?" Yu Qing put down the bucket on her shoulder.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she put a finger on her lips, pulled Yu Qing across a few windows, and stood beside a window.

Yu Qing was about to ask what was going on, but at this moment there was a sound coming from the window, she didn't pay attention at first.

Big Sister Pan leaned close to her ear and whispered teasingly: "Listen, there are quite exciting things in there. Listening more will help your newlyweds."

Yu Qing didn't think about other aspects at first, until she heard a slightly high and depressing moan coming from the window. Needless to say, there was an indescribable movement going on inside.

Accepting Sister Pan's teasing eyes again, her face flushed completely, oops!

Although she was joking about listening to the corner in the morning, she was still resistant to asking her to listen to it.

Especially there is an old aunt next to her who can't wait to peek at the corner of other people's beds. It's really not something a rookie like her can afford.

Yu Qing admired herself at this time, she could still think normally in her mind, and she couldn't tell whose room it was from the back of the building, but she insisted on counting the windows along the way under such circumstances.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, the eighth window, filter through the brain, a small apartment with two windows, this is.
Yu Qing wanted to cover her face!
Fortunately, she was alive, so Elder Sister Pan came up again and asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "Do you know whose room this is?"

Yu Qing wished she could disappear in place, she gritted her teeth and protested: "Sister, someone else is just married."

Saying that, she broke away from Sister Pan's holding her hand, wanted to tiptoe not to disturb the people inside, but also wanted to leave as quickly as possible, it was too hard for her.

Yu Qing thinks this is harder than being a thief!

(End of this chapter)

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