Chapter 301
From the eighth window to the first window, in a short distance, Yu Qing found that she was sweating a little in the back of her nervous vest.

"Sister Qing, what did Sister Pan want from you?" Zhu Mei was very curious about what Pan Li said when she pulled her aside.

Yu Qing's expression has returned to normal, but there is some sweat on her forehead, but others only think that she is hot, and no one thinks about it at all.

"Nothing, let's go."

She picked up the bucket and waved to Pan Li, then led Grandma Ruan forward.

Zhu Mei saw that Yu Qing's melon seedlings were growing on vines, "Sister Qing, your vegetable seedlings have grown, but the ground is a bit dry and needs to be watered."

"Well, I haven't come back for so many days, so I have to water it." Yu Qing put down the bucket, and walked around the vegetable field without rushing to work first.

The vegetable sprouts grew, but so did the grass.

Grandma Ruan looked at the size of this vegetable field, "Qingqing, is this vegetable field yours?"

"Yes, grandma, you can see that I grow a lot of vegetables, like this chili pepper, you can chop it when it is red, and then I will pickle some more and give you a few jars."

"Hehe, good, but a few jars are not needed, one jar is enough." Grandma Ruan is beautiful in her heart, her granddaughter thinks about them in everything, so cute!
Zhu Mei suggested on the side of the road: "Hehe, don't chop too many peppers, sister Qing can dry some more dried peppers and send them to your grandma."

"Well, that's a good idea. Dried peppers are better to carry." Yu Qing nodded.

"Grandma Ruan, you guys are busy first, I'm leaving." Zhu Mei's vegetable field is at the foot of the mountain, and the journey is a bit further.

"Niece Zhu Mei, go get busy."

When the people left, Grandma Ruan got down to the ground and bent over to pull up the grass that had just grown in the ground. The ground was just opened last year, and the soil was relatively soft, so the weeds were relatively easy to pull out.

Bamboo shoot shells were laid on the chili ridge at the beginning, and the weeds did not grow, so it was relatively clean.

Yu Qing picked up the weeds with a hoe, taking advantage of the few days before May [-]st to dig out the land, and after May [-]st, she didn't know when she would have time.

"Qingqing, these carob seedlings are all on the vines, and they need to be replanted, or else their vines will all climb to the ground."

"Yes, Grandma."

There are so many things to do, Yu Qing has a bit of a headache, there is something to do before the land is finished, how can I finish it before May [-]st?
Grandma Ruan slowly pulled the weeds in a ridge of land, and then she was so tired that she sat on a stone beside her to rest. Yu Qing didn't let her pull the weeds any more. She had to bend over to pull the weeds. The old man was not used to farm work, so she couldn't stand .

After resting enough, Grandma Ruan's waist also eased, and she said, "Qingqing, go and fetch water, and grandma will water it for you. You can just stand up and move your hands, so I won't be tired."

Yu Qing saw how bored she was sitting here, so she nodded in agreement, put down the hoe to pick up a load of water, put in compound fertilizer, and asked grandma to slowly water the vegetable seedlings she had gathered first.

I was busy until six o'clock in the afternoon, and half of the land was not collected.

It was time to go home and cook dinner. She put the hoe in the bucket and carried it home together, letting Grandma Ruan go back empty-handed.

When I got home and washed my hands with water, I found two blisters in my palms, which were not rotten, but hurt when touched by water.

Farm work is really not that easy to do.

The next day, Yu Qing woke up at about five o'clock at dawn, went into the studio to cook rice porridge, washed up and folded the bedding before going downstairs.

She didn't want to go for a run today, as she was busy with farm work, and doing farm work while running was the same as exercising.

Pick up the hoe and go to the vegetable field to continue doing the unfinished work yesterday.

She started working at five o'clock and was able to go home for breakfast at seven o'clock. In the middle of about an hour and a half, she worked four ridges of land.

There are still five ridges of land that have not been harvested. Come back after get off work in the afternoon and continue to work hard. I should be able to finish it today.

After returning home, she went into the kitchen and poured out the porridge that had been cooked in the studio, and fried omelets over the regenerated fire. Grandma Ruan heard the movement in the kitchen and walked over from the small apartment next door.

"Qingqing, where did you go this morning?"

"Grandma, I didn't go anywhere, I just went to the field to collect weeds. I just collected half of what was left yesterday, and the other half. I will work harder after get off work in the afternoon, and I will be able to collect all of them today."

When Grandma Ruan heard this, her heart ached, especially when she saw the sweat on her forehead, her heart ached beyond measure.

He couldn't help scolding: "Why are you so stubborn, kid? You can't finish your work. Wait for your father, your brother, and the others to come over, and they will finish it for you in less than an hour. Why are you so anxious? Get up so early, You have to go to work again later, you treat your body like iron!"

Yu Qing fried the last egg pancake, added water to the pot, and smiled casually: "Grandma, don't be angry, I'm not used to it, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself, you are far away in the provincial capital, what are you doing here?" Everything depends on me, I don't want to get into the habit of relying on others for everything."

Grandma Ruan's distressed eyes were hot, but she still tried her best not to lose her composure, "You child."

"Okay, grandma, come over and have breakfast. You see, I made rice porridge and egg pancakes. They are so fragrant and delicious."

"You can eat more if it's delicious."

Grandma Ruan felt sorry for her and kept making her eat more, making Yu Qing dumbfounded.

After clocking in at work, Yu Qing wandered around the factory area, and turned to the corridor on the second floor in front of the factory building. Quan Jifeng waved to her, "Xiao Yu, come up here."

Yu Qing waved her hand upwards, ran up the stairs, and took a look on the second floor, hey!The old fox is gone.

She ran to the door of his office again and called out, "Uncle Quan."

"The door is open, just come in directly, Xiao Yu, you are too polite, if it were your family, Yisen, that kid would just walk in without saying a word."

Yu Qing chuckled: "Hey, Uncle Quan, I'm a girl, and girls who are polite are attractive."

"Haha, you are right. Come and sit." Quan Jifeng sat behind the desk and pointed to the chair in front of the desk.

Yu Qing noticed that the other desk was empty, and asked a little curiously: "Uncle Quan, you and Uncle Qin have always been inseparable from Meng, Meng Buke, why didn't you see him today?"

"He's gone to the county seat." Quan Jifeng didn't say much, and then asked another question, "Xiao Yu, are you serious about the application form you handed us last time?"

Yu Qing knew that he was talking about the last time he applied to the purchasing department, so she nodded and said, "Seriously."

"The Purchasing Department is very tiring. I have to go on a business trip. Those who are not familiar with the place of life in other places may encounter some accidents and dangers, and sometimes they can't even take care of the family. Is that boy Issori okay?" Quan Jifeng asked again road.

"Uncle Quan, he has always supported me. He also knows about it. To be honest, he told me about it. Otherwise, how would I know that the station is going to set up a purchasing department in the city?"

 Good night ~ See you tomorrow ~
(End of this chapter)

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